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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion


When I abandon my strong completionist mindset and just run around with a Sickle and Spawn Beacons, I have so much fun. It's amazing to be able to influence the match so much, I really do find a lot of joy in that.

I wonder if GG is planning on introducing more classes with new abilities in the future? I get excited at the thought, maybe some sort of augmentation class that has abilities that can boost teammates ability within a range, or one that nullifies enemy abilities?
When I abandon my strong completionist mindset and just run around with a Sickle and Spawn Beacons, I have so much fun. It's amazing to be able to influence the match so much, I really do find a lot of joy in that.

I wish they nerfed the mp trophies.
never going to happen :(


When I abandon my strong completionist mindset and just run around with a Sickle and Spawn Beacons, I have so much fun. It's amazing to be able to influence the match so much, I really do find a lot of joy in that.

I wonder if GG is planning on introducing more classes with new abilities in the future? I get excited at the thought, maybe some sort of augmentation class that has abilities that can boost teammates ability within a range, or one that nullifies enemy abilities?

I always assumed that they would bring back the Infiltrator class at some point. I mean they revealed KZSF with it. Maybe in one of those "expansions".


I always assumed that they would bring back the Infiltrator class at some point. I mean they revealed KZSF with it. Maybe in one of those "expansions".

Don't really care for the infiltrator class. It was a noob-killer only. Anyone somewhat experienced was never fooled by them. Laughed a bit when we met a team that used one in a clan match in KZ2 xD Found it cute. And then proceeded to destroy them.


Don't really care for the infiltrator class. It was a noob-killer only. Anyone somewhat experienced was never fooled by them. Laughed a bit when we met a team that used one in a clan match in KZ2 xD Found it cute. And then proceeded to destroy them.

Yeah but it was actually useful in KZ3. Had faster sprint, the disguise was identical to the other models so it blended in well, bots wouldn't target you when disguised and you could arm bombs twice as fast.

I'll be happy with some character skins tbh. Classes could end up ruining the balance.


Decided to say fuck it and just play as assault, as much as I like the points the spawn beacons give and helping the team, the weapons are just so boring to use and not enjoyable.

The new m82 + shield + stun = a lot of fun and kills. If only the support had that weapon.
Since this evening I get kicked out of the lobby every time after the death animation.
something about making sure that port 443 is open, has something changed? never had this before...

New pet peeve, players that use the spawn beacons (yay) and place them right in front of our base (nay).
The spawn beacons the world deserves and has been waiting for boys and girls.
Unlocked the
35 hours of online gameplay
challenge last night. Time flies when you're having fun.

Not sure if that's spoiler worthy, just in case.


Finally tried assault guns. No wonder I get murdered when I play support guns against people who know what they are doing. lol

Also the scoreboard in this game is so dumb. Information is organized so poorly.

Don't do it man! It's much more frustrating or at least it was for me. Fucking bush wookies, tanks, planes, etc. and snap-on aim ruined the enjoyment for me. But of course if you like those things then go for it.

Edit: Go play Warframe instead. :)

Very near to this lol.


I tried playing online for the first time in like a week. A 7v7 game had everyone ice skating around getting ghost shotgun kills and my team was immediately spawn camped.

This game might be dead to me until they do something about their shitty servers. I will never understand what happened. There aren't even a lot of people playing the game. If they can't handle 2000 people playing at once, they need to hire some people who might actually know something about network code.

leng jai

I tried playing online for the first time in like a week. A 7v7 game had everyone ice skating around getting ghost shotgun kills and my team was immediately spawn camped.

This game might be dead to me until they do something about their shitty servers. I will never understand what happened. There aren't even a lot of people playing the game. If they can't handle 2000 people playing at once, they need to hire some people who might actually know something about network code.

It sounds like the problem is on your end. My lag is nowhere near that bad or constant.

I just spent a game on the Forest where literally all my 8 deaths were from air drones and stealth back stabs. I'm pretty sure drones/melee/grenades kills would make up for more than half my deaths in this game.
I've gotten the ice skating lag on The Slums more than any other map. What's up with that?

Also, running through a nano shield and stabbing the face of an enemy behind it will never get old.


Yep, we have a few gaffers already on a team and more are welcome. My PSN is johntown so just PM me there or here if your interested, have questions etc.

Thanks for signing me up John. How does the ladder system work? Do the clans just organize a time and date to play or are there set dates to play?


