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Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Discussion


The lag has just been BRUTAL the past few days...its completely unacceptable as I've never seen anything like this in ANY other shooter on ANY other console...

Has GG acknowledged the issue at all?...

Got to be honest this makes GG look BAD...

Story time: I've got a friend that moved to New Jersey a year or so back for work...he comes back here just about every weekend because his fiance is still going to school up here...we hang out and play video games every Saturday...he has been a strictly Xbox gamer since the OGXbox has an Xbone and been playing BF and CoD on it since launch...

well the past few weekends he wanted to try a "different" shooter so I popped in KZ and he fell in love...so much so that he picked up a PS4 this past weekend...

And now we are trying to play this game together and it's just a straight up embarrassing, comical experience...


The lag has just been BRUTAL the past few days...its completely unacceptable as I've never seen anything like this in ANY other shooter on ANY other console...

Has GG acknowledged the issue at all?...

Got to be honest this makes GG look BAD...

Story time: I've got a friend that moved to New Jersey a year or so back for work...he comes back here just about every weekend because his fiance is still going to school up here...we hang out and play video games every Saturday...he has been a strictly Xbox gamer since the OGXbox has an Xbone and been playing BF and CoD on it since launch...

well the past few weekends he wanted to try a "different" shooter so I popped in KZ and he fell in love...so much so that he picked up a PS4 this past weekend...

And now we are trying to play this game together and it's just a straight up embarrassing, comical experience...

Should look at the official forums, the first 3 pages are a mix of people bitching about the lag and bot spam, it's actually kind of sad.
Glad (sorta) Im not alone in the lag area. I finally get the itch to finish all of the MP trophies, or at least start working on it and then this terrible lag comes. I tried resetting my router, changing my DNS, changing my Ethernet cable, but no luck. Everything else works fine so I assumed it was the game. I hope GG fixes this. I would like to platiunum this game someday, but for me, it is completely unplayable. I just went back to beating it on hard difficulty.
Oh God experienced the lag today in the most clustered map.. The Slums


The nightmares

Edit: Also to join up in clan matches I need to add you guys in the friends list right?
Wonder if the game have been mixing players across continents more. Europeans and Americans for example. because of declining userbase. That would cause more lag.

Player count numbers have been steady for a while now, lag is just a recent issue.

It all started around after the new patch


i have been playing quite a lot the past days and never had much problems. i can only recall one session or two at the most, where it was a bit laggy.

i'm from germany.

any numbers if that problem mostly occurs at us servers?


Eh, anyone else have everything in multiplayer unlocked, or did I miss something? Jumped onto a botzone match yesterday since I only had a couple minutes to kill, but then went to My Career and it showed everything was unlocked.

Edit: And while I'm thinking of it, anyone in the GAF clan in the States, or everyone overseas? Don't think I've run into anyone on from the GAF Clan yet.


Eh, anyone else have everything in multiplayer unlocked, or did I miss something? Jumped onto a botzone match yesterday since I only had a couple minutes to kill, but then went to My Career and it showed everything was unlocked.

Edit: And while I'm thinking of it, anyone in the GAF clan in the States, or everyone overseas? Don't think I've run into anyone on from the GAF Clan yet.

I'm in the US (upstate bumblefuck New York, to be exact)
Eh, anyone else have everything in multiplayer unlocked, or did I miss something? Jumped onto a botzone match yesterday since I only had a couple minutes to kill, but then went to My Career and it showed everything was unlocked.

Edit: And while I'm thinking of it, anyone in the GAF clan in the States, or everyone overseas? Don't think I've run into anyone on from the GAF Clan yet.

The same thing happened to me too. Just started playing KZ a few days ago and decided to try MP, but before that I tried botzone, to get the hang of things before going into an online match. When I checked my loadouts after botzone, i noticed everything was unlocked and thought that it was intended, so I equipped everything only to later find that nothing was to available to use during the match. A few matches later I checked my loadouts again (when I started suspecting that something might be wrong) and there were now lock icons all over the place.

