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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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My champion pool is basically nonexistent. Played pretty much nothing but Swain last season. Here are the champions I'd feel comfortable playing in ranked:

Top: Nasus (I don't play top often but I get fed most games I play the cane so I go with him when forced)
Jungle: Vi, Hecarim
Mid: Swain, Vel'Koz, Ziggs
ADC: Corki, Graves, Jinx
Support: Lulu, Karma

I've been playing a new champion each day so I'm learning new ones.
Top: Renekton, Pantheon, Cho'Gath, Vlad, Kennen, Darius, Fiora (situational pick)
Mid: Ziggs, Katarina, Annie, Cho'Gath, Zyra, Morgana, Vlad, Talon (situational pick)
Jungle: Pantheon, Amumu, Skarner, Fiddle
ADC: Jinx, Graves, Lucian, Miss Fortune (rarely, 'cuz she's garbage now)
Support: Janna, Annie, Zyra, Morgana

I'm pretty good with a lot more champs, but I really don't deviate much from the above list in ranked.

That is way too much.
I've heard that Bronze can be quite pleasant since everyone knows they suck.

Silver is more toxic because people think they're actually good at the game.


top: Fiora, Shyvanna
jungle: Amumu
ADC: everyone other than Corki
mid: Kayle
support: Sona, Leona, Janna, Zyra, Braum

I've heard that Bronze can be quite pleasant since everyone knows they suck.

Silver is more toxic because people think they're actually good at the game.
Seems legit.


I've heard that Bronze can be quite pleasant since everyone knows they suck.

i've posted about it before, but back in season 3 i spent a lot of time in bronze. a few days after the season ended, i got to bronze 1 for the first time and breezed through it to silver in just a day. it was the most fun i had at any elo just because everyone was so damn nice in bronze 1. you'd think they'd be ultra ragey at being so close to being out of bronze but that wasn't the case. even when stomping a game, the enemy was always super nice and having fun with it. maybe it was just a lucky day.
Top: Maokai, Rumble, Irelia (maybe Ryze if he's not awful in top lane post rework)
Jungle: Nunu, Sejuani, Skarner
Mid: Ziggs (I never play mid, but when I do, I play Ziggs surprisingly well)
AD: Ashe, Caitlyn
Support: Sona, Leona

I play 80% jungle and support, and can actually play a lot of junglers well, but it's tank meta time.


I need to play someone who can hard carry

That narrows it down to like every champ in low elo solo queue unless you just mean somebody who can 1v5. Also a terrible mentality. Find a few champs you really enjoy playing, get really good with them, play their role well, and you'll climb.


dunno about that syndra skin, i need to see it in motion

with the lux skin i'm cool that it's just like predominantly pink cos pink is like my favorite color but all red synchan is kind of boring i think

the shaco skin is amazing tho

I meant top 5 as in your favorites or ones you'd recommend. I don't really care much for champions considered OP.


You wouldn't put Ahri with Leblanc/Zed/Nidalee/etc.?
ohh sorry

umm, like my general mid roster right now would be like:
1. ahri
2. lebonk
3. ori
4. lizzy
5. xerath

i wanna play more lux but she has lots of problems if she doesn't snowball so i'm not sure. i'll play her a lot when the new skin comes out tho :>

synchan is like, i dunno, i hate the nerf they did to her q but i should probably start playing her more since i feel she's pretty decent right now, maybe. i wish they compensated her somehow, one of the reasons you picked syndra was for how much of a lane bully she was and they nerfed that on top of nerfing her pick potential so it feels like there's not that much of a reason to play her

other than those i tried my luck with cassi and azir but i don't seem to be able to get consistent with them so ehh, probably not gonna bother with them anymore. i wanna see about playing more anivia too since i really like her kit

as for ahri being like lebonk, i don't think so, ahri's imo easier to be effective with than all of those because of how many tools she has at her disposal. she has better waveclear, she has good poke, she has really easy to land, powerful cc, she doesn't get completely countered by items like zed or lebonk and she doesn't fall off too hard either, she's good at dueling and roaming, she's just really solid all around. you just gotta be decent at skillshots, but she's not like lux, it's only two skillshots that you have to land, which have like the exact same style so it's not that terrible. her skill ceiling is super high but it's not like zed or lebonk as far as difficult to be succesful (even tho mechanically they can be similar at times)

i dunno if i explained it well, i'm bad at talking
I've heard that Bronze can be quite pleasant since everyone knows they suck.

