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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion

Can someone please explain Drone Rodeo to me?

So when there is no opposing team, everyone switches to air drones.

Throws them in a location where you can jump on them.

There are several different objective (lulz) based game modes.
- see how many people can jump on one drone without dying. (5 is the record)
- see how long you can ride solo. 35 seconds is the record.
- see how many you can jump to and from solo. 14 is the record.
- see how many you can jump to and from with everyone else also jumping at the same time. Record is 6. When other people fall to their deaths, their drones disappear sp you have to keep this in mind when playing this Drone Rodeo Warzone.

We've found the Spire to be the greatest map due to it being stacked to levels and somewhat open. It also has the hilarious consequence of dying if you miss a jump.

If you have 8 drones in one area, most likely, they will stack and create a Blender. You do not want to jump into a Blender because the drones will smash and blend you to death. They'll eventually spit you out too. 3 drones is all that is required to start a Blender so us playing with 7 air drones out was hilarious.

This all sounds stupid, and that's because it is. We played it for an hour straight. Welcome to next-gen.


So when there is no opposing team, everyone switches to air drones.

Throws them in a location where you can jump on them.

There are several different objective (lulz) based game modes.
- see how many people can jump on one drone without dying. (5 is the record)
- see how long you can ride solo. 35 seconds is the record.
- see how many you can jump to and from solo. 10 is the record.
- see how many you can jump to and from with everyone else also jumping at the same time. Record is 6.

We've found the Spire to be the greatest map due to it being stacked to levels and somewhat open. It also has the hilarious consequence of dying if you miss a jump.

If you have 8 drones in one area, most likely, they will stack and create a Blender. You do not want to jump into a Blender because the drones will smash and blend you to death. They'll eventually spit you out too.

Hahaha that sounds hilarious! Did not know you could stand on Air Drones! xD


There are maps I still haven't been able to try cause the same few maps keep getting voted over and over again. You'd think I would've got that trophy by now considering I put 5+ hours in multiplayer so far.


It's kinda booring to play by myself, if someone is up for some gaming add me; isbjoernfromhell

I'm from Sweden but my english is decent enough, may be hard to find good hours to play together though if you're from NA.
Two words: Drone Rodeo

Best game type ever.

Haven't had that much fun in a game since Uncharted 2 melee only matches against randoms with GAF.

Stomach hurts so bad from laughing.

Tonight's winners:
Drone Rider Time Leader & Gold Chaps Champion:
35 seconds for Ref. (6 jumps)

Drone Jump leader:
10 jumps for Gallagher (32 seconds ride time)

Tomorrow we'll stream some Drone Rodeo games so y'all can enjoy us being stupid.

So much fun. I also like how the drones went sunset.jpg when their timer ran out.

Edit- Here's a quick picture I took of one of my screenshots

my interest is starting to dry up on this game. the camping in every round is just so very unsatisfying, whether you're the team being camped or the team doing the camping.

It's like...fuck the other 80% of the map...we'll only see those areas 3 times during this entire match...we'd rather sit in front of the base turret and fight there 100% of the game. The rest of the maps just serve as scenery and landscaping to traverse on the way to the where the camping is going on. Every TDM match is the same. And yea a lot of those matches are close despite the camping, but that's not even the point. It's obviously not the goal of the developers or they wouldn't have spent all that time on the design of the maps in the first place. If they wanted camp wars, they would have just designed a tunnel for everyone to funnel into and call it "Here's KZ:SF multiplayer. enjoy."

It's honestly one of the most dissatisfying experiences I've ever had in an FPS game, and I've been playing FPS games for 21 fucking years. I think the only way I'll escape it is by not playing my preferred Warzone mode (TDM). I guess I don't really have a choice. Also, the often times low frame rate is getting to me.

Foxix Von

I managed to record nearly our entire Drone Rodeo marathon. I'm uploading them to my Facebook account right now. I'll post the links tonight if they finish uploading before I go to bed, if they don't I'll try and get them posted tomorrow.

