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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I hear Bronze is just a pit, lmao. Some of my provisionals with them were just like WTF.

Good to know I'm smack dab in the middle haha.
Well the majority of players are Silver/Bronze so I don't know about it being in the middle per se.
the majority of players are around silver 4 or 3. bronze is some sort of bizarro world where you can play tank kalista and deal the most damage in the game still.


Had a bunch of fun ARAM games the other day, mainly as I just wanted to play some quick games.

I went Morde in the last one and my team was dominating, but as we were at the nexus, the enemy Singed managed to score a Pentakill! We still won but that fellow deserved the Reputation.
I like to read the discussions here, but I never post.

Is that pretty decent for a fresh account/relatively new guy? I'm surprised there's still a lot of "noobs" in ranked. A few games I lost were very winnable.

Welcome to ranked. It's the same from Bronze to Master.

Which server are you on?


Totally saved a game yesterday by stealing a baron with a Jinx ult. The enemy jungler was then flamed to hell and back and we won. Felt good, man.


Silver Life.


But it's cool, because we wrecked 'em. I had more damage than Lissandra, and I wasn't building any damage items. :\

Hm so reading Riots writings on the champion mastery, it seems like a whole lotta nothing

-Only you can see your own grade
-Enemies can't see your crests
-No real rewards so far except for the custom emote I guess
-'Riot isn't considering skins as a reward'

It really is another way to fill those bars I suppose. I mean, if they're going to steal the 3 skin dye job idea from HotS, they should take the mastery skin idea as well while they're at it.


Hm so reading Riots writings on the champion mastery, it seems like a whole lotta nothing

-Only you can see your own grade
-Enemies can't see your crests
-No real rewards so far except for the custom emote I guess
-'Riot isn't considering skins as a reward'

Are they talking skins as in actual skins, or as in chromas? If they're not considering chromas then it's a whole lot of fucking nothing.

Chromas won't ever be handed out for mastery.

Rito even sells tiny summoner icons for $$$, or at least require you to spend money to get them (eg skin summoner icons like Debonair).
Wait, enemies can't see your mastery crests?

So the crests serve no purpose other than having your team flame you for having a bad game with a champion you have a crest on? Honor-quality job there, Riot. Way to spend time doing something that will be irrelevant in a couple weeks.

Also I love how one of the ADC titles is "pathfinder". Might as well call it "brush checker"


Wait, enemies can't see your mastery crests?

So the crests serve no purpose other than having your team flame you for having a bad game with a champion you have a crest on? Honor-quality job there, Riot. Way to spend time doing something that will be irrelevant in a couple weeks.

Also I love how one of the ADC titles is "pathfinder". Might as well call it "brush checker"
Just like the ranked border, you know. You can't see the border of your opponents.
Just like the ranked border, you know. You can't see the border of your opponents.
Yeah, but I'd expect Riot to actually learn from what they've done before as opposed to missing the point again.

This is a system meant to show off how good you are with a champion that doesn't let you show off how good you are with a champion. Enemies don't see the loading crest nor the in-game crest, the role titles also only show up in your profile same for the mastery levels, but hey, Riot "may" revisit this in the future.


Yeah, but I'd expect Riot to actually learn from what they've done before as opposed to missing the point again.

This is a system meant to show off how good you are with a champion that doesn't let you show off how good you are with a champion. Enemies don't see the loading crest nor the in-game crest, the role titles also only show up in your profile same for the mastery levels, but hey, Riot "may" revisit this in the future.
It's been intentional from their side from day 1. They might have explained it around the end of s2/ Start of s3 when borders appeared. It's a shame, but I wouldn't expect them to change it.
lol.. really ? what was their reasoning ?
"But what if the enemy team mocks me and hurts my feelings when I do bad!"

Also people being scared of people of rank X or Y even though as far as ranked is concerned it changes nothing or as if that information isn't widely avaiable


"But what if the enemy team mocks me and hurts my feelings when I do bad!"

Also people being scared of people of rank X or Y even though as far as ranked is concerned it changes nothing or as if that information isn't widely avaiable

Yeah. It's silly when all you have to do is pull up Lolnexus and get a LOT more info than that on people.

Borders, champ masteries, etc, that should all be visible across the board. It's annoying that it isn't.


So I've tried
- cinderhulk+BC Vi. Put out a good deal of champion damage actually. definitely no early power spike but felt like I had a strong teamfight presence
- Warriors + triforce Vi. Didn't do nearly as much damage for some reason. Farmed like a beast though lol. triforce Vi clears camps so quick.

I think next I'll try Warriors + BC. That might be the best combo? That's 30% CDR right there and 80 AD. Good armor shred too. Effective in the tank meta perhaps.

Just spitballing here guys. I'm seeing all sorts of combos on probuilds and trying to find a nice fit for me. On a Vi kick lately. Might as well continue it.


