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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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btw shitty patch notes that dont matter for shit

Enchantment: Cinderhulk rip cinderhulk?
Damage changed to to 15 ( + .6 per level) ramping up to 30 (+1.2 per level) from 16 (+1 per level) ramping up to 24 (+1.5 per level)

Unspeakable Horror (E) active damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from 50/100/150/200/250

Event Horizon (E) [Tooltip now lists the delay at .5 seconds from .75]


People bringing up the subwars thing in trick's chat and mods telling them to message the team2g email, lol

Like they literally trademarked the word subwars
I don't want Nocturne buffs. He's my primary jungle since last season. I don't want to see another Ziggs (few buffs that lead to tons of nerfs).

Nocturne is OK right now. The BOTRK buff is pretty amazing for the red Smite build path.


Of all the design the chose Sailor chibimoon?



lux skin should have like a TRANSFORM when she spawns

also like an action pose

that you can like spam

omg this is so good


Episode 1 - A Guardian is Born: Lux's Starlight Transformation
"In the name of Demacia, I will punish you!"

By day, Lux Crownguard is just a shy, studious student studying for her studies. But with the power of love and light of the stars, she transforms into a light binding, evil fighting, lovely solider of Demacia! Enter, Star Guardian Lux! IM SO LOVING THIS

* Completely new model (ribbons, stars and cute things!) CUTE THINGS
* New particles for abilities! (stars and sparkles!) NEW VFX
* New recall! (she spins around magically!) YESSSSSSSSSS
* New ability SFX! (can you even get more magical?) IDGAF ABOUT THIS COS ILL BE LISTEN TO ANIMU MUSIC BTU STILL OMG
* Some new animations! (a cute new idle, and a new dance! Can you tell where the dance is from?) A FUCKING DANCE THANK YOU RITO
* Small quality of life adjustment for the AoE indicator for her (E) Lucent Singularity. The ring has been adjusted to better represent the actual size of the ability. QOL CHANGES BECAUSE WHY THE HELL NOT
As players who get the first look at this in-progress skin, it would be wonderful to hear your thoughts and feelings on the new Star Guardian skin! The feedback and bugs you leave here will help us get a better idea of things we may still have to take a look at. :]

See you on the Rift!

*Pricing is always subject to change while on PBE!

no action pose i guess but pretty fucking amazing

ed: a cynical person would say the "solider" part is a typo, but i just think that's cute!
Went hec top vs Shyvana and it went pretty much how I expected. She went Smite/TP so I knew I couldn't duel her at level like 14+ because the damage reduction crap. So I ended up playing aggro early got FB and then ran around the map like a mad man. Then in late game I wold pretend to duel her bait out smite then run away like a little scared pony and re-engage again when the smite debuff was gone.

And I have no clue why our Sona thought it was a good idea not to go flash died 11 times but whatever.... a win is a win.



Holy fuck Zky, I saw it on surrender@20 and I immediately rushed here to just congratulate you haha.

I don't even have Lux and I want that god damn skin now. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

They just should make CTRL 5 to be an action pose. They MUST!


1st game after finishing placements, Brand goes 0/4 against enemy Rumble in 20 minutes then proceeds to AFK

what a swell



had this ashe say "mid" and instalock. i was like, ok, i'll just pick corki and like go ad or ap depending on what i feel like playing

she was a master player and destroyed everyone holy shit

This skin matches her laugh best. I must have it.

Holy fuck Zky, I saw it on surrender@20 and I immediately rushed here to just congratulate you haha.

I don't even have Lux and I want that god damn skin now. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

They just should make CTRL 5 to be an action pose. They MUST!
i'm on the brink of tears







1st game after finishing placements, Brand goes 0/4 against enemy Rumble in 20 minutes then proceeds to AFK

what a swell

gay is not an insult


relies on auto-aim
congrats zky
It looks cool but considering we have no idea what those heroes skills do it's hard to get excited. I'm happy for you doto bros tho.
well maybe like translate it a bit for us non-doters cos i don't understand anything :T
Oh, I thought I made it clear enough.
I'll point out two things I guess. Alchemist can buy a 4200 gold item that upgrades most hero ultimates in the game and gives

All in all the stats are 'ok' and some heroes have 'must have' Aghs + Ultimate combos, some ignore it.
What makes Alchemist unique is his passive can chain Last Hit Gold (up to +36 per CS at max level). In comes the 6.84 (tentative) change:
Alchemist can now cast Aghanim's Scepter to directly grant any allied hero all Aghanim's Scepter bonuses as a buff (the hero upgrade and the stat upgrade). The scepter is consumed in the process. Multiple instances of this buff do not stack. Alchemist can target himself as well
Basically he buys the item and turns it into a buff on himself or an ally. It does not take an item slot.