I apologize for my hyena laugh in advance, :lol


It's kinda booring to play by myself, if someone is up for some gaming add me; isbjoernfromhell

I'm from Sweden but my english is decent enough, may be hard to find good hours to play together though if you're from NA.

Swede here! I´ll add you when I get home =)
Swedish info:
Du borde också kolla in svenska spelforumet Loading.se Jag är moderator där och håller i Killzone spelandet. Jag kommer hålla klanen sen också då det sätter igång. Vi är rätt många även om de andra inte verkar så aktiva. Men vi har kört någon kväll och då sparkar vi rätt mycket stjärt.

I think the only way I'll escape it is by not playing my preferred Warzone mode (TDM). I guess I don't really have a choice.
I don't think they put much though into TDM. I don't care myself since I find that boring but too bad if that is what you prefer. Only once have I experienced anything like what you describe and then I was in the attacking team so to speak. I just backed away. Refused to win that way.

Foxix Von

Thanks for uploading the screenshot I messaged to you :p

you edited your post!

Yeah I thought it was a higher resolution image when I uploaded it. So I just removed it when I saw how bad it looked lol.

My laptop is fried so pretty much everything I post is from my phone :I

it's also why I was shifting between a bunch of avatars until I gained access to my old 14+ year old PC and a copy of Photoshop 7 to remake and properly crop my avatar :(

Foxix Von

Are there any videos from this "drone rodeo" event? I'm curious.

Actually, yes! Quite a bunch actually and they just finished being uploaded. I'd upload them to my youtube account, but as I mentioned earlier my good laptop is dead so I unfortunately have to link directly to my facebook.

Things got started simply. Sometimes it's difficult to find populated matches when you're searching with a large group so we tend to goof off a bunch -> Poor, poor Shooter Mcgavin

Which eventually led to us screwing around with arming bombs as a group and noticing some goofy drone collisions -> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1381473498770255&set=vb.100007228536821&type=3&theater

Which, naturally, after a few matches passed led to the first successful drone ride of the night -> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1381477162103222&set=vb.100007228536821&type=3&theater and then everyone attempting ride as many as possible in a random match -> Part 1, Part 2

After that, a custom gametype was made to explore more shenanigans.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Actually, yes! Quite a bunch actually and they just finished being uploaded. I'd upload them to my youtube account, but as I mentioned earlier my good laptop is dead so I unfortunately have to link directly to my facebook.

Things got started simply. Sometimes it's difficult to find populated matches when you're searching with a large group so we tend to goof off a bunch -> Poor, poor Shooter Mcgavin

Which eventually led to us screwing around with arming bombs as a group and noticing some goofy drone collisions -> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1381473498770255&set=vb.100007228536821&type=3&theater

Which, naturally, after a few matches passed led to the first successful drone ride of the night -> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1381477162103222&set=vb.100007228536821&type=3&theater and then everyone attempting ride as many as possible in a random match -> Part 1, Part 2

After that, a custom gametype was made to explore more shenanigans.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Aww yiss.

Edit- Foxix, you have an awesome laugh! It's really funny. And too bad your video didn't get everyone else's voices.


Yeah.... I started doing them today and I think this one is going to take the longest.... everyone just shoots them out of the sky in less than 10 seconds. Think I got about 50 kills from about 4-5 hours of play which is pretty bad.

Need to, no, but if you want the trophy, you do yes. Plus, if you level them the duration goes up each level, and cool-down drops to an eventual 10 seconds on everything at max rank.

Just depends what you want. Leveling them will come naturally from just playing the game, but I'm working on getting all the challenges for the trophies done ASAP, so...

Ah... but I unlocked spawn point at level XI then the trophy pop up saying I've maxed out an ability for support.

And anyone playing now? My PSN is Gskyace...