Next time you feel bad about your game, consider the odds of this that happened to me last night.

My internet had been fine for probably a couple of months, since my ISP finally got things together again and I got a new cable modem. However, I also haven't played League for about 3 weeks.

  1. I decided to try my first League game in like 3 weeks. Straight into ranked of course.
  2. I gank mid for first blood, the team starts doing well, and we start something like 12-3 up in kills. Bottom lane takes their tower too
  3. Our ADC starts saying they have 500 ping and blames Verizon.
  4. The ADC apparently cannot do anything near fights for this reason, but they start taking jungle farm and maybe some lane CS occasionally. We are struggling with the effective 4v5.
  5. The support says that THEY are lagging too.
  6. The ADC restarts their client and says they fixed everything (it wasn't Verizon after all). They promptly die, but say don't worry, that was their bad, not their connection.
  7. 36 minutes in, we apparently catch one of the enemy carries at low HP near baron. Their ADC is bot lane, and most or all of our team is near baron.
  8. I instantly lose cable before the enemy carry dies.
  9. I call my ISP, am informed by an automated message that there is a service outage in my area, but most outages are fixed within 2 hours.
  10. Checking the match history, my team still held on another 9-10 minutes.
  11. I am given a ranked leave.
  12. Cable was still out after 2 hours, by the way.
  13. It went out around 12:05 a.m. EST, not 4 in the morning or something crazy.
  14. Today some sites seem to have issues loading.

Granted, we might well have still lost since we had weird things like Xin support, but that particular sequence of events felt very unlucky. :(


Ashe has a 55% win rate, surpassing Jinx.

The good Ashe players are absolutely steamrolling right now. Shooting her ult down the middle lane 2-3 times alone can give the lane to your teammate. I've been seeing that happen a lot, actually. Then they're generally good enough to win or go even in their own lane and that's a big advantage when neither carry is behind.


How effective is Youmuu on Garen anyways?

I'm not much of a Garen player, but after first blood on Riven at 4 or so minutes, I went double long into brutalizer, then sat on that until sunfire/ninja tabi. Ghostblade was because I was pretty much afk split pushing top and bringing 3+ people up to me. It let me escape more easily (good synergy with the Q), and then immediately turn around and keep putting pressure on.

so to answer your question I dont know


So I've tried
- cinderhulk+BC Vi. Put out a good deal of champion damage actually. definitely no early power spike but felt like I had a strong teamfight presence
- Warriors + triforce Vi. Didn't do nearly as much damage for some reason. Farmed like a beast though lol. triforce Vi clears camps so quick.

I think next I'll try Warriors + BC. That might be the best combo? That's 30% CDR right there and 80 AD. Good armor shred too. Effective in the tank meta perhaps.

Just spitballing here guys. I'm seeing all sorts of combos on probuilds and trying to find a nice fit for me. On a Vi kick lately. Might as well continue it.

I know it's the hot thing to do, but any game I went warrior's->Trinity Force on Vi I was always essentially in a position where I was going to win anyways. I don't recall there being a match where I bought Trinity Force and suddenly turned it around, or broke the match open (unlike Hecarim or Skarner). Once you unload her initial combo, even with a decent amount of CDR she doesn't cast abilities fast enough to get sheen procs.

I see Trinity Force on Vi being the same as Trinity Force on Xin Zhao - buy it as an offensive item if one feed squishy absolutely 100% must die. Otherwise leave it alone.

That said, Phage is a terrific buy on Vi after Warrior's. Try Warrior's->Black Cleaver, then tank up. Consider Last Whisper as an additional offensive item if you need it.
You get two Sheen procs in her combo which is more than enough. Between skill CDs the extra attack speed and Phage improve her damage a ton by giving her more W procs

If you're picking Vi you absolutely want something dead. Unless your team gets fucked and you need to improvise I don't see much of a reason not to get it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I always had trouble dealing with Kalistas because if my ult didn't kill them I had nothing until my Q was up again

Guess I was just ass
No, Kalista just kites all melee in midgame. Vi has burst lockdown that can't miss at least though.


A good Kalista is demoralizing to play against if she gets ahead. She dances around and then just murders everybody at dragon and makes you feel helpless.


I'm not much of a Garen player, but after first blood on Riven at 4 or so minutes, I went double long into brutalizer, then sat on that until sunfire/ninja tabi. Ghostblade was because I was pretty much afk split pushing top and bringing 3+ people up to me. It let me escape more easily (good synergy with the Q), and then immediately turn around and keep putting pressure on.

so to answer your question I dont know

Haha no problem mate.
Yeah Brutalizer on Garen is good, and usually it'd be built into Black Cleaver, but now it only goes into Youmuu and I don't see Phage working too well on Garen, least I haven't tested it much yet to see if it still gives him movement speed while E-ing.
If the match went on longer you could've built Inf. Edge sine his E will crit.
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