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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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The thing about Jinx is that you don't have control over your own safety. Like she's really good, but you're somewhat still dependent on your team.

When you're playing support, your team becomes dependent on you.


The thing about Jinx is that you don't have control over your own safety. Like she's really good, but you're somewhat still dependent on your team.

When you're playing support, your team becomes dependent on you.

i think you're misuing the word "easy" then

you're more proactive as a support for sure, but that doesn't mean it's an easier role, specially since some supports actually are pretty mechanically demanding on top of all the roaming and stuff

like what u say it's true, but the word "easy" doesn't feel right

tho i'm kind of guessing you're kind of trolling with taht

you're always trolling with everything lol
I can't wait for PBE Ashe to go live. It's a direct buff to Support Ashe.

How is Twitch right now? I really need to learn adc i guess and he seems like the one I'd like the most

I wouldn't want to play him when hard engages are very popular right now.


That reminds me, it was a long time since I saw a graves last. I've mostly seen jinx, kalista, Draven, Corki and caitlyn lately.
Hmm, speaking of Ashe I wonder if crit reds will be better than AD reds? You'll lose basically no damage if you hit someone with your passive on and it'll scale much harder as the game progresses since it's a 9% increase in total damage that turns into a 13.5% increase once you get IE
Frost Shot doesn't cost mana anymore. Global E with two charges. Point and click harass. Generally higher damage output.
I mean, supp Ashe maxed Q first right? Q doesn't cost mana anymore but it's a weaker slow and you can't max it, you need to be level 7 to have the same slow as a current rank 1 Frost Shot. Volley is harder to hit through minions, ult lost some utility and without the free crits her higher damage output is highly reliant on items to scale the attack speed and the total AD on the new Q

I dunno but I don't see how you can say supp Ashe was buffed
I feel like I should just play support from now on. So much easier than ADC.
Main supp and carry me to plat


It is cheese. Kinda bad cheese that will be exploited by any half - decent jungler and lose lane against many supports , but still cheese.


Yay, I played again last night. Went with a comfort pick in Vi. Still played a little rough. But so what. I won. That's all that matters, no?

Tried cinderhulk + new BC. Was originally going to stick with warriors/triforce but our vayne was getting fed and realized we just needed a more solid frontline.

I'm iffy on it. I was definitely missing the triforce burst. A few times I thought I'd nuke someone and they got away with a decent chunk of health. But in a sustained fight, I really felt the armor shred. No one on their team was especially tanky so it wasn't as helpful as it should have been.

I REALLY liked the extra CDR though. Felt like my ult was always up.

Seems like there's some real choice in Vi builds now. I like it.

fake edit: I just looked at the match history and realized that I was the only person on both teams to upgrade the trinket. There needs to be a PSA campaign going out or something. Upgrade the stupid trinket! It's 250 gold people.


Yay, I played again last night. Went with a comfort pick in Vi. Still played a little rough. But so what. I won. That's all that matters, no?

Tried cinderhulk + new BC. Was originally going to stick with warriors/triforce but our vayne was getting fed and realized we just needed a more solid frontline.

I'm iffy on it. I was definitely missing the triforce burst. A few times I thought I'd nuke someone and they got away with a decent chunk of health. But in a sustained fight, I really felt the armor shred. No one on their team was especially tanky so it wasn't as helpful as it should have been.

I REALLY liked the extra CDR though. Felt like my ult was always up.

Seems like there's some real choice in Vi builds now. I like it.

fake edit: I just looked at the match history and realized that I was the only person on both teams to upgrade the trinket. There needs to be a PSA campaign going out or something. Upgrade the stupid trinket! It's 250 gold people.

I feel like there is some real decisions to be made with a lot of the bruiser type junglers now. Can go Warriors or Cinderhulk, and you can follow up with BC or RG depending on what your team needs. I played Olaf a couple times last night and did completely different builds with him in both games.


I need to learn Thresh. I've gotten stomped against him twice as the ADC. His hooks are just annoying to deal with because you have to constantly respect them.
I really can't play Lulu support effectively until about mid-game game and it's doing my nut in.

How are people playing her effectively? I usually go 0/9/21 and max shield first buy I never feel like I have mana and my shield is weak as fuck.
I need to learn Thresh. I've gotten stomped against him twice as the ADC. His hooks are just annoying to deal with because you have to constantly respect them.

Ignoring the obvious skillcap aspect of any champ, I'd say Thresh is one of the easiest to lane against as a bot lane if you get over the fear aspect of his kit.

He's not that strong poke wise, and isn't at all tanky early on. Just ward the bushes - yes, even if it means you doing it - and carry on.


