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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion

I'm the opposite of that. Pulver + Spawn for when I want to get stuck in, Sickle + Turret for when I want to hold back with my Turret.

I need to start leveling up a scout or assault ability to max to get the trophies but I just can't stop putting down turrets. Feels good when you just hear chirp after chirp because idiots are running into your turrets fire lol.

I have a custom Support slot just for the shotgun and turret. I named it "Engineer."


Man, the speed is so underrated! Was going to TOWN with it yesterday, racked up almost 20 melee kills. You're so fast, most people don't know what to do! Love it.

Also, it's incredibly useful for beacon capture. Lob a nade or two, rush moving around, most people can't keep their sights on you. Easy captures.


I have a custom Support slot just for the shotgun and turret. I named it "Engineer."
My spawn loadout was called Tactician initially.

Man, the speed is so underrated! Was going to TOWN with it yesterday, racked up almost 20 melee kills. You're so fast, most people don't know what to do! Love it.

Also, it's incredibly useful for beacon capture. Lob a nade or two, rush moving around, most people can't keep their sights on you. Easy captures.

Reminds me I need to start using Proximity Mines :p


i don't know what worse

leveling Air Drone or Drone Buddy between getting 400 kill for Air Drone or 300 kill for Buddy Drone... and if you are lucky you will get 1 or 2 in a single match, but for Buddy Drone it's worse since you need to die to let your drone get the kill, also the time that your drone stay with you is really short or i don't know.

but also the Nano Shield it's really hard to level that shit maybe because of the control, you need to press the D pad then pick an area to place it then R2, i don't know if it's possible with one click to deploy your shield to be faster..

and for people asking to Nerf Drones and Turrets i think they didn't try to level it, it's shit especially the Drone Buddy i got tons of Kill Assist but hardly any kill.



"hello?" "this is vagina"
Oh wow classic Warzone is so much better. Game was obviously balanced for this mode.

I shouldn't be so quick so assume higher player count is better. Kinda wish they didn't budge from increasing it, I reckon people would line the game more in general if they all experienced the slower, more tactical pace of 7v7.


The netcode in Killzone is so much better than in Ghosts. Never do bullets follow me around corners in Killzone and never do people stab me from 10 feet away.


~98 air drone kills remaining until all my class abilities will be leveled up completely.

Kinda nice timing, no work today. Going to be on most of the day today. Time to power grind!


~98 air drone kills remaining until all my class abilities will be leveled up completely.

Kinda nice timing, no work today. Going to be on most of the day today. Time to power grind!

Ref, you must impart your ninja secrets to us all... I still have so far to go on everything!


Clearly most of the 270k purchasers in NA bought it for it's exquisite singleplayer campaign and nothing more.

Crossing my fingers that the upcoming voice chat patch helps. I've stopped playing MP to focus on finishing on the campaign. Hope its out soonish.


i don't know if i read it here but There was a suggestion to swap L1 with one class ability on the D-Pad, this will make using the ability faster and more effective especially with Nano Shield, Speed Dash,Stun Blast and Teleport.

many abilities could benefit from such simple swap.


The netcode in Killzone is so much better than in Ghosts. Never do bullets follow me around corners in Killzone and never do people stab me from 10 feet away.

I was thinking what smooth sailing Killzone has been online. I've put in well over a day on there and noticed nearly no issues at all


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Awesome string of wins alongside Gaf's own Meppi tonight. Juggling 1st and 2nd place between us.

Really hitting my stride in the game now, feel indestructible at times.

Edit: Haha, yes! I have a custom tag now.


Awesome string of wins alongside Gaf's own Meppi tonight. Juggling 1st and 2nd place between us.

Really hitting my stride in the game now, feel indestructible at times.

Edit: Haha, yes! I have a custom tag now.

It suddenly clicks this game. It's clever too how you end up completely ignoring your K/D ratio and just going hell for leather for points and objectives

Also, how do you get a tag on here?!


Favorite weapon?
Because Shotgun
No seriosuly why?
BOOM! Double shotgun facelift!
Ok it is awesome on tighter maps as long as you hit. If you are not used to FPS on console any automatic weapon is better. Cause you will hit something.
The Sickle beats anything close range, if you hit. Beats nothing if that first shot misses.
It does fairly well over medium distance as long as you move in and out of cover.
In tunnels it is great for keeping people back. That read damage indicator scares people.
But on more open maps I go PNV-06.
Because "Now I have a machinegun. Ho. Ho. Ho"
Favorite weapon?
Because Shotgun
No seriosuly why?
BOOM! Double shotgun facelift!
Ok it is awesome on tighter maps as long as you hit. If you are not used to FPS on console any automatic weapon is better. Cause you will hit something.
The Sickle beats anything close range, if you hit. Beats nothing if that first shot misses.
It does fairly well over medium distance as long as you move in and out of cover.
In tunnels it is great for keeping people back. That read damage indicator scares people.
But on more open maps I go PNV-06.
Because "Now I have a machinegun. Ho. Ho. Ho"

It's the best weapon for The Penthouse. Once you have the fire rate timing down, you can weave in and out of doorways to take out dudes with ease. And in my experience something like 80% of all Scouts* who see me carrying The Sickle pee in their pants and teleport away.

*the other 20% kill me from behind :(
But as far as what I've noticed playing with/against Scouts, they're definitely the weakest and least relevant in Warzone...

I agree with you completely. I play scout exclusively and I think it is an under powered class.
Assault's have full-auto AR's that can snipe from across the map if needed, same with the Support's Stova or Pulver. The Spoor just seems like it has the drawbacks of most weapons without any of the benefits.

This, SOOO this. I can't agree with you more. I've been hit at such long distances by other classes and it always baffles me how they can kill me that quickly. I think the range of the guns for other classes needs to be nerfed a bit.

