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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion


I think some of this is reasonable, some of these changes would absolutely awful.

Weapons during cloak? Hell no. Halo had that and it was awful. You get snipers that sit in a corner, cloak, and just camp. Awful.

Which ones? I'd love to hear what you think.

Weapons in cloak was a thing in the previous titles, didn't seem to break the game in any way. I should probably mention that my idea is to have the original Cloak back, which breaks after a kill (or shot? Can't recall).

At the moment there's very few sniper-friendly maps (The Station, The Wall), and it's very easy to spot a cloaked unit, especially one that doesn't relocate often, if you know where to look.

leng jai

Which ones? I'd love to hear what you think.

Weapons in cloak was a thing in the previous titles, didn't seem to break the game in any way. I should probably mention that my idea is to have the original Cloak back, which breaks after a kill (or shot? Can't recall).

At the moment there's very few sniper-friendly maps (The Station, The Wall), and it's very easy to spot a cloaked unit, especially one that doesn't relocate often, if you know where to look.

It broke cloak every time you fired a shit.
My ONE suggestion to make this MP not broken.

FIX THE SPAWN CAMPING. I was on The Forest just now and we couldn't step outside of our base forcefields without being killed almost instantly. You shouldn't be able to just set up a team with turrets and all kind of crazy crap. The spawn killing is just outrageous right now, and don't even get me started on The Park. That map is ENTIRELY spawn camping.
My ONE suggestion to make this MP not broken.

FIX THE SPAWN CAMPING. I was on The Forest just now and we couldn't step outside of our base forcefields without being killed almost instantly. You shouldn't be able to just set up a team with turrets and all kind of crazy crap. The spawn killing is just outrageous right now, and don't even get me started on The Park. That map is ENTIRELY spawn camping.
Lol, I had that same experience on The Forest. A few guys had us locked in the spawn, while one or two ran to the objectives. It was silly.


If there's one thing that's starting to annoy the shit out of me, it's having my shot perfectly lined up, about to pull the trigger, then in comes the teammate to block every single one of my bullets while the enemy can't aim for shit, is trying to hit the teammate, but kills me instead. Or when I have a perfectly lined up petrusite grenade that will completely stop the other team from getting a defuse or a capture, and then in comes the teammate to block it right after it's thrown. This shit happens all the time.

I don't really know what they can do about it though. It would be weird if you could shoot and throw grenades through your teammates, but I wouldn't be mad if they tried it out.
Lol, I had that same experience on The Forest. A few guys had us locked in the spawn, while one or two ran to the objectives. It was silly.

This is why I pretty much play only when I can party up with GAFfers. Most randoms aren't very good and end up getting trapped, but 3 GAFfers can always break out and set up spawn beacons.
I'm about to hop on in about 30mins. Anyone will be on? Name is CUTTHROATT- (With the dash at the end). And everyone please add me I have no friends on psn. I'm a good player, assault class, usually get about 17-20 kills per match.

Just got the game today and would like to get in with some Gaffers. I'm not bad and play objectives and support and whatnot.

PSN ID: CarlosVato
I'll add you!


The air support drones and to a lesser extent turrets really kill the multiplayer for me. It's completely antifun to get get killed by some annoying fucking bot. So I have to look up and unload a full clip into it, giving away my position and putting a big sign on my head saying "kill me now". Turrets can be annoying but you can use the environment as cover, go behind them and destroy them without firing a shot.

I could not agree more. Air Drones, Buddy drones, and turrets are annoying as fuck due to their perfect accuracy. They really need to be toned down.


Lol, I had that same experience on The Forest. A few guys had us locked in the spawn, while one or two ran to the objectives. It was silly.

The problem here is that eng on your team did not set up and mantain sapwn points at the start of the round.

For some reason i see very few engineers set up spawn points in this game. It's silly because it's the key to winning game and to avoid being spawn camped.

This is not a problem with the game mechanics, it's a problem originated from wrong wrong wrong player behaviour.
I only played for about 2 hours today but I racked up like 40 air drone kills. I only had like 65 previously even though I was going out of my way to try to get them since launch.

