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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I usually never play top or jungle. Can you suggest me which champions are better in the current meta?

Also, can you suggest me a build for Gangplank? I'm still not sure about the build I use, and online I always find different opinions


yea you're right, was just thinking out loud because i would love to see new builds pop up

hurricane kaly was so exciting!

maybe new ashy will love new bc?

I was thinking about that. She'll like the CDR and the extra move speed but it's pretty expensive for only 40 AD.
I usually never play top or jungle. Can you suggest me which champions are better in the current meta?

Also, can you suggest me a build for Gangplank? I'm still not sure about the build I use, and online I always find different opinions
Top - Hecarim (smite TP or ignite TP), Sion, Maokai, Shyvana (with smite TP)
Jungle - Sejuani, Reksai, Nunu


Anyone know if the patch fixed the Jayce bug? A Riot dude said in a thread on reddit that it would, but I didn't see it in the patch notes.


It should be going out in 5.8, we just didn't make a specific call out on it.

I don't like probably though
Lost my promo to Plat 3-2 for the second time this season just there. All three lost games were ones I would've dodged normally. One had Xin/Fizz solo lanes, and inevitably they contributed little and raged a lot, eventually raging at the jungler so much he quit the game despite acknowledging it was winnable. One I had Ezreal mid who got dominated despite no jungle pressure and blamed me for camping bot to get Vayne ahead (the Vayne was surprisingly decent in lane and would've won with a real mid laner). Last game I had a full AD team against Malz and Amumu, we did okay for 30 minutes and lost late game (BT/PD Lucian does nothing to a 250 Armor Amumu in shocker). Did well on Skarner in one of my wins but it was pretty irrelevant - I had a Jinx who snowballed completely out of control and would've carried me if I AFK'd. All other games were on Sona where I dominated lane with an AP heavy Rune/Mastery set up and didn't do too much afterward.

I swear everyone who loves to play squishy melee assassins has no idea what you're meant to do on them. They always want to group up and pile in to the enemy CC (sometimes under their towers), and rarely if ever roam around looking for vision blindspots and picks. Give me a halfway competent ranged mage any day. Yes, I'm a bit salty.

On the plus side I'm getting 25+ LP for each win so I'll be back in promos again next week.


Ryze's mana scaling is kinda shit now. Definitely felt bigger power spikes when getting ap items. Idk how to build him now besides like archangels and roa are probably still core


Ryze's mana scaling is kinda shit now. Definitely felt bigger power spikes when getting ap items. Idk how to build him now besides like archangels and roa are probably still core
well like a lot of his mana scaling got pushed to his shield (which has .08 i think?)


Yeah the shield is cool. I didn't rotate spells very well either bc I've never really played him so that may have been another reason my damage felt lacking. His new auto is excellent tho


i think frozen heart is most definitely out and it'll be like tear > roa > zhonyas/abyssal > void staff > deathcap

maybe get both zhonyas/abyssal and maybe get luden's echo in some cases?

also i feel like rylais might be good but i'm not sure how it works with his ult
newt wanted his cleaver so we gave it to him.


rito was actually planning to buff cinderhulk to make games more action packed and have as many deaths in a game as possible

i for one welcome this new meta


That's way too specific

It's like old AP Trist W on minions

If you mean in terms of use cases I disagree. Maybe not the 7 hit but you usually get at least 3-4 bounces out of it, especially in lane. In a team fight getting a 5-6x muramana proc on an adc would be pretty dumb. If that's the way they intended it to interact with muramana I'd be surprised, but I wouldn't say it'd be a must buy still just because there would be so much wasted ad

Edit: oh shit it cost the full amount for every proc? LOL


It's been a while, guys. :eek:

My first month of season 5 went quite well!

Over half my games were in Silver III, and it was one of the most frustrating experiences ever. I decided to just grind the champions I practiced over the preseason in mid/top, and I owe a lot to these guys.


My Orianna was not quite as impactful, and I've yet to try her since the Athene's changes. I don't know what it is but I've been finding games with her more difficult than last season.


