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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion

I've seen 99 kills per match few days ago. What was the highest kill count that you guys seen so far?

My PB is 51 and the most I have seen is about 62 I think, I only play classic Warzone though.

The lag was an absolute killer for me this afternoon....stabbing guys 5 times for them to get straight back up and disappear from in front of me and 10secs later I get the kill pts but thankfully that's the first real lag I have encountered since release.

leng jai

Much obliged, kingdoug!

Ha. Between this and some being completely unaware of certain weapons even existing, it seems that there's a lot to be uncovered in SF by merely cycling right.

Think I just played you in a few games before. You have 88 on the end of your name right?


Haha welcome back!

We talked to Evilore and he decided to let you back on the forums but your top 20 prize goes to him. ; )
Hmmm not sure if worth it. lol

Ok so the last few day's I've been replaying some MP for KZ 2/3 and I can't believe how blind people are. How can people still be praising KZ2 saying it's the best MP in the KZ series. KZ SF has everything unlocked apart from attachments and completely upgraded abilities. KZ2 starts you off with a choice of two guns. KZ 3 is the same way you have to play a ton to unlock the weapons and abilities so a new person to the game will have a clear disadvantage to one who has poured in tons of hours.

KZ2's map design is all a wash to my eyes everything is the same color. SF takes great strides in showing the distinct difference between Vektan and Helgan architecture. The structures of the maps seem balanced in 2 but they aren't terrible in SF.

In sum, I just wish people would just stop saying that KZ2 is better than SF.

I put in KZ2 last week just to check it out. The less said the better. KZ3 though, man I loved that but SF is so good.


I put in KZ2 last week just to check it out. The less said the better. KZ3 though, man I loved that but SF is so good.

I'm in no way saying they're bad but if those were released now people would be saying that having everything locked away is bad. SF is my favorite MP though for a lot of reasons.


Ok so the last few day's I've been replaying some MP for KZ 2/3 and I can't believe how blind people are. How can people still be praising KZ2 saying it's the best MP in the KZ series. KZ SF has everything unlocked apart from attachments and completely upgraded abilities. KZ2 starts you off with a choice of two guns. KZ 3 is the same way you have to play a ton to unlock the weapons and abilities so a new person to the game will have a clear disadvantage to one who has poured in tons of hours.

KZ2's map design is all a wash to my eyes everything is the same color. SF takes great strides in showing the distinct difference between Vektan and Helgan architecture. The structures of the maps seem balanced in 2 but they aren't terrible in SF.

In sum, I just wish people would just stop saying that KZ2 is better than SF.

There is more to it than just having everything unlocked.

Maps overall I would probably give it to SF slightly but KZ2 does have 1 or 2 better maps overall ( market and academy in particular, both are better than all SF maps IMO, only the park and maybe forest coming close)

I just prefer the class layouts of KZ2 more ( in SF it feels like squashed, resulting in some things never being used, such as the ammo packs), revive system ( can kill downed enemies, can't revive someone from far away), squad system and also was more feature packed on launch in terms of clan wars. Overall it was better thought out.


One of my favorite things I have seen was a guy commit suicide caused by the explosion after a melee on my spawn beacon.

Uhhh I'd rather do that then let the spawn beacon stay. Spawn beacons are the best thing in the game and I'd rather suicide then let a whole team spawn on it.


Uhhh I'd rather do that then let the spawn beacon stay. Spawn beacons are the best thing in the game and I'd rather suicide then let a whole team spawn on it.
Oh definitely, I just thought it was funny and I imagine the guy didn't expect to die or he could have just shot it.
While I put SF ahead of KZ2 in terms of SP campaign, indeed KZ2 still reigns supreme with weapons and MP in general.
As I said in the other thread, I hate how GG finally gave in and made ADS the primary firing method (thank god for the Sickle in SF).
Hip firing was wonderful in KZ2 (almost as if GG expected you to play it primarily that way) and i'm still upset that it's no longer a standard that both them and other developers in general, go with T___T
I find hip firing very effective still. I think it's still a staple of the series.


Oh definitely, I just thought it was funny and I imagine the guy didn't expect to die or he could have just shot it.