I think drones and turrets are fine. While they can be a pain in the ass sometimes (maybe limit the number that can be out at any giving time during a game/mode GG) Air drones usually only get you if you are alone or out in the open. The A.I. hesitates when it has to choose who to attack and that usually causes to stutter enough to get blown up before it can do any damage. Turrets have a really limited FOV, but have a long ass range which could be nerfed I guess.

Honestly the only thing I would change about Air Drones or Turrets would be to make it so that they cannot score headshots. Nothing is more infuriating than getting one shotted by a bot the instant you turn a corner.

Same for buddy drones, beef up the damage slightly, very slightly and don't allow headshots.

leng jai

A summation of what my team mates do:

- Shoot me in the back constantly for no good reason.
- Never cover me from behind rear ended by flankers.
- Stand in from of me when I'm about to kill someone while not killing anyone themselves.
- Block the doorways so I can't retreat from grenades or run out to reload.
- Jump in front of me as soon as I'm about to throw my grenade.
- Run backwards into me for no good reason in narrow passages.
- Rarely drop spawn beacons or ammo boxes.


A summation of what my team mates do:

- Shoot me in the back constantly for no good reason.
- Never cover me from behind rear ended by flankers.
- Stand in from of me when I'm about to kill someone while not killing anyone themselves.
- Block the doorways so I can't retreat from grenades or run out to reload.
- Jump in front of me as soon as I'm about to throw my grenade.
- Run backwards into me for no good reason in narrow passages.
- Rarely drop spawn beacons or ammo boxes.

Yep. I need to start playing with GAFfers.

PSN ID: Msharingan , if anyone needs a teammate.
A summation of what my team mates do:

- Shoot me in the back constantly for no good reason.
- Never cover me from behind rear ended by flankers.
- Stand in from of me when I'm about to kill someone while not killing anyone themselves.
- Block the doorways so I can't retreat from grenades or run out to reload.
- Jump in front of me as soon as I'm about to throw my grenade.
- Run backwards into me for no good reason in narrow passages.
- Rarely drop spawn beacons or ammo boxes.

To be fair, GAFfers do this to me, too :D

The running backward thing in narrow passages is probably because they saw an enemy waiting up ahead. I try to move back if I see one, but my teammates block me and we both eat a nade :(
If there's one thing that's starting to annoy the shit out of me, it's having my shot perfectly lined up, about to pull the trigger, then in comes the teammate to block every single one of my bullets while the enemy can't aim for shit, is trying to hit the teammate, but kills me instead. Or when I have a perfectly lined up petrusite grenade that will completely stop the other team from getting a defuse or a capture, and then in comes the teammate to block it right after it's thrown. This shit happens all the time.

I don't really know what they can do about it though. It would be weird if you could shoot and throw grenades through your teammates, but I wouldn't be mad if they tried it out.

One solution is to speed up the animation, at least for the nades. Takes way too long to throw grenades and somebody almost always blocks its path.
I'm glad you can't shoot while in cloak in this game. The harder it is for snipers to camp, the better. Snipers are annoying.

Hypothetical changes I would like to see:

-Enable weapons during Cloak; or at the very least, sidearms
-Tactical Echo doesn't give enemy visual cue of your position
-A full auto smg/rifle (Keyzer perhaps)

-Buddy Drone needs to be reworked so it doesn't actively tries to murder/kamikaze you
-Failing the above, Buddy Drone and Air Support need to switch classes
-Nano shield not requiring a second prompt to activate
-Access to some of the heavy weaponry (Sickle and Purger would be my pick) while removing some redundant ones (Breacher, Keyzer, Vlug)

-Voltage needs serious nerfs across the board. Shot charge, delay, damage, blast radius, reserve ammo, spread, range
-Larger fire spread for Purger, increased rev time
-Air Support damage reduced, drop detection on cloaked units, range reduced, uptime reduced
-No despawn for deployed Supply Box (as long as loadout is active) , visual cues for own team
-Removal of certain heavy weapons (Sickle, Purger), Breacher as the replacement shotgun
-Limited use on Spawn Beacon, or uptime reduced
-Turret firing angle reduced

This might be the worst thing I've ever seen and I pretty much disagree with nearly all of it. You must not be thinking this through. The thought of the assault class rocking the sickle with sprint......jesus, no. And sniper with assault rifle? No, do you not remember that terrible shit in KZ3?
The sickle is so goddamn fun to use. Clearing out a bunch of guys with it is so good.

