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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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What're Malz's weakness? I rarely played against him but when he snowballs, HE SNOWBALLS.

Mages like malz, brand, vel koz, etc... without dashes can be easily abused pre 6. If done right they will be behind and can't kill in one rotation of spells which render them pretty weak.

If you don't take advantage of that weak point then yea... once they hit 6+ they can just single someone out and blow them up.


Why would people get into a game... and not actually play it. I've never understand the fun of watching the game while standing afk in base, moving your champion every couple of minutes. Same for leavers. Just game ruiners.


Why would people get into a game... and not actually play it. I've never understand the fun of watching the game while standing afk in base, moving your champion every couple of minutes. Same for leavers. Just game ruiners.
Answered your own question.


So what junglers should I add to the pool for the Goldish meta? I feel like I'm just not clicking with anyone but Elise and Vi right now.

Used to love but fallen out of the meta/got gutted:

Tried but had a rough game. Could try again I guess:

Know they're strong but boring to play:

I think Volibear might be a good pickup but I don't own him yet. Olaf looks strong but I was never very good at him. I kept screwing up the axes. I struggled with their ability to go as far as you click up to the max range.

Really doesn't seem like many more that are good in the meta that I'd like to play. Might just specialize in Vi/Elise for now. Kind of want a third niche pick that I'm really strong with though. Voli might be a good fit.

I'm obviously ignoring the regular bans of Sejuani and Gragas. I don't think Gragas is my style anyways.


Gold Member
Just tried out the new Ashe for the first time. So OP.
So what junglers should I add to the pool for the Goldish meta? I feel like I'm just not clicking with anyone but Elise and Vi right now.

Used to love but fallen out of the meta/got gutted:

Tried but had a rough game. Could try again I guess:

Know they're strong but boring to play:

I think Volibear might be a good pickup but I don't own him yet. Olaf looks strong but I was never very good at him. I kept screwing up the axes. I struggled with their ability to go as far as you click up to the max range.

Really doesn't seem like many more that are good in the meta that I'd like to play. Might just specialize in Vi/Elise for now. Kind of want a third niche pick that I'm really strong with though. Voli might be a good fit.

I'm obviously ignoring the regular bans of Sejuani and Gragas. I don't think Gragas is my style anyways.

How about Wukong? New BC works really well with him so it gave him an indirect buff.


I actually like khazix right now. Played him some on my other account. If you snowball early(which is still just as easy as it was before) you can force games to end pretty early. I favor e evolve first about 70 percent of the time unless I know there will be a lot of dueling


Just tried out the new Ashe for the first time. So OP.

How about Wukong? New BC works really well with him so it gave him an indirect buff.

Wukong is the buzz of the town today. Give him a try ;D

I used to play Wukong a bit. He was never one of my favorite junglers but it might be worth another stab at it. Cool.

I actually like khazix right now. Played him some on my other account. If you snowball early(which is still just as easy as it was before) you can force games to end pretty early. I favor e evolve first about 70 percent of the time unless I know there will be a lot of dueling

Just worried about his ability to hang with the tanks. I know Vi and Elise can with %health damage and their general build pathes. Kha'zix I guess I could just rush Hydra->LW or something. Don't think BC would be a great fit.


Gold Member
I used to play Wukong a bit. He was never one of my favorite junglers but it might be worth another stab at it. Cool.

You know, your avatar is a great jungler herself.

You might also wanna try Naut jungle. He's pretty beastly at ganks and soaking up damage.


Just worried about his ability to hang with the tanks. I know Vi and Elise can with %health damage and their general build pathes. Kha'zix I guess I could just rush Hydra->LW or something. Don't think BC would be a great fit.

Hydra/lw/maw if there is significant ap threat/raw ad item

Of course you run the risk of letting the game go too long and being outscaled but a carry will never be able to outscale being completely deleted unless they have a zhonyas. Qss will literally do nothing to stop a zix deletion.

I mean you see it all the time in solo q, the adc I'd split from the team cause of fat bot farm. With a zix in the game it's super dangerous to do that.

i almost lost an ai game because i had an amumu try to jungle without smite and a nunu who tried to lane with a machete.

If you select the wrong combination of bots and fuck around too much it can actually be a huge pain to end the game


I think I've played against two different Wukong + Yasuo teams recently, including one with a Wukong + Yasuo bot lane. The latter destroyed my team.