On one hand, he has primarily medium to long range weapons, but the Tactical Scan is a close-range ability that gives away his position. Why would he want to find targets within meters of his body when he is trying to find targets far away to snipe?
Again, you nailed it. The scout class should be better at CQC if they include abilities for close range. I think giving a 4 - 5 second buffer after a melee kill before the cloak disappears should be a bare minimum. I can understand if they don't let us sit there cloaked with a sniper rifle taking people out constantly but maybe we could use a weapon once with cloak ability before it goes away.
Rumbler+ACOG is my bread and butter. Love the shields too, use them to help team mates get to cover in firefights more so than shoot through them myself, but whatever. Wish the drone was more powerful, I'm still stuck on level 1 of that ability cause he barely gets any kills (though the assists are helpful).

Anyway, looking for people to play with, ranked or custom, doesn't matter, I just prefer Warzone to TDM.

1.4 K/D, but I don't really care about it, I like Warzone for the objective modes. If I'm not the one performing the objective, you'll usually find me covering the people who are.

I'm on the West coast, don't mind playing with people from all over.

Feel free to add me, just let me know what time zone you're in and when you're likely to play.
The Antitype, I just sent you a friend request. I won't be home this weekend, so no Killzone for me til Monday.

Also, quote the OP so you can see the Googke spreadsheet. There, you can see everyone's PSN ID and timezone. I live in Japan but can play with West Coast and Central GAF in their late evenings.


Just tried multiplayer on vita for the first time. It was much harder than I expected. The lag wasn't big but it was enough to be really really frustrating when trying to melee or shoot someone. Also I kept getting shot but couldn't see where the hell the bullets were coming form but that is pretty normal for The Station.

Remote play was great for single player but I don't think I'll use it often in multi.
I just finished my first match online. TDM, can't remember the name of the level. Pretty fun, albeit a bit chaotic as I have no sense of the map(s) yet. Too bad the visuals aren't up there with the campaign ( which looks absolutely amazing - even better than I expected ).

Anyway, I'm pretty glad that they decided to get rid of the XP -meter and just focus on the challenges.


Just played my first two matches and it seems I'll be quite good at this. :)
I'm looking for a few mates to play with.
Add me: bLaiSe_HUN (EU)


Awesome string of wins alongside Gaf's own Meppi tonight. Juggling 1st and 2nd place between us.

Really hitting my stride in the game now, feel indestructible at times.

Hehe, yeah it was a lot of fun. :)
And not surprisingly, when you left, our team got a heck of a lot worse. lol

Really should have started sooner tonight, but I was holding off a bit so I could start playing with a friend and didn't burn myself out to quickly.
Sadly he couldn't make it.
Had to get back into the swing of things a little as it had been a couple of days since I played KZ again. But it didn't take that long to get a feel for the game.
Really wish this was way more popular as it sure deserves it. Not quite KZ2 level, but very close I'd say.

Probably gonna stop playing BF4 for a while (hopefully longer) since I was able to convince my buddy to get Killzone as well. So weekly game nights should turn into KZ nights from now on if he has a good time with the MP.

If anyone wants to add me, I'm in Europe and my PSN is meppi64.
I don't use a mic though since my spoken English is beyond terrible and I'd spend more time concentrating on what I'm about to say that the objectives in the game.
When playing with friends, we tend to use FaceTime and speak dutch anyway. ;)


I agree with you completely. I play scout exclusively and I think it is an under powered class.

This, SOOO this. I can't agree with you more. I've been hit at such long distances by other classes and it always baffles me how they can kill me that quickly. I think the range of the guns for other classes needs to be nerfed a bit.

They got the Spoor wrong in MP. Default it should be one shot charged, L1 should be the burst fire mode. When you think of the gun this way you can understand its drawbacks.

A CQC weapon would not go amiss in the scout class though.
Was annoyed because there were not enough players in classic warzone and decided to try 24 TDM and OMG this game is terrible. I don't know why people play this shit, it's not even remotely fun.
Maybe I'm missing something but it seems it's filled with noob running everywhere and expert trolls who camp the same spots because they know the map.

It's weird how I'm doing great in classic warzone but can't seem to kill anybody in this clusterfuck who is TDM. I was thinking it could be a good way to relax, increase my skills and complete some challenges but it's clearly a waste of time.
Just added myself to the spreadsheet.....PSN: JustSomeGuy77

Usually rocking Support or Assault and teamplay is my main focus, constantly reviving and settting up spawn beacons.

Feel free to add me. I'm in Australia so +10GMT.


Ilúvatar;93602963 said:
Ref, you must impart your ninja secrets to us all... I still have so far to go on everything!

Don't ask me! Ask this guy, he had all the abilities upgraded 22 days ago.


Pretty sweet games tonight also, had a full team against us for the most part which is always fun. It's always a blast playing with GAF, playing with randoms with no voice communication is a nightmare... Also thanks everyone for putting up with me and my air drone kill rantings. I'm finally finished!



Holy crap, I just don't think I'll ever be able to max out all the upgrades. The buddy drone alone would be such a crappy grind.


Holy crap, I just don't think I'll ever be able to max out all the upgrades. The buddy drone alone would be such a crappy grind.

Do you think they might patch some of the grinds down a bit? I mean, turret and air drone are doable, but grindy. But buddy drone... you can play three matches with it out all the time and not get a kill with it. It's useless...

I personally got Spawn Beacon and Revive to their max level within a day of playing. It's just how I roll. I can't play Assault or Scout for toffee, though. Kamikaze charging into a group of enemies guarding an objective and stunning them all as assault and then watching them all fall to your teammate's fire is fun as hell though.

Scouts, though. As useless here as they are in every other multi shooter. Ban snipers! They do nothing!
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