So how goes everyone's race to the top in the Competition?
Im not sure if anyone else if having the same experience as me, but when there is no friends to play with I jump on a warzone with randoms. Lately alot of the 'newbies' or 'scrubs' have been playing well. Im referring to challenge level 150 and below.

I love winning when the majority of my team are low ranked, I feel a sense of pride, like a father....... that is weird?

I want to see this game have legs and by helping the new guys win and such I think this can be done. Have a Happy New Year Vektans and Helghans.
The sickle is so goddamn fun to use. Clearing out a bunch of guys with it is so good.

So how goes everyone's race to the top in the Competition?

So is smashing the enemy against the wall with it.



This might be the worst thing I've ever seen and I pretty much disagree with nearly all of it. You must not be thinking this through. The thought of the assault class rocking the sickle with sprint......jesus, no. And sniper with assault rifle? No, do you not remember that terrible shit in KZ3?

I've thought about it more than your post crapping on it, thanks for stopping by a discussion thread NOT to discuss the game though.

The Sickle swapping class suggestion is meant to address what I feel each class should represent. Assault, as the class name suggests, should be the frontline class that wreak havoc when up close and personal, but right now it's barely that. An Sickle assault with sprint on should be and feel powerful, but sprint is a relatively balanced skill in terms of uptime and cooldown, and it's nothing a well-placed turret/stun drone/shield/etc wouldn't stop. The real culprit of why this hypothetical combo would even be considered be too strong is really the Sickle itself, and that's a different balancing issue. How is it "the worst" to have 2 slots in a loadout to create a temporary powerful boost, when a class like Support consistently does it with 1?

Supports, on the other hand, supports other players with high utility abilities that benefits other members of the team. There's no reason why the class should have exclusive access to the most powerful shotgun in the game. And let's not forget the fact that supports enjoy the best selection of weaponry as well as abilities.

Keyzer to Sniper is an attempt to balance the classes, of which they are clearly not at the moment. I'm just as comfortable with removing it from Support.

I will admit I did not invest much time in KZ3, so I have no idea what the "terrible shit" is. KZ2 gave autos to multiple classes and it was fine. But the game we're discussing in here is Shadow Fall, and as it stands it ain't all cherry either.

Saved for those who actually wants to have a meaningful conversation about the multiplayer, instead of one that spared just enough brain cells to be as rude as possible while being completely off base.


Kind of sucks but seems like the best way to get high Win/Loss ratio is playing "just good enough". Keep your score as low as possible while still winning the game. Or else you will get teamed up with the worst.

Also just realised you can invite to party from player card. Gonna try and use that while playing wihtout friends.


I've thought about it more than your post crapping on it, thanks for stopping by a discussion thread NOT to discuss the game though.

The Sickle swapping class suggestion is meant to address what I feel each class should represent. Assault, as the class name suggests, should be the frontline class that wreak havoc when up close and personal, but right now it's barely that. An Sickle assault with sprint on should be and feel powerful, but sprint is a relatively balanced skill in terms of uptime and cooldown, and it's nothing a well-placed turret/stun drone/shield/etc wouldn't stop. The real culprit of why this hypothetical combo would even be considered be too strong is really the Sickle itself, and that's a different balancing issue.

Supports, on the other hand, supports other players with high utility abilities that benefits other members of the team. There's no reason why the class should have exclusive access to the most powerful shotgun in the game. And let's not forget the fact that supports enjoy the best selection of weaponry as well as abilities.

Keyzer to Sniper is an attempt to balance the classes, of which they are clearly not at the moment. I'm just as comfortable with removing it from Support.

I will admit I did not invest much time in KZ3, so I have no idea what the "terrible shit" is. KZ2 gave autos to multiple classes and it was fine. But the game we're discussing in here is Shadow Fall, and as it stands it ain't all cherry either.

Saved for those who actually wants to have a meaningful conversation about the multiplayer, instead of one that spared just enough brain cells to be as rude as possible.
Maybe you think these are good suggestions but they really are not. If you'd have played some more KZ3 you'd know that giving a weapon to a sniper in cloak can be disastrous and snipers should not run around with assault rifles. And these are just two points from your list.


