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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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well your post was suggesting i don't play ziggs at korean challenger level so it's already based on a falacy hehehe


I include the LCS, streams and whatnot when I say "what you're used to," but I digress.

The more important question:

I thought you were all Challenger?!


On another note:

What is the state of Rek'sai, Master Yi and Fiddlesticks in the current patch? I need to pick a few junglers and all I have at the moment is Nunu and Amumu (maybe Udyr.)


On another note:

What is the state of Rek'sai, Master Yi and Fiddlesticks in the current patch? I need to pick a few junglers and all I have at the moment is Nunu and Amumu (maybe Udyr.)
Rek'sai is still decent, but not as good as the Cinderhulk junglers.

Fiddle is actually still quite good.

Master Yi is complete shit atm, only the dumbest players will pick him. He just gets deleted in fights since he can't kill tanks.


Nunu/Amumu/Fiddlesticks it is. What do you think of Udyr? (Edit: and Shaco?)

Stick with the 3 you named first. They're all strong. Udyr can be good, but I don't see him do well as often as I used to. Shaco is tricky. Big damage, but tanks are changing that.


Stick with the 3 you named first. They're all strong. Udyr can be good, but I don't see him do well as often as I used to. Shaco is tricky. Big damage, but tanks are changing that.

I never really liked Udyr last season, but a few really good ones were in some of my games this season. One that stood out in particular was an Udyr (with Whimsy) running straight to the carries and killing them faster than we could catch up.


I never really liked Udyr last season, but a few really good ones were in some of my games this season. One that stood out in particular was an Udyr (with Whimsy) running straight to the carries and killing them faster than we could catch up.

If he can get to them, it's over, but I see them get peeled more often than not now.


Udyr and Shaco are both really strong, but Udyr requires a lot of skill to play successfully. You definitely want to go Cinderhulk on Udyr.


Only people that like Shaco are the people that use him. Which are very few.

That's why I'm glad Eve sucks. The invisibility mechanic is annoying. It's not as bad on Twitch because he isn't a burster like the other 2.


If you are building Cinderhulk on Eve, you are doing it wrong.

Huh? Sunfire was one of her core items why would you not buy a jungle item that has sunfire built in?

Edit: Looking at probuilds it seems pretty split between warrior and cinderhulk. I guess you gotta make a judgement call based on what your team needs, how well you are doing, etc.


That explains so much

Huh? Sunfire was one of her core items why would you not buy a jungle item that has sunfire built in?

Edit: Looking at probuilds it seems pretty split between warrior and cinderhulk. I guess you gotta make a judgement call based on what your team needs, how well you are doing, etc.

In the top 20 results there are 5 warriors, 1 magus, 1 devourer, and 13 cinderhulks unless we're seeing different pages


That explains so much

In the top 20 results there are 5 warriors, 1 magus, 1 devourer, and 13 cinderhulks unless we're seeing different pages

Yeah. I just meant that people aren't universally buying cinder as I suspected.


Only people that like Shaco are the people that use him. Which are very few.

That's why I'm glad Eve sucks. The invisibility mechanic is annoying. It's not as bad on Twitch because he isn't a burster like the other 2.

U can't even call Eve a burster when u have a % current HP damage ultimate without a base damage, nerfed Q and E and DFG removed...
So being as this is the first week I'm doing ranked again after over a year, I'm guessing everyone follows the rule of not doing Ranked on Fri/Saturday/Sunday night?


Unique Passive - Immolate no longer increases in damage based on time in combat. Now deals flat 15 (+.6 per champion level) magic damage to nearby enemies
•Unique Passive - Immolate now deals 100% bonus damage to minions and monsters.


The passive was overtuned, but the concept was correct - damage that scales over time in combat for tanks to give them more damage without increasing upfront burst. Quite disappointed that Riot didn't bother adjusting the numbers or time necessary to reach full stacks, never bothered to change it's weird interaction with hunter's machete, spirit visage, and veil regen passives, or even significantly reduce or even remove the %bonus health passive on the item. I could stomach this change more if Immolate on Cinderhulk was no longer unique so at least the option of pairing with a Sunfire was there, I suppose.