I'm looking to learn a few more champions to round out my other roles. I've been watching a lot of The Shy (while learning Jayce) and Nidalee is something I'm really interested in. Adc is easily my worst role and something I should be practicing over the next few weeks. I also have this mildly morbid fascination with Teemo, so I'll see what's to come.

I'd like to thank you all for the help! Especially Newt who I've bothered before his games on more than one occasion.

i'm ready for that Jayce skin
pray that I don't get demoted
congrats on the skin zkylon


I haven't looked into the specifics but if Tear is core then so should some form of CDR to both stack it and abuse the mana pool.

cdr on new ryze is terrible cos he gets up to 30% for free from his ult's passive :p


Actually looks like muramana is his best item

Something something spaghetti code
i mean he's got muramana and seraph so that's not a real build

It's been a while, guys. :eek:

My first month of season 5 went quite well!

Over half my games were in Silver III, and it was one of the most frustrating experiences ever. I decided to just grind the champions I practiced over the preseason in mid/top, and I owe a lot to these guys.


My Orianna was not quite as impactful, and I've yet to try her since the Athene's changes. I don't know what it is but I've been finding games with her more difficult than last season.


I'm looking to learn a few more champions to round out my other roles. I've been watching a lot of The Shy (while learning Jayce) and Nidalee is something I'm really interested in. Adc is easily my worst role and something I should be practicing over the next few weeks. I also have this mildly morbid fascination with Teemo, so I'll see what's to come.

I'd like to thank you all for the help! Especially Newt who I've bothered before his games on more than one occasion.

i'm ready for that Jayce skin
pray that I don't get demoted
congrats on the skin zkylon
congrats on making gold! i'd suggest staying away from snowbally mechanically complex champions like nidalee if you set your sights for plat next. just too much trouble for what she provides

also thanks haha


Over half my games were in Silver III, and it was one of the most frustrating experiences ever. I decided to just grind the champions I practiced over the preseason in mid/top, and I owe a lot to these guys.

Congrats! My climb was the same way. Got placed in silver 5, went straight to silver 2, was there for like 100ish games, then after I promo'd I won 7 of 8 to get to gold promo and breezed through those fairly easily. Weird stuff



I guess I'll stay away from Nidalee and just practice Orianna more.

What do you think of Lissandra? I haven't seen her since she disappeared from competitive.


I wallowed in Silver 3 most of last season until I spammed Lucian to get up to gold. It was way harder than any division to rise up and get out of.
haha i see

my brother is trying to get to gold since he's having less hours at school and he had an easy time in s3. he's having more trouble getting out of s2

had a lee sin die two times to jungle camps before minute 6 or something haha

Jinx still stupid as hell.
well it wasn't a big nerf or anything :T


I guess I'll stay away from Nidalee and just practice Orianna more.

What do you think of Lissandra? I haven't seen her since she disappeared from competitive.
i mean nidalee is at 46% winrate which means she's def in a place where you don't want to pick her up unless you're absolutely gonna get really good at her to offset her weaknesses. and she's a hard champion to play that doesn't go well with every team so i dunno if i'd consider her for ranked. she's pretty fun tho, so i dunno, if you want to get a bit higher then maybe stay clear of those types of champions (the leblancs and the zeds and the azirs and the vaynes for instance) and stick with more reliable champions like ziggs and jinx or whatever

ori is pretty ok right now, specially after the athenes buffs, she's got pretty much everything you need: sustained dmg, utility, ranged waveclear, poke, good teamfighting, she's great. her laning is not as good as it once was, specially with all the azirs just pushing you to turret, but she's pretty ok, i still love her. i'd say she's pretty hard to play as well but she has fallback moves that you can go into that don't require too much skill (like shielding adc or just comboing ult with tank engage) while you get better at microing the ball and trading in lane.

she's awesome, play lots of ori!

also about lizzy, i love lizzy, but she's in a bit of a weird place right now. i feel like the nerfs ended up being kind of bad considering the change in the meta for more tanky champions everywhere, which makes her dmg be kind of disappointing. like i feel if they had waited one patch they wouldn't have to nerf her, as she wasn't really never op, she just had the perfect meta for her for like a few months. i think she's still kind of ok but feels like you have to really snowball right now cos come late game you're gonna be pretty shit since her dmg is not as relevant as like ahri's or azir's

i dunno, i don't think i'd recommend her right now, she needs her q nerfs reverted or a better meta


Serious question:

Which elo was the most toxic in your experience?