I'm getting my PS4 in a few days, any tips you guys can give to new players? I have never played KZ game online before. Are any weapons OP, are there any significant strategies going around now? Looking forward to playing soon.
I'm getting my PS4 in a few days, any tips you guys can give to new players? I have never played KZ game online before. Are any weapons OP, are there any significant strategies going around now? Looking forward to playing soon.

just play and have fun! :)
try out all the different classes, weapons and abilities.
and remember to play as a team.


Anyone have any tips for the Limpet Grenade challenge?

I have like 30 left to go, but it is taking forever. Weak grenades with an explosion delay, they're inferior to Frags by an incredible amount at least from what I have seen.


Swede here! I´ll add you when I get home =)
Swedish info:
Du borde också kolla in svenska spelforumet Loading.se Jag är moderator där och håller i Killzone spelandet. Jag kommer hålla klanen sen också då det sätter igång. Vi är rätt många även om de andra inte verkar så aktiva. Men vi har kört någon kväll och då sparkar vi rätt mycket stjärt. .
Holy shit, talk about hitting the jackpot!

I'll accept you when i come home, not sure when i will play next time though since i've been pretty into AssCreed the last couple of days. But if you see me online, hit me up with a message and i'll probably join!


my interest is starting to dry up on this game. the camping in every round is just so very unsatisfying, whether you're the team being camped or the team doing the camping.

It's like...fuck the other 80% of the map...we'll only see those areas 3 times during this entire match...we'd rather sit in front of the base turret and fight there 100% of the game. The rest of the maps just serve as scenery and landscaping to traverse on the way to the where the camping is going on. Every TDM match is the same. And yea a lot of those matches are close despite the camping, but that's not even the point. It's obviously not the goal of the developers or they wouldn't have spent all that time on the design of the maps in the first place. If they wanted camp wars, they would have just designed a tunnel for everyone to funnel into and call it "Here's KZ:SF multiplayer. enjoy."

It's honestly one of the most dissatisfying experiences I've ever had in an FPS game, and I've been playing FPS games for 21 fucking years. I think the only way I'll escape it is by not playing my preferred Warzone mode (TDM). I guess I don't really have a choice. Also, the often times low frame rate is getting to me.

TDM is probably the worst game type. I really can't figure out why anyone plays it anymore since it isn't fun and obviously wasn't the part of multiplayer they put a lot of time into. Warzones are great an rarely invovle camping unless it is 8 V 1. Try sidearms and explosives if you want a death match type playset.


Cross-posting this from the other KZ:SF thread, as it suits better here...

I just noticed that the Season Pass includes an upcoming co-op mode.
Priced at £15.99 / €19.99 / $19.99, the Season Pass' add-on content will kick off with the Online Co-Op Expansion Pack, which will add a whole new multiplayer mode in which up to four players must work together to fend off increasingly dangerous waves of enemies. It will contain four maps for this new mode, as well as a unique leveling system.

Following that, there will be three more expansions for the co-op mode, each containing two new maps.
That got me interested, as I don't like to play competitive multiplayer modes. The entry price is pretty steep though, and I wonder how much it will limit the player base. Has there been any word about its release date, or whether it can be bought separately?


Drone Rodeo sounds like a lot of fun.

How can I join?

The fact that they let people customise warzones is already paying off.

It's not really a custom warzone... More a function of the team auto balance not working. It you are in a server with an 8 man party and no opposing team it should put half of you to the other faction.

But good times :p


It's not really a custom warzone... More a function of the team auto balance not working. It you are in a server with an 8 man party and no opposing team it should put half of you to the other faction.

But good times :p

So how do you plan to do a rodeo? Can you force that to happen?

Either way, the ending result still looks fun lol
Just discovered the teleport ability. I think that's the weirdest ability I've seen on an FPS game. Just jumping around the map and seeing what's going on is so much fun though


It's not really a custom warzone... More a function of the team auto balance not working. It you are in a server with an 8 man party and no opposing team it should put half of you to the other faction.