Maybe you think these are good suggestions but they really are not. If you'd have played some more KZ3 you'd know that giving a weapon to a sniper in cloak can be disastrous and snipers should not run around with assault rifles. And these are just two points from your list.

Actually, that's a single point, and I also mentioned side-arms only as a possibility. Please read the original. I don't claim them to be good suggestions, but I also don't expect them all to be passed off as invalid just because someone disagree with a single thing without a proper rebuttal, and/or didn't read the rest.

Cloak right now is very limited in engagements when melee is your only option, and I feel like it needs something. That's all. Not having Tactical Echo locked as the primary skill could also open things up.
I've thought about it more than your post crapping on it, thanks for stopping by a discussion thread NOT to discuss the game though.

The Sickle swapping class suggestion is meant to address what I feel each class should represent. Assault, as the class name suggests, should be the frontline class that wreak havoc when up close and personal, but right now it's barely that. An Sickle assault with sprint on should be and feel powerful, but sprint is a relatively balanced skill in terms of uptime and cooldown, and it's nothing a well-placed turret/stun drone/shield/etc wouldn't stop. The real culprit of why this hypothetical combo would even be considered be too strong is really the Sickle itself, and that's a different balancing issue.

Supports, on the other hand, supports other players with high utility abilities that benefits other members of the team. There's no reason why the class should have exclusive access to the most powerful shotgun in the game. And let's not forget the fact that supports enjoy the best selection of weaponry as well as abilities.

Keyzer to Sniper is an attempt to balance the classes, of which they are clearly not at the moment. I'm just as comfortable with removing it from Support.

I will admit I did not invest much time in KZ3, so I have no idea what the "terrible shit" is. KZ2 gave autos to multiple classes and it was fine. But the game we're discussing in here is Shadow Fall, and as it stands it ain't all cherry either.

Saved for those who actually wants to have a meaningful conversation about the multiplayer, instead of one that spared just enough brain cells to be as rude as possible.

The assault class does wreak havoc up close. The Rumbler and Keyzer are easily the best guns in the game and are effective at close range. Heck, the Valk and other SMG are beast at close range when equipped with laser pointer. An assault with sickle would simply be too overpowered and all you would see is people sprinting around with their shotguns, strafing left and right--it would be an absolute mess. Or just running into an objective, stunning everyone and blasting away with the sickle. The assault class is for breaking enemy defense and for getting to the objective first, and it does just that. With sprint, stun, grenade launcher, and the best guns in the game a good assault player can clear a room, especially with back up. The class shouldn't be an unstoppable force which is what would happen if it had the sickle.

The support is for defending a point of interest, obvious by its stationary drone abilities, petrusite grenades, and its variety of close quarters weapons. The sickle is also the perfect weapon for close quarters defense. If you notice, all the support class guns are not very effective at long range(besides the Voltage which has other drawbacks) compared to the weapons of the other classes.

I'm not saying that the classes are perfectly balanced but your suggestions would basically ruin the whole design of the game. The scout class is under-powered but is mostly because of the map design. The maps simply aren't big enough to give the scout the advantage it should have with long range weapons. Giving him one of the best assault rifles in the game and letting him be able to shoot while cloaked would not make the game any better. KZ3 did this, it was annoying as fuck and neither fun or required any skill to be good at. GG got a lot of shit for it by the community and it's likely the reason the scout class is so underpowered now.

I apologize if I came off as rude, I just don't want to see this game ruined


Scout need something. Some way to help the team more. Not sure what but as of now I can't see any time I would like a Scout instead of an Assault or Support in my team.

Maybe give them the Air Drone?
Scout need something. Some way to help the team more. Not sure what but as of now I can't see any time I would like a Scout instead of an Assault or Support in my team.

Maybe give them the Air Drone?

I think their scan radius should be larger as well as not be visible on to the other team. The punt could use a buff in its rate of fire as well as an easier way to cancel.

Perhaps an ability to hack and takeover enemy turrets and drones? IDK. Gxgears's suggestion of not being detected by turrets/drones while in cloak is prob better. Like I said, the main issue with the class is the the map size. Hopefully the map packs have some larger scale maps like good ole Salamun Market or Pyrrhus.


