"Bad people deserve to die" is the same framework that justifies Wild West gun culture and racialized police escalation of violence to begin with. The only philosophy that leads to a world with less violence is one that believes that any use of violence is a bad thing--even if it sometimes also less bad than the alternative of not using violence.
The reasons why someone might get involved in a group like this are long and complicated and might involve mental illness or lack of opportunity (or if for some reason you believe in it, People Just Being Evil Very Bad People Who Are Bad) but irrespective of what brought us to this situation I hope we would all agree that for the sake of the deceased, his family and loved ones, the cop or cops who had to make the decision to shoot, their family and loved ones, and the broader community, it's regrettable that it got to this point.
It's fair to celebrate that relative to other outcomes, the number of casualties was low, but why celebrate casualties at all? The better outcome is if no one, including no Bad People, died. Relief is understandable, but a measure of sobriety when considering someone died costs nothing and makes us a kinder world.
i understand your point STUMP. i didn't mean to come off as "celebratory" or anything .. I'm not HAPPY the dude is dead, but I'm going on the assumption that he was an armed criminal who got shot by a cop. On the "sadness of death" scale that's close down at the bottom for me. It isn't a "tragedy" for me, is all i'm saying.