But good times :p

At the same time I hate being split up form friends like in Battelfield. They just put you in the same server.
It would be great f they did something like
Split the 8 player in half.
For every new player that joins, one in the squad get pushed over to one side. Party leaders squad for example. So finally it would be 8vs8 with all party members on the same team.


It's not really a custom warzone... More a function of the team auto balance not working. It you are in a server with an 8 man party and no opposing team it should put half of you to the other faction.

But good times :p
I have been thinking about this too. If 14 GAF people play and Classic Warzone is selected and everyone is in the same party would it be an even 7 on 7 match?


I have been thinking about this too. If 14 GAF people play and Classic Warzone is selected and everyone is in the same party would it be an even 7 on 7 match?

You can't have more than 8 people in a party and it won't let you join classic with more than 7.


Hahaha I agree totally! Once in game chat is patched in I think playing with randoms will improve slightly.

I hope so. I'm afraid the randoms will either ignore you or imply they are going to have sexual relations with your mother if you suggest they do something.


So when there is no opposing team, everyone switches to air drones.

Throws them in a location where you can jump on them.

There are several different objective (lulz) based game modes.
- see how many people can jump on one drone without dying. (5 is the record)
- see how long you can ride solo. 35 seconds is the record.
- see how many you can jump to and from solo. 10 is the record.
- see how many you can jump to and from with everyone else also jumping at the same time. Record is 6. When other people fall to their deaths, their drones disappear sp you have to keep this in mind when playing this Drone Rodeo Warzone.

We've found the Spire to be the greatest map due to it being stacked to levels and somewhat open. It also has the hilarious consequence of dying if you miss a jump.

If you have 8 drones in one area, most likely, they will stack and create a Blender. You do not want to jump into a Blender because the drones will smash and blend you to death. They'll eventually spit you out too. 3 drones is all that is required to start a Blender so us playing with 7 air drones out was hilarious.

This all sounds stupid, and that's because it is. We played it for an hour straight. Welcome to next-gen.

Wow, the Killzone official facebook page just posted about Drone Rodeo by NeoGAF !!!

Haha I need to give this a go.

Will finally be playing again after smashing all of Breaking Bad in six days.


After playing the multiplayer quite a bit I have mixed feelings on it. The TDM has spiralled into rushing the enemy spawns, the spawn beacon definitely helps, but for some reason players will still spawn at spawn. This brings me onto the players themselves, maybe I'm just unlucky, but the players I've played with tend to be incredibly selfish. If I didn't play support the team would be lucky if they had one other support. They'll do stuff like hide behind a corner and watch you get shot in the back, they don't want to expose themselves because they want an easy kill. They also get so caught up shooting and dying at a choke points that they never watch their own backs, never turn around. I find myself watching the other direction because I know someone is gonna try to come round they other way. There seems to be very little teamwork, so I guess it's the players I'm having the most trouble with. I also watched 4 players stand around an enemy sentry, all almost touching it, ignoring it's existence while it killed people coming out of spawn. At a glance you think "clearly one of ours", until it kills them when they accidentally walk in front of it and then it kills you. You go outside on next spawn to find that the guts who are still surrounding it still haven't even noticed it, even though you can walk up to it and deconstruct it. It's free points :/

I like the maps for the most part and I like the feel of the shooting. Warzone I've played less of but I like it better in the sense that spawn camping is a less fruitful option, but dislike it in the sense that teams with a higher concentration of selfish players will get destroyed.

I enjoyed it the most when it first came out here and I'll continue playing in the hope that it gets better, that and it's the only PS4 game I have.

Edit: to the guy below I started getting lag yesterday. I had that 1 hit kill sniper rifle, I was having trouble with a specific player. I would shoot him, I'd see the hit notification, he didn't die, so I'm trying to dodge his shots while the reload animation plays out, he kills me before I've fully reloaded, he dies, I get the kill. Was happening with some other players too but not nearly as shocking as that one particular guy.
anyone notice any weird bouts of lag while playing online?