Current Centaur Ultimate:

6.84 Aghs upgrade (Must buy said 4200 gold item):
Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Centaur: Stampede reduces all incoming damage by 70% and allows allies to run through obstructions (trees, cliffs, etc). Destroys trees
I cannot see it going into LIVE as is.

I'm done for a while now.
It makes games drag on a lot longer than they should, too. People are so afraid to force dragon and even baron regardless of how big a lead we have.

My fear is people forcing Baron at this elo. So many thrown games because people can't collapse on it at once.


i kinda wish they made an item like that for league, like it does something weird to spells or something

but probably would be pretty broken haha


came back from like a 4/17 deficit or somewhere around there, with no dragons, the enemy having 3, all because of a baron steal by kog and their yorick raging and just split pushing.

the post chat was pretty funny


Has the lol client updated yet? Want to tell my brother to update the game for me so I can play with latest update when I get home =X
I never understood the players that throw a hissy fit and just split push and refuse to work with the team. There's been plenty of people I just couldn't stand, so I just mute them but still work with them ingame because my ultimate goal was to win. I guess I just don't understand kids these days... there should be a 21 and over league club or something. I mean probably still some idiots, but a lot less or I don't know.


gotta say tho

without like a tiny bit of lewdness in my heart

that madoka lux's butt wiggle on her dance is like the cutest thing i've ever seen

Has the lol client updated yet? Want to tell my brother to update the game for me so I can play with latest update when I get home =X

probably not gonna be up for a few hours

I never understood the players that throw a hissy fit and just split push and refuse to work with the team. There's been plenty of people I just couldn't stand, so I just mute them but still work with them ingame because my ultimate goal was to win. I guess I just don't understand kids these days... there should be a 21 and over league club or something. I mean probably still some idiots, but a lot less or I don't know.
unfortunately league is really bad at compelling people to work together

probably not a popular opinion but i feel like league needs to slowly fade out those "solo carry" options from the game and keep adding more and more team-based alternatives, while also giving people way more tools to work as a team (like the smart pings thing)

really hard to do but generally do for mobas what tf2 did for shooters

or something


probably not gonna be up for a few hours

unfortunately league is really bad at compelling people to work together

probably not a popular opinion but i feel like league needs to slowly fade out those "solo carry" options from the game and keep adding more and more team-based alternatives, while also giving people way more tools to work as a team (like the smart pings thing)

really hard to do but generally do for mobas what tf2 did for shooters

or something
I think league had been moving in this direction for a while now. Solo carrying has been nerfed quite a lot. The current meta does require much more team work than say season 3. Split pushing is more difficult to do and more of a team effort than before.
So, today I learned that Bard ult counters Wukong ult.. On paper it should make Fiddlesticks and Kennen useless as well? All very ult reliant champs that Bard completely shuts down.
Ahh, you mean the damage, not cancelling the channel. Yeah it'll work.

Also I really hope the experiment on Ashe works out and is applied to the entire role. Fuck crits.


I think new Ryze is going to be pretty weak

Which means he's gonna be a god so look out everybody

Edit: nvm his passive has like no down time. Luckily he's infinitely more interesting to play now, albeit still super simple
Someone remind me why they don't unlock all runes and masteries for everyone? I've been grinding runes for my three pages for close to a year now, and I'm getting burned out from it. By now the meta has probably changed and they are not even the right runes anymore.


I need to start trying midlane because my midlaner has been consistently poor every time I've played. Is going 0/1 too much to ask?

I wonder if Irelia could carry top lane harder than Gnar. He feels really team dependent right now

gay is not an insult

Please, you are not a 12 year-old who drinks mountain dew to be using that word like that.

meant it in terms of joyous but w/e


Guy picks Jax into Nasus while he and whole team lul over how easy of a lane that is for Jax. I must be missing something
Because buy champions with RP

It's an IP sink, through and through

Make champs 10x more expensive in IP. I don't care, I just want to be able to play my characters to their full potential without having to grind for years.

Shit, make the champs unbuyable with IP, I seriously couldn't care less.
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