Silver is more toxic because people think they're actually good at the game.

low elo Bronze and Silver are exactly the same, everyone thinks that they're far better than the players around them.

It's actually quite entertaining.


Top: Renekton, Pantheon, Cho'Gath, Vlad, Kennen, Darius, Fiora (situational pick)
Mid: Ziggs, Katarina, Annie, Cho'Gath, Zyra, Morgana, Vlad, Talon (situational pick)
Jungle: Pantheon, Amumu, Skarner, Fiddle
ADC: Jinx, Graves, Lucian, Miss Fortune (rarely, 'cuz she's garbage now)
Support: Janna, Annie, Zyra, Morgana

I'm pretty good with a lot more champs, but I really don't deviate much from the above list in ranked.

We have the same problem I see. We really need to duo sometimes.

I think it's neat that Morde got a new skin and all (and it probably means his VU isn't that far off) but King of Clubs should have been Trundle.


scarizard says the shyv changes are experimental so take them with a grain of salt

That Shaco skin is fire.

oh yeah forgot to post his picture





We have the same problem I see. We really need to duo sometimes.

I think it's neat that Morde got a new skin and all (and it probably means his VU isn't that far off) but King of Clubs should have been Trundle.
lol yeah, that's so fucking fitting

it's a cool design for morde tho and trundle got one a while ago so i guess it's ok


Yeah, you explained it just fine.

The Shaco skin looks incredible.

I'm sure that Ezreal skin will piss off many players. It really accentuates the features that always seem to annoy people.


U guys talking about Shaco? Disgusting. I hate that champ so much, that there is no way I'm ever gonna buy him. As an ex-jungler main it is just too painful to play against good Shacos. Fck that champ.

Also my pool:
Top - Viktop
Jungle - Evelynn, Naut, Malphite, Vi would be my main ones, but can also play champs as Amumu, Xin Zhao, Elise, Nocturne, Skarner, Udyr, Maokai and Diana well. They are just not as fun to play imo. :d
Mid - Ahri, Corki (AP), Nasus (yup, the 80 mresist at lvl 1 Doge) and Lux.
ADC - Caitlyn and Corki
Support - Blitzcrank, Morgana, Thresh, Leona (just all the playmaking supports), Janna and Brand.


It is live and I think it's pretty great. Teamfights are an awesome cycle between straight up God mode don't fuck with me my abilities have no cool down and I have this massive shield and I'm a worthless piece of shit.

It's like Gnar except your power spikes and vulnerable spans are like 5 seconds each. Whether he's good or not I can't say, but it's a massive improvement to say the least.


Eh, I'm pretty sure all those champs combined are less complex than playing Lei or Yoshimitsu from Tekken. I don't get ppl who say you should only have 1 or 2 mains in League.

Mostly because knowing how to properly use a champs abilities isn't even half the battle. It's also knowing power spikes, getting super familiar with their damage dealing and taking, as well as how they match up. I used to think that because I could land abilities on a champ, I was good with them. Very much false. Once you really learn a champ inside and out you'll understand the difference.


I've heard that Bronze can be quite pleasant since everyone knows they suck.

Silver is more toxic because people think they're actually good at the game.

Who says that? Everyone in bronze seems to think they would in higher elos if they didn't keep getting stuck with awful teams. The best being a Darius that thinks winning lane is enough or the Nasus who claims he did his part by reaching 500 stacks. Course he afk farmed while his team was forced into constant 4 v 5 sieges and had to give up drags and barons.

