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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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How are you supposed to learn this game when I'm like Level 7 and every match is filled with smurfs raging at me for not doing exactly what they tell me to?

Mute anyone being negative.

If you're in Oceania region, I can queue with you since I need to level my only account there which is also level 7. I like tutoring new players.


Guys when will Zed be nerfed into the ground and never see play again? If there's a single champion I will always hate seeing I'm against it's Zed. People say he takes skill but he really doesn't. All he does in lane is WEQ and there goes half your health. Even if he gets a slight lead over you it's pretty much gg cause he can just all in you and you'll die instantly even with stuff like Exhaust on him.

He's strong in lane, after that he's not that great. Same with Leblanc. I don't really see him much as a problem champion.

Irelia on the other hand...
yea nootie's pretty dead on

both lebonk and zed have very easy lanes but they both have trouble later on if the enemy team itemizes correctly against them

they're also fairly well designed champions because they have good fallback patterns for when that happens. so if there are a million zhonyas and qsses in the enemy team zed can just go into splitpush mode and if people have a million banshees leblanc can still pop the shield with q and enable picks with the chains, or at least get people to waste their time chasing her

because of that they do take skill, there's a degree of sophistication to using them effectively under those circumstances

if your team is full of dumbos that don't built correctly tho, then yeah it doesn't take much for lebonk or zed to one shot whoever they want


I'm experimenting with new Swain builds and it is not going well haha

spell vamp tank
tear/roa into tank
straight damage

I think my old build still works well but I want something different (roa-sorcs-zhonyas-abyssal-rylais or liandrys-void staff)


Oh yea I agree. Swain's strongest in the midgame, and tear delays his power spikes.

I'm trying to get the right build path to spike me strongest mid-game and transition into a late-game bruiser that can protect carries if need be.
I just got called "toxic" because I told our Lee Sin that I expected him to gank for me and the adc before the 20 minute mark.



Why am I forced to dodge and loss lp and get a time restriction when I get people like this?

Talentz joined the room.
Stak In Elo Hell joined the room.
FML Shé Was 14 joined the room.
FML Shé Was 14: adc
Amanthys: oh vayne
Talentz: highly pref mid, ok at adc, can janna/thresh, suck at jungle and top
FTW DoViso: pref mid
Amanthys: i start torll
FML Shé Was 14: oh god
Amanthys: by Stak In Elo Hell
FML Shé Was 14: stfu plz
FML Shé Was 14: you stupid child
FTW DoViso: ?
Stak In Elo Hell: adc
Amanthys: why no again vayne mid?
Stak In Elo Hell: nop :(
Stak In Elo Hell: im adc now
Amanthys: np
Amanthys: just u mom get cancer again
Stak In Elo Hell: good :)

Is there ever gonna be a point where Riot implements something to solve trolls in champ select?


What option do I tick for me to use my middle mouse button as a map grabber/dragger?


This guy plays like I do, I cant seem to go back to my screen panning ways because I have way more fine control this way. I seem to change mice every few months because all the 10 year old mice in my house are starting to die, damn shame.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
This just in Baldur's Gate is fun nerds, you should all play it.

I'm vsing Phreak right now.

What's with all these famous people in my games?

You're just too good breh. Remember us when you join the aussie LCS or w/e its called.



this game was pretty insane

21/1 in kills and we got destroyed.

it was an all diamonds team (tho low diamonds so at least i can say for myself i shit on yasuu in lane) that basically rode off our irelia getting beaten in lane really hard by nasus so we couldn't ever get anything

we got 1 3 1'd the whole game and since it took three people to kill nasus we were always losing turrets or dragons or whatever

pretty depressing game to lose but our comp was pretty bad and we just got rode (rid? what's the word lol) in circles

shows the difference between good and bad players, really

one single kill in the whole game

like fuck

I'll do it if I have to
you in particular have no choice



that game was the very definition of getting toyed with

and in case something was missing they were super toxic


Games like that are a good reminder about towers (and dragon / baron if possible) being more important than kills.

it's mostly a reminder of how weak shotcalling can leave you easy prey for more coordinated teams

it's not that we weren't looking for objectives, it's that we had such awful wave control (my brother playing irelia was essentially delivering stacks to nasus all game) that we were always pushed back and we could never take the initiative. they literally got everything for free because of how bad we were at keeping everything pushed

also we had a really shitty comp i think


it's mostly a reminder of how weak shotcalling can leave you easy prey for more coordinated teams

it's not that we weren't looking for objectives, it's that we had such awful wave control (my brother playing irelia was essentially delivering stacks to nasus all game) that we were always pushed back and we could never take the initiative. they literally got everything for free because of how bad we were at keeping everything pushed

also we had a really shitty comp i think
Having a bad composition can lead to not getting objectives, which is part of objectives probably being more important than kills.

Having awful wave control and/or poor shotcalling can also lead to not getting objectives, which is part of objectives probably being more important than kills.

It's turtles all the way down.


ok except "objectives being more important than kills" is actually not very useful advice for someone that's played a million matches of this game. i already know that, it's the fact that we got put in a position in which we couldn't get objectives after kills that's interesting and our mistake was letting ourselves get in that situation

i'm actually gonna record that game cos i think it's kind of interesting to dissect

and depressing

very depressing


ok except "objectives being more important than kills" is actually not very useful advice for someone that's played a million matches of this game. i already know that, it's the fact that we got put in a position in which we couldn't get objectives after kills that's interesting and our mistake was letting ourselves get in that situation

i'm actually gonna record that game cos i think it's kind of interesting to dissect

and depressing

very depressing

Sorry Zky! I had something similar happen to us once (Nasus and Udyr were on their team) and despite being like 30 kills over we still lost. These sort of defeats are really annoying because as you see your towers go down like nothing and you're kinda sitting there like wat. ._.