Thanks for signing me up John. How does the ladder system work? Do the clans just organize a time and date to play or are there set dates to play?
I added you to our team but if you want to get some guys from the UK together you can start another team. Might be easier for time differences. Otherwise, we can play On weekends which is generally what my team does now anyway. I added a few people to our team as extras in case the main people cannot make it.

Teams must be a minimum of 3, 5 is recommended but you can have more.

Yes you can organize matches with other teams via the site. Ideally one match a week.

Right now it is kind of a free play while we build the community but when tournaments start there will be set dates.


Oh that's cool. Didn't know you guys were getting in on the KZ action all this time. Here I was taking a break from KZ MP.


Strong lag today. And what's up with these declining player counts?

I'm thinking it's time to shelf this one and get good at BF4.
Strong lag today. And what's up with these declining player counts?
I think you answered your own question. Will come back if the lag gets fixed.

Hopefully this isn't one of those "the beatings will continue until morale improves" situations. But the free map support and patches mean I'll at least come back to the game and check on it from time to time.


I think you answered your own question. Will come back if the lag gets fixed.

Hopefully this isn't one of those "the beatings will continue until morale improves" situations. But the free map support and patches mean I'll at least come back to the game and check on it from time to time.

I really, really like playing this game online, but the lag has killed it for me recently. I just see it as a waste of time to be frustrated for an hour straight when I could just play something else instead.

The lag in this game might make me get really into BF4.
Well, yesterday I made the mistake of playing solo instead of with GAFfers (No one was online!)Nothing but dumb teammates. Who exits base camp and immediately sets up a spawn beacon?! Lost a match and quit out of 3 more, my W/L ratio goes from 2.07 to 1.77. Feels bad, man :(
The lag in this game might make me get really into BF4.


I bought BF4 for 65AUD and I still regret it. I would have played about 10 games before giving up on it and I'd say that at it's best, it was only marginally better than KZ at its worst. Dat auto-aim and spotty hit detection. So yucky.



I bought BF4 for 65AUD and I still regret it. I would have played about 10 games before giving up on it and I'd say that at it's best, it was only marginally better than KZ at its worst. Dat auto-aim and spotty hit detection. So yucky.

You are definitely not wrong. You literally press the ADS button and the crosshairs snap onto the enemy and you hold down the trigger. It's laughable compared to Killzone.

I do actually kinda enjoy it though. I may not take it as seriously from a skill standpoint, but flying around and coordinating large attacks is very fun in its own way.

leng jai


I bought BF4 for 65AUD and I still regret it. I would have played about 10 games before giving up on it and I'd say that at it's best, it was only marginally better than KZ at its worst. Dat auto-aim and spotty hit detection. So yucky.

I got it for free from my EA cousin and I still regret it. Played the shit out of BC2 back in the day too.

I'll probably revisit it down the track when all the bugs are fixed up.


Well, yesterday I made the mistake of playing solo instead of with GAFfers (No one was online!)Nothing but dumb teammates. Who exits base camp and immediately sets up a spawn beacon?! Lost a match and quit out of 3 more, my W/L ratio goes from 2.07 to 1.77. Feels bad, man :(

I know that feel bro. The worst is being put in 0-3 games. Might as well quit since it will be counted as a lost game. Felt great yesterday when I was put in a 0-2 game and turned it around to 3-2 :D "I will not go quietly into the night!"
I was up at 1.85 W/L ratio and was out in 0-3 games three times in a row. Now up at 1.75 again I think.

Still playing with a broken L2 button. So no flashlights or missiles or that fancy stuff xD Gonna send my controller back to Sony today. Maybe play some BF4 on my PC for a while. Or Skyrim. Better not start playing Skyrim againg....
I know that feel bro. The worst is being put in 0-3 games. Might as well quit since it will be counted as a lost game. Felt great yesterday when I was put in a 0-2 game and turned it around to 3-2 :D "I will not go quietly into the night!"
I was up at 1.85 W/L ratio and was out in 0-3 games three times in a row. Now up at 1.75 again I think.

Going into an 0-3 game and quitting out immediately ruins the W/L ratio :( You don't get a loss, but that game adds to total matches played. I'm never gonna solo again, need at least 2 GAFfers on my team to stand a chance.

Also, is there a bug with the Judaz and flashlight? I got one shot at close range with it; normally it takes two shots at the same range. I think I saw on guerilla's features request page that fixing the Judaz had some votes.


Also, is there a bug with the Judaz and flashlight? I got one shot at close range with it; normally it takes two shots at the same range. I think I saw on guerilla's features request page that fixing the Judaz had some votes.