Still, it's no gamebreaker, the MP is great!! A sure step up from KZ3 already, and feels almost as good as KZ2.
When playing botzone all your abilities are maxed out. It goes back to your current progression after playing an online game. ....



I think
I played for the first time in about 2 weeks. Everyone was a new Japanese player who didn't know what the Warzone objectives are, or the map layout. I was averaging 5 revives a second, and my turret and air drone racked up a hefty body count! And Guerilla had a Japanese voice track recorded. It was weird hearing Helghast speak Japanese.


At the killzone forum, one of the developers said:

sjorrit said:
Right now the party leader (the person who initiates matching) will determine the region for the whole party. We're finishing up the code to change this so that the match will be created in the region where most people come from (each party member will send his ping to the server).

I'm not quite getting my hopes up yet, though. This was on 2/20 and after posting that, he also posted some graphs and stuff that led him to the conclusion that things had already "gone back to normal" despite the horrible lag we've continued to see. He also posted the horrible all of you who are lagging are at fault, not us link again.

Here's the link to the thread on killzone.com if you want to read it but be warned that it's a terribly made forum.


The same thing happened to me too. Just started playing KZ a few days ago and decided to try MP, but before that I tried botzone, to get the hang of things before going into an online match. When I checked my loadouts after botzone, i noticed everything was unlocked and thought that it was intended, so I equipped everything only to later find that nothing was to available to use during the match. A few matches later I checked my loadouts again (when I started suspecting that something might be wrong) and there were now lock icons all over the place.

Still, it's no gamebreaker, the MP is great!! A sure step up from KZ3 already, and feels almost as good as KZ2.

Ah, so seems to be tied to botzone to an extent. And no, not a gamebreaker at all, just an interesting bug. Good to know it can't be exploited in MP though, which is good.

Love the MP in this game. Played well and with competant teammates, it can get pretty tactical at times, which I really like. Definitely scratching that Tactical FPS itch until the next R6 comes out (please!).
the frame rate in this game is horrible. They should really think about locking it at 60 FPS. Drop a few effects here or there or drop the resolution.

Varriable FPS fucking SUCKS


Neo Member
Posted this morning


Now that a week has passed since the release of 1.10 we have collected enough data to conclude that the lag did indeed increase. Because of this we have updated our servers this morning and rolled back the change we did to reduce the amount of network errors.

We're really sorry that this happened and we'll continue to monitor the lag statistics to confirm it is back to the pre 1.10 level.

Note that we're still working on improving the lag and there are a couple of changes underway.

I find the lack of players ... Disturbing.

It's ok I guess could be much better tho, hoping for a revitalising with the new maps.

Is it that there are really, truly, only 2500 people online at a time or is that they only show us what is relevant to us? I don't know if that has been answered yet (if it has I've missed it).

It's odd. With what looks like a terribly low number of players I never have any trouble at all finding a full match. Granted, I've run into the same people a few times but, that happens to me in almost all MP games.
Considering the game sold over a million, I find it hard to believe that so few people are ever on at any given time.

But who knows. All I know for sure is that the numbers I've seen online have been anemic since launch day, and that some modes have very, very few participants. No bueno.


Is it that there are really, truly, only 2500 people online at a time or is that they only show us what is relevant to us? I don't know if that has been answered yet (if it has I've missed it).

It's odd. With what looks like a terribly low number of players I never have any trouble at all finding a full match. Granted, I've run into the same people a few times but, that happens to me in almost all MP games.

Wow, the last few times I've been on it was half of that 2500 people. I wish I saw that many people online. The highest I ever saw was 5000 people and it was during the free weekend.