Really disappointed with this change if it goes through as-is.
Also, I've been seeing alot more Swain played recently, especially top. Did they buff him or was he popularized by someone? Before I quit you never saw Swain in ranked.


This is the wall next to my desk. I'm tempted to change it to Draven. And yes, I have toys at work. Shut up.


The passive was overtuned, but the concept was correct - damage that scales over time in combat for tanks to give them more damage without increasing upfront burst. Quite disappointed that Riot didn't bother adjusting the numbers or time necessary to reach full stacks, never bothered to change it's weird interaction with hunter's machete, spirit visage, and veil regen passives, or even significantly reduce or even remove the %bonus health passive on the item. I could stomach this change more if Immolate on Cinderhulk was no longer unique so at least the option of pairing with a Sunfire was there, I suppose.

Really disappointed with this change if it goes through as-is.
The concept was dumb. Giving tanks high DPS on top of absurd tankiness is dumb dumb dumb dumb specially when they have zero problem sticking to targets.

Tanks should be a damage threat, not soloing the enemy squishies.


I don't think the like 40 dps from cinderhulk is very high.

I like the current meta tho. Slows things a bit. Assassin meta is the most boring to play.
I don't think the like 40 dps from cinderhulk is very high.

I like the current meta tho. Slows things a bit. Assassin meta is the most boring to play.
It's not just Cinderhulk, it's all the things on top of that. Tanks with damage that scales based on their HP, Gromp buff (also scaling with HP), Thornmail, %-based abilities on top of CDR, all on very cheap items that you can get faster than you can say "Infinity Edge"

Something had to get toned down badly, Riot just chose Cinderhulk. Current meta is like the reverse of the last meta, instead of very tanky bruisers we have tanks with bruiser damage but twice the CC.



The passive was overtuned, but the concept was correct - damage that scales over time in combat for tanks to give them more damage without increasing upfront burst. Quite disappointed that Riot didn't bother adjusting the numbers or time necessary to reach full stacks, never bothered to change it's weird interaction with hunter's machete, spirit visage, and veil regen passives, or even significantly reduce or even remove the %bonus health passive on the item. I could stomach this change more if Immolate on Cinderhulk was no longer unique so at least the option of pairing with a Sunfire was there, I suppose.

Really disappointed with this change if it goes through as-is.

riot was changing some stuff tho, they had another version of cinderhulk a few days ago that was less dmg upfront more stacking dmg too

maybe it won't stick, i kinda don't like it either

This is the wall next to my desk. I'm tempted to change it to Draven. And yes, I have toys at work. Shut up.
dat link <3

It's not just Cinderhulk, it's all the things on top of that. Tanks with damage that scales based on their HP, Gromp buff (also scaling with HP), Thornmail, %-based abilities on top of CDR, all on very cheap items that you can get faster than you can say "Infinity Edge"

Something had to get toned down badly, Riot just chose Cinderhulk. Current meta is like the reverse of the last meta, instead of very tanky bruisers we have tanks with bruiser damage but twice the CC.
yea this is true

cinderhulk def needed a dmg nerf.

we'll have to see what the bjork and the bc changes do to the game. would be nice if mids had a tank buster item too, so there are more sources to go from

like a useful liandrys

or something


It's not just Cinderhulk, it's all the things on top of that. Tanks with damage that scales based on their HP, Gromp buff (also scaling with HP), Thornmail, %-based abilities on top of CDR, all on very cheap items that you can get faster than you can say "Infinity Edge"

Something had to get toned down badly, Riot just chose Cinderhulk. Current meta is like the reverse of the last meta, instead of very tanky bruisers we have tanks with bruiser damage but twice the CC.

I see your point, but I'll still take tank meta over mobile-assassin meta any day. Nothing fun about that shit, unless your the assassin.