I always expect to die when going for beacons. It's usually from invincible spawners but I've died many times from the spawn beacon.

I find hip firing very effective still. I think it's still a staple of the series.

Hip firing should always lose out to ADS. Games should reward skillful execution, it's another reason why I hate Sickle/Purger/Voltage.


Yeah I run into enemy spawn beacons like Randy Quaid at the end of Independence Day. I know I'm not coming back, but that shit has got to be destroyed.


Giving scout spawn beacons would effectively kill the problem of spawn trapping too, since they're the only class that can get out of the base in that situation consistently.

Seriously, this is the best solution. Someone must tell GG. I'm so tired always being the only one spawning beacons.
I always expect to die when going for beacons. It's usually from invincible spawners but I've died many times from the spawn beacon.

Hip firing should always lose out to ADS. Games should reward skillful execution, it's another reason why I hate Sickle/Purger/Voltage.
Not true at all. In a real life situation your enemy runs/walks around the corner(about 20feet away). You both have automatic weapons Who wins the showdown? The guy who shoots from the hip or the guy the is trying to line up his shot down the sights.
Down the sights is primarily for distance shooting. Have you seen Rambo or Predator?? Lol


Not true at all. In a real life situation your enemy runs/walks around the corner(about 20feet away). You both have automatic weapons Who wins the showdown? The guy who shoots from the hip or the guy the is trying to line up his shot down the sights.
Down the sights is primarily for distance shooting. Have you seen Rambo or Predator?? Lol

Video games aren't real life. But honestly who would want to play something where the less skillful person is winning 90% of the time. Everyone complains about turrets and air drones and those are not even controlled by a person.
So last night I ran into some of the funniest lag I've ever seen.

I join a friends game and get put on the opposite team. Run into my friend who brutal melees me, and for some reason the animation seems weird. My guy falls down kind of slow and lays there for a second. He runs off thinking everything is fine, but then I get right back up and shoot him in the face. I lost it, and he was not pleased!

I thought that maybe a teammate might of saved me at first, but my friend was still alive, and no one else was around. I was mashing the melee button, so maybe that combined with the already laggy match was just too much? I've seem some weird shit in online gaming, but that definitely takes the prize.
Video games aren't real life. But honestly who would want to play something where the less skillful person is winning 90% of the time. Everyone complains about turrets and air drones and those are not even controlled by a person.
ADS doesn't equal skill. You still have to aim from the hip.
Yeah the best time I got you was with brutal melee while you were throwing a grenade. Enjoy those 150 payback points?

Haha. I remember that. I was so glad when your name popped up. Giving me grief, you were.

Using the Sickle so much has kind of ruined my automatic skillz. I'm seriously addicted. It's just that good.


Just played a game, team getting based camped, highest guy on my team was level 560 or something. Put down one spawn, become top guy on team. Are you even trying people? Holy shit lol. Amateur hour when the Americans jump on :p

BTW Vultur x10 scope is god damn bonkers. Where is this shit even useful? You need to be down the opposite end of a 10 mile airstrip to make sure you can see something other than the hair growing out of the guys nose.

leng jai

The more skilled player is the one who knows when to use ADS and when to hipfire, depending upon the situation.

Hip fire = close range or when you don't have enough time to scope. Doesn't take that much skill decide.

Haha. I remember that. I was so glad when your name popped up. Giving me grief, you were.

Using the Sickle so much has kind of ruined my automatic skillz. I'm seriously addicted. It's just that good.

I like the Sickle but with my play style it's useless half the time. I've been seriously wrecking shit with the Rumbler lately - it's like a head shot machine.

Just played a game, team getting based camped, highest guy on my team was level 560 or something. Put down one spawn, become top guy on team. Are you even trying people? Holy shit lol. Amateur hour when the Americans jump on :p

BTW Vultur x10 scope is god damn bonkers. Where is this shit even useful? You need to be down the opposite end of a 10 mile airstrip to make sure you can see something other than the hair growing out of the guys nose.

It's useful on the Forest for spawn camping the other team without even leaving your own spawn.
People are starting to get this game...