It's hilariously bugged and has been for a while.


Going into an 0-3 game and quitting out immediately ruins the W/L ratio :( You don't get a loss, but that game adds to total matches played. I'm never gonna solo again, need at least 2 GAFfers on my team to stand a chance.

It will have the same effect as playing the game and loosing. But staying means next game might go the same way. The other team might be 7 GAFers in a party so you can't count on the matchmaking. Better to quit and find a new game.
I always try to join GAFers or other friends. But since most GAFers are Muricans we don't play the same times.
I am really warming up to this community request:

ight now, a big problem is that there aren't enough Spawn Beacons in pubs, forcing people who want to win to play Support CONSTANTLY. I propose splitting the current Support class into a new Support class and a Medic class. A possible idea for splitting:

Primary: Spawn
Secondary: Turret, Ammo
Weapons: same as current, except without the Helghast LMG

Primary: Revive
Secondary: Air Support, E-teleport
Weapons: Helghast LMG, the two Assault SMGs, Spoor


It would be great if you could do something else than just sit and wait when waiting for a spot to become free on a friends faction.
Being able to customize your character and such. Sometimes it takes a while.



That actually sounds really good. Then again things on paper don't always translate well in practice.

It could help to bring more spawns into public since most people seem to rather choose turrets over spawn. It could also make the support way to powerful but I suppose if you take away the revive then it becomes more balanced. I'd be interested to see what would happen if they did make this change.
Switching primary to Spawn is too much.

GG said that DLC Expansions would possibly include new classes and weapons. Its totally possible. Shadow Fall could be a very different game 6 months from now


Switching primary to Spawn is too much.

GG said that DLC Expansions would possibly include new classes and weapons. Its totally possible. Shadow Fall could be a very different game 6 months from now

Letting people have spawn beacons and turrets would be the stupidest thing I can imagine. A full team playing support can already throw out too many, I can't even imagine if everyone could have both.


Letting people have spawn beacons and turrets would be the stupidest thing I can imagine. A full team playing support can already throw out too many, I can't even imagine if everyone could have both.
You basically can already. Lay a spawn, die, lay a turret.

It would only speed up the process by 15 seconds.

Personally, I would rather have more people laying spawns.

Also, people would have to choose if they wanted revives instead of turrets. A whole team that cannot revive would have a disadvantage no matter how many turrets or beacons they had up.

IMO I still think it would be balanced.


True, but they need to change that as well.
Hmmm yeah that could work as well.

Maybe if you lay a spawn you cannot lay a bot until the spawn has expired. I am all for that or even limiting the number of turrets and air drones that can be out at once.


You basically can already. Lay a spawn, die, lay a turret.

This is what I try to do, but what happens is that I live too damn long. My natural inclination is to play objectively and not die, so I always find that I'm 5 minutes into the match and I'm still playing my damn spawn beacon loadout haha.

I don't personally see an issue with the classes/loadouts as they are now, though. I just wish they would have had the foresight to make the spawn beacon ability take longer to level up. I don't know what they were thinking with that. Why did they want people putting the most time into cloak kills and buddy drone kills? It's fucking baffling. If it took longer to level up spawn beacons, we'd have a ton of people laying them all the time.


This is what I try to do, but what happens is that I live too damn long. My natural inclination is to play objectively and not die, so I always find that I'm 5 minutes into the match and I'm still playing my damn spawn beacon loadout haha.

I don't personally see an issue with the classes/loadouts as they are now, though. I just wish they would have had the foresight to make the spawn beacon ability take longer to level up. I don't know what they were thinking with that. Why did they want people putting the most time into cloak kills and buddy drone kills? It's fucking baffling. If it took longer to level up spawn beacons, we'd have a ton of people laying them all the time.

I don't have a massive problem with the classes but I do miss the old 5 class system. It was nice in KZ2/3 to see 4 other classes doing shit. Now you get the same 3 guys running around.

The new Assault class has really distorted what it meant to be Tactician in the past. In KZ2/3 when you were tact you basically ran shit. You had the best gun and controlled the game. It had it's problems but it was good. Assault takes the power and leaves the Support with only team focused stuff.

Something needs to be done about ammo crates. I don't understand why it is a 2nd ability in Support. It could be tied to Spawns or something. Right now I'm changing classes every 2 mins to put shit down. Doesn't feel right that there needs to be one specialized guy that can only put down ammo. I shouldn't be trying to do everything, but here we are.
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