I don't understand the playercount either. They said they shipped over 2 million copies already and it's such an awesome MP game. I have to wonder how many people tried the MP for 3 minutes and hated it because of some obvious issues with grabbing a mass audience:

  • They need auto aim because they are COD-ified and you actually have to aim on your own in this game
  • They saw it was one of the laggiest online games ever created during one of its bad moments
  • They didn't immediately understand the objectives in warzone

It's so hard for a game like this to grab a casual player immediately, yet it's for all these reasons that its fans love it so much. I fear that we will never really see a strong following because XxSwag420FPSMasterYOLOxX would much rather play COD or Battlefield. And that's the vast majority of potential players.
Wow, the last few times I've been on it was half of that 2500 people. I wish I saw that many people online. The highest I ever saw was 5000 people and it was during the free weekend.

I don't understand the playercount either. They said they shipped over 2 million copies already and it's such an awesome MP game. I have to wonder how many people tried the MP for 3 minutes and hated it because of some obvious issues with grabbing a mass audience:

  • They need auto aim because they are COD-ified and you actually have to aim on your own in this game
  • They saw it was one of the laggiest online games ever created during one of its bad moments
  • They didn't immediately understand the objectives in warzone

It's so hard for a game like this to grab a casual player immediately, yet it's for all these reasons that its fans love it so much. I fear that we will never really see a strong following because XxSwag420FPSMasterYOLOxX would much rather play COD or Battlefield. And that's the vast majority of potential players.
As another who's played for about 50 hours...

I think the suggestion that there is a heavy amount of complexity, coupled with frustration being created by lack of autoaim causing less people to want to play the MP is grossly overstated. The game is anything but complicated, and since nobody has autoaim, I'd expect most people's KDA from other FPS games to translate nicely here. Recoil really isn't a problem in KZSF, and the characters run so slowly, it's pretty hard to *not* be able to keep your crosshairs on them.

No, I think it's more simple than that: the MP is just not all that good compared to other FPS options. Unless you have a party of GAFers to go out and play with, the state of the game is quite depressing. It's a very quiet game even today, with very little chatter (non-human filler talking) and no music. TDM is by far the most popular game type and devolves into an incredibly boring base-camping affair in 95% of TDM matches. Other modes are anemic in player count. Only 350 people total are playing Warzone right now. 200 playing classic Warzone. Enough people to get games in, but so few you often see the same randoms daily. Many players who picked it up in November/December didn't keep playing the MP long enough for the chat to be integrated. As you know, not being able to communicate in such a class-oriented game killed interest in the game for a lot of people. It just wasn't fun when you needed to communicate that more spawn beacons were needed but had no way to say it.

Even with its myriad of technical issues, BF4 is still a decidedly more entertaining experience *if you're not in a party*. I'd say most of KZSF's issues go away when you can go out with #TeamGAF or otherwise play with friends. But going solo? There are a lot more enjoyable experiences available on the PS4 right now, to be frank.
KZSF true problem all falls on the fact that it launched at the same time as two of the largest MP FPS franchises in history released. KZ has never been a massive franchise, and it was released to compete against the two biggest online fps juggernauts? Yea. And KZ2 and 3 never pulled in huge numbers either online.

Is it that there are really, truly, only 2500 people online at a time or is that they only show us what is relevant to us? I don't know if that has been answered yet (if it has I've missed it).

It's odd. With what looks like a terribly low number of players I never have any trouble at all finding a full match. Granted, I've run into the same people a few times but, that happens to me in almost all MP games.

You don't needs tens of thousands of players to have an active online community. People are spoiled by seeing massive numbers when they log into a game like CoD or Halo being advertised, yet you only still play a game with 24 or less players in a game. KZ2 and 3 didn't have a much larger online population either and those were going strong for years. I still play Battlefront 2 online after all these years and theres often less than 100 players online at once, yet no problem getting into a game.


I gave it a shot since they said they rolled back the change that brought on the lag. It was way better than it was the last time I played, but here are a couple fun gifs. I only played one match and I could have made 5 gifs like this.