Joined a match tonight and right away I saw 3 different spawn beacons on the map before I even started (^___^)
Needless to say, we dominated hard...


The Pulver is one of my favorite guns. My loadouts for support are just one for each ability, and each one using the Pulver with petrusite grenades.
I love the Sickle, it's my main weapon as I play support 90% of the time, droppping spawn beacons and turrets.

Once I got the timing down in between shots and worked out distance... oh baby. my stats show i kill 15 people more often than less than 15.

Also I really need to use the Judaz more, anyone like it?


Think I played against a Gaf crew last night. That was freakin rough. I could barely make it to any destination to even drop beacons. Hadn't played since before the updates and I'm liking the character chatter (reloading, placing beacon, etc).
I love the Sickle, it's my main weapon as I play support 90% of the time, droppping spawn beacons and turrets.

Once I got the timing down in between shots and worked out distance... oh baby. my stats show i kill 15 people more often than less than 15.

Also I really need to use the Judaz more, anyone like it?

I just unlocked the flashlight with the Judaz (75 kills). I think it's alright but it's a poor match with the Sickle, since the Judaz is just a weaker version of it. It's 2 hits to kill in close range and worthless mid/longe range. It fires a little faster than the Sickle but you have to reload constantly. I would pair it with the Pulver or Stova. You can hip fire with those up close then switch to the Judaz, but because it's slow it's best used when flanking an enemy. You can take 2 guys out quickly if you catch them from behind and no one sees you. If it had a little more damage or bigger magazine it might be better.


Battlefield games 20 times more frustrating.

20 times is a bit exaggerated.
Classic Warzone is 14 people.
Largest BF4 games are 64 people. Lets say you are going for objectives. That means 6 people in your team are idiots in Killzone compared to 31 in Battlefield. That would make Battlefield 4 only 5.1 times more frustratin than Killzone Shadow Fall


Well, finally got a response from Sony in regards to my PS4. They just got it yesterday. (For reference I think I sent it out to them on the 24th?).. but I guess that makes sense because of the holidays.

Anyways, it's faulty and they are going to send me out a new one in the next 3 days. Hoping to be back up and running next week for some KZ action!

For time being though, I've added whoever had Steam info in their profile that was on my FL on PSN to Steam. If I forgot anyone, add me!

Really want to get back to sickle-ing people in the face.
It seems like every match I'm in this, is the final result. It's irritating.



This game is so frustrating some times. Think I may quit soon and see how BF4 is.
Don't do it man! It's much more frustrating or at least it was for me. Fucking bush wookies, tanks, planes, etc. and snap-on aim ruined the enjoyment for me. But of course if you like those things then go for it.

Edit: Go play Warframe instead. :)


It seems like every match I'm in this, is the final result. It's irritating.


I get a lot of scoreboards where I am at #1 of everyone and my team is in the bottom. Sometimes thousands ahead of the top player in opposite team.
The trick is not to get TOO many points. Because that will make the matchmaking put all the worst players in your team to compensate. It does not take into consideration that one player can't win a game by them self.
So if you have a 3-0 lead. Stop scoring and maybe next round you will get to keep the few good players in your team.
If you are down 3-0 or 3-1. Stop scoring and maybe you will be matched with better players.

This of course is stupid and it should not be this way. The matchmaking should try to put people with high missions points in both teams since that shows somewhat that they at least try to do the objectives.

And no. I don't regularly stand still for last two mission when I have won. I just tried to see if it worked and it seemed to.
I figured it would split the top players up evenly but, it doesn't seem to do that. I was in a match where it was a little bit even and the next match 7 of the top ten went to one team (including the top 3; who were on different teams at the time). That match ended with us losing 1-4 and it wasn't even that close.


I figured it would split the top players up evenly but, it doesn't seem to do that. I was in a match where it was a little bit even and the next match 7 of the top ten went to one team (including the top 3; who were on different teams at the time). That match ended with us losing 1-4 and it wasn't even that close.

They wont split up friends in party which is probably what you encountered. Combined with some bad luck/matchmaking. The best way to play Killzone SF is Classic Warzone in a party with at least two friends.
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