I think their scan radius should be larger as well as not be visible on to the other team. The punt could use a buff in its rate of fire as well as an easier way to cancel.

Perhaps an ability to hack and takeover enemy turrets and drones? IDK. Gxgears's suggestion of not being detected by turrets/drones while in cloak is prob better. Like I said, the main issue with the class is the the map size. Hopefully the map packs have some larger scale maps like good ole Salamun Market or Pyrrhus.

Direct hit from Punt could stun Turrets/Drones for a while and also not detectable by any AI.


Scout need something. Some way to help the team more. Not sure what but as of now I can't see any time I would like a Scout instead of an Assault or Support in my team.

Maybe give them the Air Drone?

To be honest I'm pretty ok with the Scout class. It's very viable in a lot of situations. Small maps make it possible to echo multiple enemies and help the team identify positions. The Spoor is awesome now as a semi auto gun, but still takes two charged body shots to kill enemies.

Emergency teleport is also a awesome way to get a map started especially if the Bomb arming is a mission choice. It's cheap but I've armed plenty of things almost 10 seconds into a match.

Edit: Going to bed in first, will probably wake up in 7th. I really hope all of this effort is worth it. I've lost probably more than 100k in points due to disconnects which makes me feel even worse.
To be honest I'm pretty ok with the Scout class. It's very viable in a lot of situations. Small maps make it possible to echo multiple enemies and help the team identify positions. The Spoor is awesome now as a semi auto gun, but still takes two charged body shots to kill enemies.

Emergency teleport is also a awesome way to get a map started especially if the Bomb arming is a mission choice. It's cheap but I've armed plenty of things almost 10 seconds into a match.

The Spoor is actually pretty damn good. perfect headshot machine and it feels so good.


The assault class does wreak havoc up close. The Rumbler and Keyzer are easily the best guns in the game and are effective at close range. Heck, the Valk and other SMG are beast at close range when equipped with laser pointer. An assault with sickle would simply be too overpowered and all you would see is people sprinting around with their shotguns, strafing left and right--it would be an absolute mess. Or just running into an objective, stunning everyone and blasting away with the sickle. The assault class is for breaking enemy defense and for getting to the objective first, and it does just that. With sprint, stun, grenade launcher, and the best guns in the game a good assault player can clear a room, especially with back up. The class shouldn't be an unstoppable force which is what would happen if it had the sickle.
The assault class does wreak havoc...until it turns the corner and gets stopped dead in its tracks by a Support holding a Sickle. So yeah, it really doesn't. A strafing assault with sprint on isn't even close enough to being too fast to be untargetable, he's not going to be able to run into a room and clear it with a Sickle when turrets are sitting across the room, and he sure as hell won't be able to equip stun/sprint/Sickle/grenade launcher all at the same time.

What a Sickle Assault is going to be able to do, is to turn the corner quicker than a Sickle Support can, get a quick pick off (if someone's close enough), quickly retreats because the other team + turrets are about to light him up during pump-action, and hopefully gets a couple more because sprint has a short duration.

The support is for defending a a point of interest, obvious by its stationary drone abilities, petrusite grenades, and its variety of close quarters weapons. The sickle is also the perfect weapon for close quarters defense. If you notice, all the support class guns are not very effective at long range(besides the Voltage which has other drawbacks) compared to the weapons of the other classes.

Support weapons not effective at long range (which, relatively speaking, is really mid-range, with sniper rifles being in the long range category exclusively)? The class' got Pulver, Purger, and Voltage; I'm sorry, but that's just flat-out wrong. The support does excel at defending a point, but it's through area-of-denial methods (covering/suppression fire, area of effect, etc)- not with a 1-shot 1-kill weapon.

I'm not saying that the classes are perfectly balanced but your suggestions would basically ruin the whole design of the game. The scout class is under-powered but is mostly because of the map design. The maps simply aren't big enough to give the scout the advantage it should have with long range weapons. Giving him one of the best assault rifles in the game and letting him be able to shoot while cloak would not make the game any better. KZ3 did this, it was annoying as fuck and neither fun or required any skill to be good at. GG got a lot of shit for it by the community and it's likely the reason the scout class is so underpowered now.

