More than half of my suicides are from the GL attachment.Just got the HE Grenade Launcher attachment, so gooooood. Would be better if it didn't need the space of the titanic to fire correctly, but hey.
More than half of my suicides are from the GL attachment.Just got the HE Grenade Launcher attachment, so gooooood. Would be better if it didn't need the space of the titanic to fire correctly, but hey.
Ever since the last patch all I see is cloaked scouts charging me every 2 seconds. It's getting ridiculous.
Assault also has useless abilities but at least they have the best weapons. I suppose the shield is good but the playstyle it produces is garbage.
Making 24 player TDM at the top of the list is ruining the community. They should have a better UI for sorting GG modes, featured community warzones, and banish TDM somewhere.1,000,000 sales, 1500 people playing TDM, 500 playing warzone.
Starting to think infinite playlists was an incredibly silly idea. :/
The whole class is stupid. Tactical echo is the only useful team ability
Scout is a point less class. Wish it had disguise with/instead of cloak
Or give it the spawn beacon so It has something to do. I hate cloaked rambos
I'm so confused by this. Multi player is so good and warzone is the much better game mode. I think the unlimited warzone was brilliant but there just aren't enough people playing online.1,000,000 sales, 1500 people playing TDM, 500 playing warzone.
Starting to think infinite playlists was an incredibly silly idea. :/
I'm so confused by this. Multi player is so good and warzone is the much better game mode. I think the unlimited warzone was brilliant but there just aren't enough people playing online.
I would love the warzone setup in Halo.
Didn't know this was a thing until recently. Vote I guess?
Increase the size of ammo supply crates
Ammo crates are too small when they are laid on the ground, nobody can't see them, you have to increase their size so that they could look like crates in KZ3. For the time being, they are usefull only for one who deploy it, because he is the only one to have this information as they are hard to spot...
Thanks a lot, I was looking for something like this, what a coincidence !
This is my contribution on this site, I have asked for that :
Didn't know this was a thing until recently. Vote I guess?
That specific game never went down. Pika chu never got online from what I saw.Does anybody know if the scrims against PKY Johntown was setting up ever went down tonight? Would have liked to have been there, even if we were getting rolled, love how much this game relies on team work against a good squad. I love the Assault weapons and said I was going to probably main Assault after I got the platinum, but I really came to like Support. I love the versatility. I find placing spawn beacons infinitely rewarding for some reason.
No news yet about my PS4 unfortunately, paid extra for priority shipping to them because I want it back ASAP. Also, did some last minute Christmas shopping today at Best Buy and picked up a Bone. Yep, you know which one I'm talking about. They had millions in stock, figured I'd grab one and see what's up, can always return it later, but at least it gives me something to fool around with in the mean time. Pro-tip: If you have one, add me! (Rehff)
It's nice to see though that there appears to be daily GAF parties still, hopefully some of you will still be playing when I get back!
If I had to vote for one thing it would be that support shouldn't get so much points for everything they do.
I don't play the other classes much anymore as I can always get first place being Support. Most kills, biggest k streaks, tons of points, heals, revives, etc. I just destroy with that, and anytime I look generally the first place spot goes to a support.
Didn't know this was a thing until recently. Vote I guess?
They could tone it down a notch, but even so I don't have a problem with Support getting the credit, especially if you're playing with randoms and practically running the show yourself.
What do incendiary rounds do for shotty? Just more damage? Is there a reason not to use it once unlocked?
Why would you do such a thing?Have the Support Class weapons been nerfed, or did I just get bad at the game after playing Blacklight for a while?
Why would you do such a thing?
The Valk does suck.So, i just assumed the Valk sucked but I've been beasting with it and the stun blast ability.
L1Sorry if this was already asked/answered but how the hell do you use alt fire in multiplayer?
Sorry if this was already asked/answered but how the hell do you use alt fire in multiplayer?
All the competitive players create their own customs servers to play each other.Nobody in competitive warzone and more people in TDM than the main 2 warzones put together. -_-
Speaking of competitive warzone I feel they could up the player count a little and they really need to reduce the amount of points you need to win a capture mission. It's impossible to actually win that way you just have to run the timer down.
Is anyone getting network errors? I'm unable to join any game. Also, I get a maintenece error when navigating the PS store.
You will see you gun change.
L1 I think.
Soften them up with your primary weapon first.It is impossible to upgrade your standard pistol since it is impossible to actual kill someone with a real weapon vs your weak pistol in MP