You know, your avatar is a great jungler herself.

You might also wanna try Naut jungle. He's pretty beastly at ganks and soaking up damage.

Thanks for the suggestions. I don't like junglers that can't can't pre-6 so Diana is probably out. Though I may try her in some comps. Naut is a good suggestion but really not my style. Too slow and lumbering lol.

Hydra/lw/maw if there is significant ap threat/raw ad item

Of course you run the risk of letting the game go too long and being outscaled but a carry will never be able to outscale being completely deleted unless they have a zhonyas. Qss will literally do nothing to stop a zix deletion.

I mean you see it all the time in solo q, the adc I'd split from the team cause of fat bot farm. With a zix in the game it's super dangerous to do that.

Good points all around. He was probably in my top 3 for best junglers last couple seasons. I'll pull him out again. The only thing I hate with him when he's out of meta is playing from behind with him is very difficult. The bump to his W numbers might help the clear speeds enough that you can farm back though.


one of the biggest scenarios you do not want to pick khazix in is when your team has no hard engage. you'll never be able to go in and delete if you don't have someone who initiates the fight and draws the attention away from you.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Was digging through my old pictures folder when I found this gem.

Never forget.



I do hate his escape, but his ult is fairly weak, no?
his ult is super broken dude

insane damage and cc and you can't even stun him cos he keeps dealing dmg anyways

Says the person with an ahri avatar.

this makes no sense

ahri has multiple skillshots and has her big mobility spell gated by big cooldowns

wukong turns invisible, point and clicks at you and deals stupid amounts of undodgeable dmg

he's like ad fizz or something lol with the troll invisible jukes

really easy to play champion that brings nothing interesting to the game

They can both be frustrating to play against I think was his point

no comparison

Living the Bronze Lyfe and worrying if your Mid can handle an Ahri or not :V
so anyone?

ahri is much easier to play against than many other mages

What're Malz's weakness? I rarely played against him but when he snowballs, HE SNOWBALLS.
just gank him, and it's really easy to stay away from the space aids

even after 6 it's pretty easy to interrupt his ult

he's annoying tho

I must know why so many people try to get Wukong to build tanky.
because when ppl start losing they press tab to look for other ppl to blame, realize they have no tank and just blame it on that

I actually like khazix right now. Played him some on my other account. If you snowball early(which is still just as easy as it was before) you can force games to end pretty early. I favor e evolve first about 70 percent of the time unless I know there will be a lot of dueling
seeing a lot of him lately too

can we nerf him back already?

yeah good thing i was on a midlaner i actually knew how to play


did 80k damage to end the game.
sure showed em bots!

Riot put up a sale schedule for June.

Wasn't there someone here that wanted to get Kalista for RP during a sale?

She's on the list.

no skins for me

i'm broke anyways, and out of rp after madoka lux


Sejuani's utility is still great. There's no reason she needed to do as much damage as she was when she could lock down an entire team fight.


yeah, ending games as sejuani and doing more damage than your "carries" while being a megatank is a bit stupid. like when you gank, you have to run away from your target when it's low HP because if you don't there's no way you're not 100% getting the kill instead of said carry lol

but then you remember you're sejuani and kills for you are awesome
Sejuani's utility is still great. There's no reason she needed to do as much damage as she was when she could lock down an entire team fight.
Been saying that since I got back and saw her state. Tanks can't be big, fast damage dealers too. Not if they only build one offensive item, anyway. It should take them awhile to deal damage, or they should have to sacrifice some of their ability to tank in order to deal more damage. It's clear to me that Sej could have both without losing much of anything and it's good to see Riot could see that. Surprised it took them so long to figure that out.


Sejuani takes a well-deserved hit.

If only Gragas would take a nerf as well, I've been putting him higher on the priority to ban list than Sejuani for the past week or so.


damn. I was planning to buy sej too.

Hmm. What's up with all the jungle gragas?

Sejuani will still be strong. She just won't be an unkillable tanky killing machine. Just unkillable tanky decent damage machine.

Gragas has a lot of CC, a lot of mobility, %health damage, sustain and high base damage (build him tank). He's pretty close to the ideal jungler.


i really like new gragas better tho, specially since his dmg will inevitably get toned down

gragas' ult is one of the coolest spells in the game when it's not used for damage
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