Anyway, kinda off-topic but I recently bought Ezreal (I know I know...) and I was looking into some tips before I sink in some Normal games into him. Mostly as ADC. Should I prioritize Muramana or Triforce first item? Tear into Triforce? I guess Muramana is somewhat helpful versus the current tank meta to help in the earlier stages? Also some tips on playstyle would help immensely too, thanks!

Also, super off-topic, been thinking of adopting a cat, look at this beauty! .____. So cute my god



i think one big part is our team's champion pool being limited because most people swap roles and end up playing very few champions in each

that was also like our "b team" so it was even more limited

only me and a team support player actually main roles and have some pick variety, and sometimes we get outpicked against splitpushing teams and we lack initiation and can't figure out for the life of us what to do, which is very frustrating

champions like tryndamere or udyr are often really frustrating for shitty players like ourselves that can't easily "turn it on" and counter splitpushing

a team is much better but has other issues, including champion pools

really difficult sometimes to get your team to tryhard the way you want it cos it's like real life friends and shit



cats are awesome

you should get one of those

i wish i had a cat


ok except "objectives being more important than kills" is actually not very useful advice for someone that's played a million matches of this game. i already know that, it's the fact that we got put in a position in which we couldn't get objectives after kills that's interesting and our mistake was letting ourselves get in that situation

i'm actually gonna record that game cos i think it's kind of interesting to dissect

and depressing

very depressing
I'd have to say, objectives are more important than kills in that case.


Our problem is my friends and I are really tryhard lol, like even in shit like URF. We're always very vocal on voice chat among ourselves because well, it's been like almost a decade playing together online games and such, so sometimes we can be a bit hmm "brotastic"? Like you are mean and it sounds mean to others but idk, it seems to work and nobody seems to take offense (and if something sits wrong, we usually share it).

We also struggle with the small champion pools, I mean, we have a friend who basically only plays Kennen, Sona or Garen, lol and then another one who only plays Warwick, Amumu or Soraka/Nami. ._. Then I am always stuck with ADC and I end up backseat-supporting, which is never a good experience for any of us lol.

This cat is called Rio and he looks so adorable! I am just worried that the only sort of yard is the communal one in the apartment block. All the cats I've had before (with my parents) were feral/forest cats that basically stayed during the day and ate and during the night they slept outside. The apartment we live in is not small but I wouldn't want a cat to feel caged, even if motivated with playtime etc.


i dunno two of my best friends have like those cats people give out for free and the cats just chill at the apartment

in fact my friend tells me a story about his cat seeing a pidgeon resting on his balcony and jumping to like kill it or something and falling to the streets. it was only a second floor and it's a cat so you know, no biggie, but when my friend rushed the stairs he found the cat with a total GET ME OUTTA HERE face

so like

cats are home buddies, i don't think rio will feel caged

I'd have to say, objectives are more important than kills in that case.



relies on auto-aim
It's not your fault, blame rito for making it so you dont lose gold on death.

Also those cats are cute.


Sorry zky, but I'm with Newt on this, you really could've won that game. I shudder to ever risk watching that match >_>;


All you had to do was push mid and dive them. Too much hesitation and stalling lost you that ranked 5s game.

Never respond to 1-3-1 pushes. Teams who do this are just spoiled children looking for attention. Ignore them.

Looks like you guys were strong enough to just completely annihilate a 5v3 with liss engages. Not even nasus tp can save a team like that if cc is managed well between liss, morg and grag.


Sorry zky, but I'm with Newt on this, you really could've won that game. I shudder to ever risk watching that match >_>;

i'm gonna watch it later and it's probably gonna be frustrating as fuck

All you had to do was push mid and dive them. Too much hesitation and stalling lost you that ranked 5s game.

Never respond to 1-3-1 pushes. Teams who do this are just spoiled children looking for attention. Ignore them.

Looks like you guys were strong enough to just completely annihilate a 5v3 with liss engages. Not even nasus tp can save a team like that if cc is managed well between liss, morg and grag.
yeah, really big mistake on our part to let us get played around

i really wasn't paying attention to the scoreboard and didn't realize how far ahead in kills we were. it didn't feel like it at all, and actually if i look at the match history graph we were down in gold for the whole game because of how few towers we were had compared to them. we literally only took one turret in the entire game

we should've done as you say, just group and force a fight, then start taking turrets and suddenly we would've have a huge gold upswing

too much hesitation and people not taking charge

every time i wonder why we're all plat or whatever and then look at our teams and it always lands in low gold it's because of our bad shotcalling. i need to grow some confidence on that and be the leader my team needs!


Too much time going back to base to buy your upgrades instead of pushing after scoring some kills

Also, PoE is pretty sweet, but URF is limited

nerd lyfe is tough


eternity is so hard

first i have to wait until i buy a new videocard so i can run it

and then i have to think about waiting for an mod that removes all the spiders or just try to brave through it


Fuck Talon in URF.
U havent seen Leblanc or AP Alistar on URF? One has thousands of dashes and can one shot u, the other can one shot u, CC the shit out of u with his knockups and be nigh unkillable tanky. >.> Ban ban ban!
I think Talon is quite beatable, because he got neither of them, only damage.
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