I never get any movement lag but sometimes it seems like the bullets don't register when they should.

For example: I played a match this morning and I surprised a sniper, I open fire with the default assault class machine gun (I forget the name) and dumped at least about half a magazine into the sniper, all the while getting the hit markers.

Then he turns around and OHKs me....Now I totally admit that I did not land any headshots but Ive put down other players much faster and with fewer bullets at longer ranges so it just seemed pretty wonky.

Or Ive been running around with the OHK sniper rifle and have shot people with it but received no hit markers even though they were directly in the crosshairs.

It doesn't seem to happen too often, but when it does, its definitely a "WTF?" moment.


TDM is probably the worst game type. I really can't figure out why anyone plays it anymore since it isn't fun and obviously wasn't the part of multiplayer they put a lot of time into. Warzones are great an rarely invovle camping unless it is 8 V 1. Try sidearms and explosives if you want a death match type playset.

I always sighed when it was TDM time in the Classic Warzone server, which is why I am enjoying the 24 player server a lot because no TDM.


I always sighed when it was TDM time in the Classic Warzone server, which is why I am enjoying the 24 player server a lot because no TDM.

I'm the same way. The My Little Friend warzone is great too as it is all objective and you play some of the gametypes not on classic or 24 person warzone like beacon defend and capture and move.


TLTR: My only issue is with Support players not rezzing. It is a primary ability, USE IT.

I have been playing this quite a bit and I am actually really enjoying it... however to go along with most people here I have some issues - and they're basically centred around other players and being selfish.

at least 85% of the games I play NO ONE drops spawn-points (and I only play 24 player Warzone) so most games I load up my support and drop the beacons. I honestly don't have a problem with this - I'm not gunning for trophies right now so I don't need to get all my turret kills or whatever. I just play to help my team.

But the part that REALLY pisses me off is people who play support and DON'T REZ. This is a primary ability and everyone has to equip it so honestly there is no reason for people not to be using it. Like honestly, you look at the player on the ground (FROM A DISTANCE) and click a button, easy 100 points (the same for getting a normal kill). I have had so many people walk over top of me and don't bother to rez. Last night there were 5 supports in THE SAME ROOM and not a single one of them could give me a rez. I even waited for at least a minute before giving up and re-spawning. Now I understand there is a cool-down for that ability but it's not that bad, especially if you use it all the time and level it up (mine is max level and I have only a couple hrs total of multi-player time). So please, if you are playing support use your main ability AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, especially in team games.
I love the sniping in this game. It is so satisfying to be able to provide good long distance support to a group of teammates who are trying to capture a beacon.

Generally speaking, I fucking hate sniping in most shooters, even on the PC. It always just feels... off. However, Shadow Fall just gets it right. A lot of it is that the DS4 sticks are fantastic and that there is no noticeable deadzone too so just the slightest touch of the analog stick and my scope is moving smoothly. Not having auto-aim has just forced me to be more careful in my shots and has improved my accuracy quite a bit. I don't find myself over compensating for my aim and I can lead and follow a target much better than I'm used too. And well, the framerate is key too.

All the scopes feel great too. Just enough information on the scope that I'm not missing my target cause I'm fighting with the scope.
Wow, the Killzone official facebook page just posted about Drone Rodeo by NeoGAF !!!

Awesome. Hahaha.

So how do you plan to do a rodeo? Can you force that to happen?

Either way, the ending result still looks fun lol

I have a custom game type that has one bot on easy on the other side (we never saw him once during our hour of playing). Everyone is in a party together to communicate so the max is 8 people. You could do 12 if you don't mind a communication barrier.

Yesterday, we actually had one person on the other team throwing up drones with us (he was still in our party, but eh). That was funny because it would shoot at ours, and us.
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