I apologize if I came off as rude, I just don't want to see this game ruined

I should clarify that I made a mistake, I meant to suggest giving the Pulver to Scout. It's a middle-of-the-pack AR that I really liked as part of an all-purpose Support loadout. You've also conveniently ignored me mentioning side-arms in stealth as an alternative.

None of these hypothetical changes I've proposed is going to single-handedly "ruin" the game, you're using multiple points to collectively argue against singular changes when they're meant to individually address each skill/weapons' shortcomings. Example: you using a) weapons in Cloak and b) AR on Scout

"I'm not saying that the classes are perfectly balanced" is probably the understatement of the year pertaining to Shadow Fall. As it stands now the games are won and lost on the back of Supports. Guerrilla games made a conscious decision to trim the classes and distribute the weapons/abilities to the remaining ones. They also designed the maps. It's pretty apparent GG's made several wrong decisions that further compounds the imbalance in-game we have right now.


Ah damn. Inviting player to party while in a game does NOT mean you will stay in same team next game :(
Invited several to a party and two joined. Both got moved over to opposite team.


I'm on weekday afternoons and some weekends (EST). Looking for GAF players that actually understand the game and how to play the objectives. Feel free to invite me whenever you're on. I'm on the spreadsheet as well.

The assault class does wreak havoc...until it turns the corner and gets stopped dead in its tracks by a Support holding a Sickle. So yeah, it really doesn't. A strafing assault with sprint on isn't even close enough to being too fast to be untargetable, he's not going to be able to run into a room and clear it with a Sickle when turrets are sitting across the room, and he sure as hell won't be able to equip stun/sprint/Sickle/grenade launcher all at the same time.

What a Sickle Assault is going to be able to do, is to turn the corner quicker than a Sickle Support can, get a quick pick off (if someone's close enough), quickly retreats because the other team + turrets are about to light him up during pump-action, and hopefully gets a couple more because sprint has a short duration.

Support weapons not effective at long range (which, relatively speaking, is really mid-range, with sniper rifles being in the long range category exclusively)? The class' got Pulver, Purger, and Voltage; I'm sorry, but that's just flat-out wrong. The support does excel at defending a point, but it's through area-of-denial methods (covering/suppression fire, area of effect, etc)- not with a 1-shot 1-kill weapon.

I should clarify that I made a mistake, I meant to suggest giving the Pulver to Scout. It's a middle-of-the-pack AR that I really liked as part of an all-purpose Support loadout. You've also conveniently ignored me mentioning side-arms in stealth as an alternative.

None of these hypothetical changes I've proposed is going to single-handedly "ruin" the game, you're using multiple points to collectively argue against singular changes when they're meant to individually address each skill/weapons' shortcomings. Example: you using a) weapons in Cloak and b) AR on Scout

"I'm not saying that the classes are perfectly balanced" is probably the understatement of the year pertaining to Shadow Fall. As it stands now the games are won and lost on the back of Supports. Guerrilla games made a conscious decision to trim the classes and distribute the weapons/abilities to the remaining ones. They also designed the maps. It's pretty apparent GG's made several wrong decisions that further compounds the imbalance in-game we have right now.

The sickle assault would be a bit OP. I often use breacher in combination with speed and geurilla tactics and wreak havoc quite a lot of the time. The sickle is far more powerful than the breacher as it doesn't take like 4 hits to kill an enemy. In a map of close quarters, unless you went headlong into a bunch of guys you will most likely be the victor. Plus what do you mean sprint has short duration? It's plenty of time as it is. Plus the cool down is only 20 secs.

As you said, support is a mix of long and short range guns. The long range guns I find are a bit unwieldy but good for suppression, and not so much for holding down particular areas unlike the sickle. Plus the sickle has pretty shit range and anything in kind of short/medium distance takes like three hits to kill.

I for one also think enabling any kind of projectile weaponry while cloaked is a bad idea. What I think you can do is as you said, take away detection of cloaked enemies by bots cept buddy drone and MAYBE include the ability to throw your knife (could make it once per life)

I also don't think support should have revive relegated to a non cumpolsory ability. This would mean no one would pick it at all. Revive is absolutely amazing when you hVe a bunch of support guys just reviving everyone who is downed at lets say an objective... Perhaps make spawn even more enticing with more points?