In my experience it is more about where you are in the season than the rank you are. Beginning of the season everyone is really chill, then slowly tilts as the season goes on. End of the season sucks because a lot of people are either checked out or trying to troll people who are trying to climb. Plus the tilt is at its apex in the last two weeks or so

people rage at every rank tho. You never escape elo hell


Serious question:

Which elo was the most toxic in your experience?
I've been from bronze 1 up to diamond 2. The most toxic divisions are easily Silver I and Plat V.

In Silver I, everyone thinks they're good enough to be in gold. In Plat V, everyone thinks they deserve diamond.


Who are your top 5 mids, Zkylon?

In my experience it is more about where you are in the season than the rank you are. Beginning of the season everyone is really chill, then slowly tilts as the season goes on. End of the season sucks because a lot of people are either checked out or trying to troll people who are trying to climb. Plus the tilt is at its apex in the last two weeks or so

people rage at every rank tho. You never escape elo hell

I had a Gold 5 Yasuo troll us really hard, and from the looks of his match history, he's been doing it quite often. I guess he sees himself as a gatekeeper of sorts. I dodged a series game this morning when no one else would because a Lucian threatened to feed.

3 LP.......

It is that hard?

I've been from bronze 1 up to diamond 2. The most toxic divisions are easily Silver I and Plat V.

In Silver I, everyone think they're good enough to be in gold. In Plat V, everyone thinks they deserve diamond.

Silver I was my favorite division so far. I would kill the opp. top laner, freeze the wave and have the jungler gank. When he dies a second time, I would type "sorry for the troll" and proceed to watch them argue in all chat. It was amazing.


Who are your top 5 mids, Zkylon?
um, i dunno, i rarely play ranked these days so not the best person to ask, specially like to make a ranking like that

i think ahri, katarina and cho are all pretty strong right now, i think they have the three best winrates in solo queue so i guess makes sense. the three of them are just good in pretty much any comp and they're pretty easy to play so they're good champions to learn, specially cho and ahri since kat has no waveclear which i'd say is kind of shitty about her

other good champions would be like azir and lebonk and zed in terms of overall strength, but i would advice against playing them since they're pretty mechanically demanding so it'll be hard to take advantage of their strengths by most people. like really, don't bother with those, i don't know why i play them myself haha

also i dunno about cassi after the last nerf but last i tried her she was pretty good, and viktor is supposedly super op but i don't like playing him too much


I main like 2 champs per role max:

Top: Gnar, Renekton
JG: Xin, Amumu
Mid: Annie, Ryze (I hardly play mid)
ADC: Lucian, Caitlyn
Sup: Thresh, Annie

post your mains


Edit: Mains... Caitlyn/Rumble/Jayce/Orianna I guess. Tried a bit of Cho'gath but he feels so.... clunky.

I meant top 5 as in your favorites or ones you'd recommend. I don't really care much for champions considered OP.


You wouldn't put Ahri with Leblanc/Zed/Nidalee/etc.?


post your mains

Top: Renekton, Pantheon, Cho'Gath, Vlad, Kennen, Darius, Fiora (situational pick)
Mid: Ziggs, Katarina, Annie, Cho'Gath, Zyra, Morgana, Vlad, Talon (situational pick)
Jungle: Pantheon, Amumu, Skarner, Fiddle
ADC: Jinx, Graves, Lucian, Miss Fortune (rarely, 'cuz she's garbage now)
Support: Janna, Annie, Zyra, Morgana

I'm pretty good with a lot more champs, but I really don't deviate much from the above list in ranked.
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