I'm not a big fan of cinderhulk Vi. I guess if you don't have a frontline then it's decent but you're really missing out on her early/mid damage.

I've played a couple games with warrior into new cleaver then full tank and that felt pretty good.



First ranked penta! I was 6 items and had sold boots so yeah... the damage was there
Hmm, speaking of Ashe I wonder if crit redsI'm ill be better than AD reds? You'll lose basically no damage if you hit someone with your passive on and it'll scale much harder as the game progresses since it's a 9% increase in total damage that turns into a 13.5% increase once you get IE

I mean, supp Ashe maxed Q first right? Q doesn't cost mana anymore but it's a weaker slow and you can't max it, you need to be level 7 to have the same slow as a current rank 1 Frost Shot. Volley is harder to hit through minions, ult lost some utility and without the free crits her higher damage output is highly reliant on items to scale the attack speed and the total AD on the new Q

I dunno but I don't see how you can say supp Ashe was buffed

Main supp and carry me to plat

Nope, you skilled the same way as ADC Ashe: maxing W for the CD and damage, though you can take E at Lv2. Q doesn't go Lv 2 until level 8 whichever Ashe and role you play.

I find that her current passive charges too slow to proc crit per attack. Volley is a bit hard to hit against competent enemies and it tends to push lane. New Passive and New Q greatly increased her single target damage though it requires 5 attacks for flurry.

Her free crit in lane take a long ass time to charge (almost 30 seconds). I also just use ASPD runes to kite better after lane. Makes it easier to land extra shots during lane as well.

It's not a very serious pick but it has worked for me many times before. She has decent matchups. It's really reliant on your map control and how well you can bully with autos. I think my best one was bullying the enemy Bot lane by myself while my ADC passively farmed.

You know I think once I hit 30 on this new account I'll play nothing but support Ashe as a gimmick. Dunno what to name.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
how many times do i have to tell you guys not to build cinderhulk on stuff like vi?
The item is strong but buying Cinderhulk on Vi is wasting the time where she is at her strongest.

You're not some DPS CC bot, you're a bullshit bruiser. You don't need tankiness early, you need actual damage and CDR so your ult doesn't have a 150s CD the first time you use it and you actually kill something with it, specially after they lowered the damage on it. The AD+ARp+CDR combo is too valuable to pass up, and if you do something like sit on a machete upgrade and then rush Cleaver you're just delaying your power spike by getting more expensive items for no reason.

I would not buy Cinderhulk on Vi at all unless your team is so behind that you need to pretend you're Sion.
I have been playing Shen jungle and dang it is good, a nice amount of life steal and ganking with taunt is nice. I like him way better in the jungle than top lane. What is a good build on him I usually just good full tank with red smite, is warmogs good on him?
There are times when going tank on champions that can build damage is correct, especially if you're jungling. If your team is ahead and has ample damage building damage is the best way to give your opponents a chance of coming back (go tank and engage for your team and it's all over). Also if the enemy team has a very low damage comp going tank can auto-win the game if you still do enough damage/CC to force them to hit you (which bruisers with good base damage and CC spells like Vi certainly can).

That said, if you need to carry the game because all your lanes are feeding by all means start taking lane farm and go for Triforce.


The item is strong but buying Cinderhulk on Vi is wasting the time where she is at her strongest.

You're not some DPS CC bot, you're a bullshit bruiser. You don't need tankiness early, you need actual damage and CDR so your ult doesn't have a 150s CD the first time you use it and you actually kill something with it, specially after they lowered the damage on it. The AD+ARp+CDR combo is too valuable to pass up, and if you do something like sit on a machete upgrade and then rush Cleaver you're just delaying your power spike for no reason.


You have to work around the team sometimes. I'd say yes, ideally warriors is a better item on Vi. However, it's not always necessary to have that spike on a jungler. The only lane I was ganking was bot lane where there was a Vayne and Annie with plenty of damage. We were getting kills every time and turning that into objectives. We didn't have a front line but plenty of damage. It made more sense for me to establish some tankiness at the time. I had enough money to finish my warriors or buy cinderhulk outright. The flow of the game said buy cinderhulk. From there BC filled the CDR need and sustained damage.

There were a few times I dueled the Hecarim jungler and couldn't close out the kill which stunk. warriors + triforce probably would have done it. Then again I might have died too. He had a decent amount of damage himself and I was surviving and forcing him to ult away every time.