Junior Member
I just played the MP for the first time last night for a little while. Wish you could move around a bit faster, but otherwise I thought it was alright.
Sorry Gxgear, I'm just going to have to disagree with all your counter arguments. I know for a fact that if Assault had sickle the game would most certainly turn to shit. I also don't think the game is that unbalanced either, I'd say its more balanced than what we see in the majority of shooters.


Same thing happened to me with BF4.

Try activating your PS4 as the primary PS4 and then resetting your licenses. Both options are found in SETTINGS > PSN, if I recall correctly. That did the trick for me.

Just got around to doing this, but just wanted to say thank you! It worked beautifully.
I've thought about it more than your post crapping on it, thanks for stopping by a discussion thread NOT to discuss the game though.

The Sickle swapping class suggestion is meant to address what I feel each class should represent. Assault, as the class name suggests, should be the frontline class that wreak havoc when up close and personal, but right now it's barely that. An Sickle assault with sprint on should be and feel powerful, but sprint is a relatively balanced skill in terms of uptime and cooldown, and it's nothing a well-placed turret/stun drone/shield/etc wouldn't stop. The real culprit of why this hypothetical combo would even be considered be too strong is really the Sickle itself, and that's a different balancing issue. How is it "the worst" to have 2 slots in a loadout to create a temporary powerful boost, when a class like Support consistently does it with 1?

Supports, on the other hand, supports other players with high utility abilities that benefits other members of the team. There's no reason why the class should have exclusive access to the most powerful shotgun in the game. And let's not forget the fact that supports enjoy the best selection of weaponry as well as abilities.

Keyzer to Sniper is an attempt to balance the classes, of which they are clearly not at the moment. I'm just as comfortable with removing it from Support.

I will admit I did not invest much time in KZ3, so I have no idea what the "terrible shit" is. KZ2 gave autos to multiple classes and it was fine. But the game we're discussing in here is Shadow Fall, and as it stands it ain't all cherry either.

Saved for those who actually wants to have a meaningful conversation about the multiplayer, instead of one that spared just enough brain cells to be as rude as possible while being completely off base.

I hope you didn't interpret mine to be rude. That said, I'm not a fan of weapons + cloak EVER. It ends up being a power used by griefers and campers to up their KDR and not help their team. They'll cloak, sit in a corner and just wait until the perfect moment.

Currently the cloak function is useful, just not for camping and griefing. The cloak is meant to sneak past enemy lines, or to get to a good spot to snipe without being seen. Only being able to knife one enemy helps it stay focused on that use instead of it being a tool to camp.

The support class has some of the best powers in the game (drones, turret, spawn points) but their weapons are not as useful in all situations. They're more designed to be behind the front lines and reviving and supporting the front line. I think they function well for that. The turret and the drone don't seem overpowered to me. Especially when a lot of the classes unlock the missle that kills them almost instantly.

The idea of nerfing the spawn beacon is not a very good one. It's one of the single best contributions to teamwork there is. Not nearly enough people use them. They take awhile to refresh anyway. I don't know why you would want to nerf them.

Assault is fine how it is. The weapons are the best overall. The shield is strong and the spamming of it is mitigated by having to press d-pad twice. The other abilities for this class aren't as strong, but the class is focused more on shooting and front lines than abilities.

I, personally, think the classes are pretty balanced as is. That said, I haven't played a Killzone game before, so I have no reference point to previous games.

I feel like a lot of the suggestions you have fundamentally change the core of the game. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but you're changes would make the game almost completely different.


How do you take a screenshot? Just press share? Or do you have to press share screenshot too?

I wish there was a way to do it without opening that screen.
If you are using the default settings, you can hold the share button to have it take a screenshot. You can change the settings so just tapping the button makes it do a screenshot.


How do you take a screenshot? Just press share? Or do you have to press share screenshot too?

I wish there was a way to do it without opening that screen.
As default you have to press the share button twice, but there as a quick screenshot setting if you want an instant screenshot with one press.

Edit: Beaten. I had it set to quick screenshot mode from the start and I gave false information, sorry.
Feel like I'm facing tougher players today, but just managed to go 24-11 in a TDM, really pleased with that. I actually own the game but this open weekend was the first time I put the MP on, think l'm going to play for the long haul. Great stuff.
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