(I would have died here whether there was lag or not, but it's a nice gif of the teleportation)

(It's hard to see what's going on here but he's trying to melee as he's running in so I put my shield down. His shot "goes through" my shield but in reality it was just laggy so his screen and my screen were showing different things happening at different times. He shot me before I put my shield down according to his system)

And here's a speed test I ran directly through the PS4's browser immediately after closing Killzone:

Nothing conclusive here so I won't get overly frustrated yet, but the first impression after the roll back isn't incredibly positive. I did only try one game, after all. But there's absolutely no way I'm going to accept that my connection is the issue here.


Speed testing isn't going to show anything worth a lick unless you ISP is really bad. Bandwidth isn't a issue for most anymore, but line quality still is (ping & jitter).

PingPlotter is a good program you can use to run on a PC at the same time and monitor it. Unfortunately we don't have KZ IP's to ping and test. I've been pinging BF4 servers.


there was definitely still a ton of lag for me tonight...i would say it was "better" but thats not really saying all that much...it seemed pretty 50/50 whether the kills would lag like crazy and take forever to register...

love the game...wish they could fix the lag...like i said a good friend of mine bought a PS4 just because of how much he liked playing this game at my house...

on the bright side we both co-op'ed our way to a Resogun Platinum Trophy over the past few days while waiting...but they need to get this squared away...hopefully some of the other fixes they mentioned on the official forum work...
It was somewhat better for me last night but, I still ran into some issues as well. It wasn't unplayable though so it was better...it seemed. FWIW, I ran speed test on my PS4 after playing to see if it actually could be my connection. I got 65Mbps down and 10Mbps up...I don't think it's my connection.


Been trying to get a lot more into KZ lately, enjoying the MP but would definitely enjoy it more if there was some people to team up with. PSN ID: Jeeves87 Can i get a clan invite?


So, hows everyone doing? LAG/No LAG/Less Lag?

gonna try it in a few after hearing some praise of fixing it. Crossing the fingers.


Is it me or is the FPS a bit more stable now? seems like it.

Also, what have SONY done with the controller/headphones?

The headphones I have do not have a microphone at all but when I connected them to the controller so I could listen to the game through it ( like I have done before without a problem) I noticed my sound was going through to the game and I could hear myself talking, does the controller have a microphone or something?


Another update:


We can confirm that our server update yesterday didn't help. We just performed another server update.

Unfortunately we can only see the results of that update tomorrow.

The lag seems to be happening almost exclusively in the US (judging from the people who post in the forum) and we're definitively not seeing it when we play the game from our office (in Amsterdam) / when I play it on my home connection.


So is this ISP's / net neutrality fallout, or does the NSA really enjoy killzone?
I haven't played in a while so I'm out of the loop, but has there been any word on the co-op mode this game is supposed to have at some point?

The last thing I remember was "soon".


Australian - still getting some lag last night - not myself, but other players 'ice-skating' around quite a bit. The other local guys I was playing with noticed it too - seemed to be the same guy(s) all the time, so maybe they were from another region.


TDM is just the "sponsored" Warzone (ie "pinned"), you can always create your own (but you need to fill it)

Tried out a small server and 24p Warzone, small server was pretty lag free and 24p was back to "normal lag". Looks like their update today worked (yesterdays did not).


Another update:


So is this ISP's / net neutrality fallout, or does the NSA really enjoy killzone?

Wow that is very interesting. It would also explain the fact that the majority of the people complaining about the lag are in the US and the people saying everything works fine aren't in the US.

But really, why would this be US-specific? With all the news about Comcast forcing Netflix to pay them and the Comcast-Time Warner merger, it makes me want to put on a tin foil hat. It's weird though because other games appear to run just fine.


have to say lag was exponentionally better tonight than it has been in over a week (East Coast US here)...much more like id expect a game to play...not perfect, but a LEAP in the right direction...

also nice surprise to see the rest of the maps added to TDM...

lol the Penthouse is an unbelievably stupid TDM map.

maybe so...but id rather it be included in the rotation for added variety
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