So which champions is the new black cleaver supposed to be good on? I can't think of too many bruisers that had the cleaver as their one dmg item outside of Gnar and Garen. I don't really see Irelia dropping Trinity Force for it. Maybe Vi or Renekton.
That Syndra looks like shit. Could have went with a Queen of hearts theme with red balls and flamingoes but nah, cheap ass 750 skin

Also champ pool
Top: Fuck top (Sion, Lissandra, Irelia)
Jungle: Fuck jungle (Vi, Sejuani, Nunu)
Mid: I don't even know anymore, Kat, Morg, Ahri?
ADC: Anything but Draven I guess
Supp: Fuck support (Zyra, Morg, Naut, Blitz)


Top: Jayce, Lulu, Cho
Jungle: Rengar, Vi
Middle: Lulu, Annie
ADC: Lucian, Sivir
Support: Morgana, Lulu, Leona, Braum anyone really

I'll play a ton of different champs, it just depends on my mood. The above ones are just the champs I'll always feel comfortable to fall back on and not really mains I guess.


Top: Gnar, Renekton, Sion, maybe Ryze now
Mid:Karthus or bust
Jungle: Olaf, Eve, Nunu
ADC: dodge
Support: Janna, Braum


So apparently Cleaver is really strong?

Gonna try it on Vi in a bit

It's quite cost efficient even before either of the passives, so yes.

Top: One of my junglers
Mid: Ziggs (I'd like to learn one of Karthus, Ahri, or Heimer, but no time)
Jungle: Xin Zhao, Nautilus, Sion, Skarner, Hecarim, Volibear, Maokai
ADC: Jinx (I'd like to learn Ashe, or even Varus if Riot ever decides he's worthy)
Support: Zyra, Nami, Lulu, Sona, Braum (I'd like to learn Zilean)


Ok yeah Cleaver is fucking broken

I still lost but holy hell is it strong

Also i got called a silver scrub by someone gold v. alright then


Mostly because knowing how to properly use a champs abilities isn't even half the battle. It's also knowing power spikes, getting super familiar with their damage dealing and taking, as well as how they match up. I used to think that because I could land abilities on a champ, I was good with them. Very much false. Once you really learn a champ inside and out you'll understand the difference.

And even those categories can be broken down. "power spikes", and how they vary with what level you are and what items you have, versus what level/items your opponent has.


Does anyone remember when you could stack cleavers because Riot didn't make one of the passives unique? Those were the days.

Also, I haven't played ARAM in forever, but I like that they made the poro king lee sin snowball a summoner spell option, AND made it ignore spell shields, AND made it ignore projectile mitigation.


Why is Riot so against giving anything 15% cdr? I think lucidity boots is the only item that isn't a multiple of 10

Because with CDR values of 10% or 20% it's easy combine them in various ways to hit the 40% max. There was a PBE patch a long time ago, like around the start of mid point of season 3, where Riot reduced the CDR on Lucidity boots to 10% and reduced the cost accordingly, but players really disliked that change so it never went live. I think the complaint was from segment of mage players who liked being able to go 5% CDR from masteries + 15% from boots + 20% from Athene's to reach the CDR cap.


oh yea my own champions

well i basically only play mid so

top lane: lizzy, lulu and annie
jungle: lol
mid: ahri, lebonk, ori, lizzy, lux, synchan, xerath and i'm trying to add azir!
adc: mostly sivir, but also some corki sometimes since he's dumb
supp: nami and threshie, not very comfortable with annie or sona anymore

Yeah that seems not ok

Why is Riot so against giving anything 15% cdr? I think lucidity boots is the only item that isn't a multiple of 10
because it's awkward since most items as well as blue buff give 10% or 20% (and blue pot used to give 10% too)

it's just lame cos it leads to weird unnecessary optimizations

they should probably tweak around lucidity boots somehow rather than add more 15% items

Because with CDR values of 10% or 20% it's easy combine them in various ways to hit the 40% max. There was a PBE patch a long time ago, like around the start of mid point of season 3, where Riot reduced the CDR on Lucidity boots to 10% and reduced the cost accordingly, but players really disliked that change so it never went live. I think the complaint was from segment of mage players who liked being able to go 5% CDR from masteries + 15% from boots + 20% from Athene's to reach the CDR cap.
hmm i dunno, i think the problem with dropping them to 10% is that they're esentially useless since that amount of cdr is so easy to obtain anywhere else, specially for mages

i think like a mana restore on hit thing would be interesting or like adding ms after casting a spell (like new bc) or something fun like that would be cool
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