I still liked this meta perhaps the best out of them all. :( Cinderhulk was a bright and happy time.

i agree. even ad carries should be having a better time in the tank meta than the assassin meta. at least with tanks, if you get reasonable peel and can kite you have a chance to survive. if fizz went all in and got a rotation off you didn't stand a chance.


I can barely comment since I haven't even played in over a month but I don't mind tank meta. I despise the bruiser meta - highly mobile, tanky and big damage. In a perfect world there would be room for them all though.

Rock paper scissors and proper team balance.

Tanks > assassins - Tanks unkillable by assassins
carries > tanks - with proper itemization (botrk, etc), tanks should get chunked hard by the sustained damage of carries
assassins > carries - assassins with the big burst to focus the opposing carry to let your own tanks and carries run rampant

Support to disrupt - either peel or initiate. Provide good CC and/or secondary damage or tankiness.

Bruisers to fill a role in a secondary or hybrid fashion. Not as good as straight typing but filling a role AT THE EXPENSE of another role. I.e. build tanky but do little damage. But realistically they end up doing too many things well (Irelia I'm looking at you).

I actually give props to Riot. The game continues to evolve and generally stay pretty fresh.

i agree. even ad carries should be having a better time in the tank meta than the assassin meta. at least with tanks, if you get reasonable peel and can kite you have a chance to survive. if fizz went all in and got a rotation off you didn't stand a chance.

Exactly. Tank meta > assassin meta. Though I don't like it if even the carries can't kill the tanks. Lol


It's not just Cinderhulk, it's all the things on top of that. Tanks with damage that scales based on their HP, Gromp buff (also scaling with HP), Thornmail, %-based abilities on top of CDR, all on very cheap items that you can get faster than you can say "Infinity Edge.

This paired with the %health from Cinderhulk is a way bigger issue that Cinderhulk's burn damage. 53 damage at level 18 which takes ~5+ secs to ramp up isn't that crazy after resists. That's not what you're dying to.

The next thing hit will be the %bonus health. Riot will finally hit the mark on what needed to be changed but won't adjust either the flat health or damage, as is their usual way of doing things.

neko said:
i agree. even ad carries should be having a better time in the tank meta than the assassin meta.

For all the complaining - they kind of are. The tankier the meta the more relevant the ADC role. There's some good data that backs that up.


hopefully riot will find a more balanced place in a bit and we'll have both tanks and assassins running free

tbh i still see a lot of assassins being played, tho i don't know how successful they are

...we may add a way to purchase individual chromas for 390 RP in the future if that is something that many players continue to have an interest in.
390 is too expensive but better than 590 i guess....

wouldn't it be awesome if riot moved to a non-stupid currency? i'm guessing it'd be a bit complicated with all the different regions but w/e, i'm tired of doing all this math


can you think of any other bruisers that do what Irelia does? looking at a list of champions (not an all encompassing list, just a quick google search for league bruisers), I can only see wukong as a comparable example to her role, but he isn't played enough in toplane to really warrant the hatred, plus i usually see him as an in-and-one-roto-burst champion instead of a sticky sustained damage champion. maybe riven, but y'know, mechanics and stuff. in earlier seasons i'd say jax too, but his laning isn't as safe.

i don't really see anything wrong with having a very small handful of bruisers who excel at what they do.
Bruisers to fill a role in a secondary or hybrid fashion. Not as good as straight typing but filling a role AT THE EXPENSE of another role. I.e. build tanky but do little damage. But realistically they end up doing too many things well (Irelia I'm looking at you).

I actually give props to Riot. The game continues to evolve and generally stay pretty fresh.
Yeah i agree with you the problem is that the tank still do lots of damage and seem to never die.
I had games where it our adc and mid laner left the games. So it was only the tanks, me as shyv, garg jg and blitz. We build straight up tank and still got kills we would win 3v4, while we where waiting for the 20 mins.
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