I mean, you guys are acting like there's one build path with Vi and if you deviate you're wasting the pick. Her CC doesn't go anywhere and the ability to disrupt their backline just lasts longer with additional tankiness and CDR. With a lot of damage backing you up, I don't see anything wrong with it.
Vi builds have always been very malleable. Do I go Triforce after the jungle item? Do I get it later? Do I even build it at all? Full tank after Warrior? Hexdrinker? Frozen Heart? Locket? etc etc etc

Like sure, there's nothing inherently wrong with Cinderhulk Vi, but I can't think of a scenario where it would be good unless all of your lanes lost before you even hit 6. If you want to be a frontline just go Warrior into full tank stuff, 300 HP without any defensive steroids aside from your passive is hardly tanky.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
or people can play and itemize however the fuck they want to
i mean...yeah, people can and technically will be bad at the game and i can't stop that.
I dunno. at least 17.

Could tell them too:


The item's strong.
uh, this is why this site is bad. people goof off or test builds all the time but if you actually look there's way more people with warrior. cinderhulk is not some infallible item.


Vi builds have always been very malleable. Do I go Triforce after the jungle item? Do I get it later? Do I even build it at all? Full tank after Warrior? Hexdrinker? Frozen Heart? Locket? etc etc etc

Like sure, there's nothing inherently wrong with Cinderhulk Vi, but I can't think of a scenario where it would be good unless all of your lanes lost before you even hit 6. If you want to be a frontline just go Warrior into full tank stuff, 300 HP without any defensive steroids aside from your passive is hardly tanky.

Sure, at the time of build cinderhulk isn't providing the most tank stats but once you're 2-3 items in, it certainly is.

I'm not going to say my itemization was perfect (half of it was I really wanted to try the new BC on Vi), but I had the least deaths (2) and the most damage taken on my team. I did my job well even playing like I did after like 2 months off.

i mean...yeah, people can and technically will be bad at the game and i can't stop that.

uh, this is why this site is bad. people goof off or test builds all the time but if you actually look there's way more people with warrior. cinderhulk is not some infallible item.

Of course it's not an infallible item. My only stance is that it can situationally be on par or better than warriors on Vi. The site isn't a bible of builds but it shows there are pros building it. Warriors may be represented more but it's hardly a landslide. There's more cinderhulk representation than just a "goof off" build.

Besides, you can't claim probuilds isn't a resource for talking about items. You link it all the time when proving your points.

edit for the last time:

In the last 20 games on probuilds, 8 of them are cinderhulk. Come on. You can't use that site to back up your claims and then claim it's full of test builds and goof off when it contradicts your blanket statements.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i can do whatever i want. 8)
if you expand out it's way more warrior than cinderhulk.


i mean...yeah, people can and technically will be bad at the game and i can't stop that.

uh, this is why this site is bad. people goof off or test builds all the time but if you actually look there's way more people with warrior. cinderhulk is not some infallible item.

Champion.gg is so much better for checking builds. http://champion.gg/champion/Vi

Cinderhulk doesn't appear in either her most common nor her highest win rate builds. This is patch 5.8, 2,834,720 games analyzed at Platinum+ Ranked only.


i can do whatever i want. 8)
if you expand out it's way more warrior than cinderhulk.

Lol.. good enough. Though I actually think the new BC might pair well with cinderhulk. You get the missing AD and CDR from warriors but a lot more potential tankiness with BC as the only damage item instead of warriors.

I'd agree Warriors is a better general item on Vi though.

Man.. you are smart, good at the game, have a lot of game knowledge and I genuinely believe you are on point most of the time. But boy do you present it in the worst way possible.


Yeah, it's really tough to give up that armor pen and damage early on. Especially now that getting that armor pen second through a brutalizer isn't great anymore, since it only builds into Ghostblade. I guess you can always go Cleaver though.

We need another armor shred item.
You get the missing AD and CDR when you no longer need it.

Vi needs that stuff when her ult has a 150s CD and mid laners have like 800 HP, not 20 minutes in. If you go Cinderhulk might as well go straight Locket or something


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Man.. you are smart, good at the game, have a lot of game knowledge and I genuinely believe you are on point most of the time. But boy do you present it in the worst way possible.
i'm bad at this game, but i thought i was pretty nice this time.


I have been playing Shen jungle and dang it is good, a nice amount of life steal and ganking with taunt is nice. I like him way better in the jungle than top lane. What is a good build on him I usually just good full tank with red smite, is warmogs good on him?


What the hell lol

Yeah it was pretty fun. I love shen tho. Triforce or bork is ok if you want to cheese some damage but if you're playing for real then yeah full tank is best route. I'm sure his passive damage gets pretty decent actually with cinderhulk giving it an extra little nudge


This dude seems to think that Evelynn with magus enchant into IBG is really good. As bad as I feel like it will be I'm pretty tempted to give it a shot. I feel like she'll just get popped trying to initiate with that build tho
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