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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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another day, another game of Yasuo trying to 1v5 teams when we're ahead and losing.


Why the fuck do they constantly overextend and chase? I don't get it.
another day, another game of Yasuo trying to 1v5 teams when we're ahead and losing.


Why the fuck do they constantly overextend and chase? I don't get it.

I can see why it happens. Yasuo as a champion gives you so much control that when you're ahead you feel like you can just take on the entire enemy team if you play it perfectly. Of course none of them ever do so it never works out, but still. I really hope he gets buffed. There is no other champion in the game that just makes you feel like a god when you play the situation right and kill everything. Immensely fun champion to play.

But yeah, attracts a lot of overconfidence because of what his kit allows you to do.
All I want is for them to bring back the extra Flow passive on his W.

Or increase the stacks on E again, even if it means decreasing stack time. I thought it was fun to play around with it, since you give up dashable minions in exchange for keeping up a stronger E. Loved to play with Q and E stacks in lane.


Yeah, champion.gg it's a pretty interesting tool provided you can properly interpret the data. It's a really neat way of checking out some theories as well. I've significantly reduced the rate at which I do level 3 ganks base on some information I found (some examples of different early skill orders affecting win rates):


Unless it's a near guaranteed kill, I don't bother. Carried that mindset over to junglers who are actually good at level 3 ganks (e.g. Xin Zhao) and I've seen improved results as well. Failing a level 3 gank (and fail in this instance is anything but a kill) is likely cause of being 2+ levels behind the solo laners by 8:30.

(Also for anyone interested, champion.gg provides clear-cut proof of something that's been true since mid-S3 but most junglers still haven't caught on. CDR >>> MR in your glyphs.)
Let's talk about supported regions.
Supported: Riot regions only.

You may ask why riot regions only. Since riot API released, we can get current game data very easy from riot's API server. This method is legal and safe.

Well, screw you too BaronReplays. :(

I never understood why it suddenly stopped working one day even though I didn't update. Then I discovered it still DOES work but only for customs.


apparently to that site rylais is the most frequent last item for ori?


That...yeah that's a weird one...but also fun for people who like theory crafting and shit like me! Every now and then I see this odd item in the highest win rate build and it suddenly makes sense.

That said, I don't see why you'd pick Rylai on Orianna. Only thing I can't think of is that it's late game and the Ori players want health but are opting away from RoA because of 10min stacking.


That...yeah that's a weird one...but also fun for people who like theory crafting and shit like me! Every now and then I see this odd item in the highest win rate build and it suddenly makes sense.

That said, I don't see why you'd pick Rylai on Orianna. Only thing I can't think of is that it's late game and the Ori players want health but are opting away from RoA because of 10min stacking.
yea but why not just buy liandry's in that case, which gives a bit of lategame relevant damage thanks to %hp and extra mpen and still gives you a bit of health. was checking probuilds in case i was wrong about it but have seen maybe one or two

what's weird is that it's both most frequent and most succesful, so i'm guessing the community at large considers it a good item on her?

I hope Lissandra gets gutted >>
that's sad

it's not lizzy's fault that ppl are bad at melees or can't accept that winning lane is not always a possibility

i played against a pretty decent riven the other day and she kicked my ass in lane


Don't worry, I'm sure Liss is getting slammed into the dumpster where she belongs, along with Kass.


Played against a Sig. Didn't do that bad against her but the rest of my team did =/

Was nocturne and was doing well ganking lanes when my ult was up. Rest of my team ended up feeding a bunch which ended with all of us just losing in the end.

Of course mid Annie blamed me for the loss (she was like 2-8 at the end or something pretty bad).


Just finished watching "The Drop" with the GF.

that movie was super legit.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Played against a Sig. Didn't do that bad against her but the rest of my team did =/

Was nocturne and was doing well ganking lanes when my ult was up. Rest of my team ended up feeding a bunch which ended with all of us just losing in the end.

Of course mid Annie blamed me for the loss (she was like 2-8 at the end or something pretty bad).


Just finished watching "The Drop" with the GF.

that movie was super legit.
Anything with Tom Hardy is legit.


Don't worry, I'm sure Liss is getting slammed into the dumpster where she belongs, along with Kass.

u trying to hurt me but dat ain't working bby


lizzy 4 lyfe

Laning against her isn't what I hate about her, it's her stupid CC in team fights that bugs me.
buy qss



yea but why not just buy liandry's in that case, which gives a bit of lategame relevant damage thanks to %hp and extra mpen and still gives you a bit of health. was checking probuilds in case i was wrong about it but have seen maybe one or two

what's weird is that it's both most frequent and most succesful, so i'm guessing the community at large considers it a good item on her?

Well, in defense of Rylai's it would also be better for Orianna's shield. I wouldn't read into it too much. The most frequent build is below her average win rate and the highest win% build is just a shade higher even though her highest win% skill order and win % starting items indicate someone out there knows what they're doing. Point is there's some odd stuff going on with the information provided. Seems like the case of bad Orianna's skewing numbers in the wrong directions.


its only a matter of time. huge pick/ban in soloq and competitive in all regions.
janna/kalista/ahri/gnar/xerath all had reasonable nerfs, and they all have huge pick/ban numbers in competitive. in solo queue lizzy is only moderately popular and has a solid 50% winrate, tho her banrate is indeed huge

it's rito after all and you never know, but like always ppl only remember the azirs and the kassadins and willingly forget when riot's does things right

Well, in defense of Rylai's it would also be better for Orianna's shield. I wouldn't read into it too much. The most frequent build is below her average win rate and the highest win% build is just a shade higher even though her highest win% skill order and win % starting items indicate someone out there knows what they're doing. Point is there's some odd stuff going on with the information provided. Seems like the case of bad Orianna's skewing numbers in the wrong directions.
that's why those kind of sites are imo pretty useless. at least for specific stuff like builds

some stats like knowing that ori is more likely to win the longer the games get, but tbh it's not surprise that ori doesn't have the strongest of early games (specially after passive nerfs and mana nerfs) and that she doesn't have quite the midgame spike she used to have when athenes was an actual item

if i want to know what to build i just check korean players at probuilds or yolo it :p


well i mean like if i'm playing like anivia or some other champion i haven't played in a long time and i'm not sure what to build on them

i always think about building abyssal on ori. the aura is wasted at max range q's but i want to try sometime to do like a more brawly build with roa and abyss for some reason


In a ranked promotion game, I just had a late-connecting mid (me because I kept reconnecting), a late-connecting ADC, and no leash on jungle who was mad about it at level 1 asking that our top be reported, in allchat.

We also had a support Cho'gath with no gold item apparently, rushing ROA, never building sightstone. No red trinket on team, and I was the only person who ever upgraded yellow trinket. We also had a Darius top, building damage rather than tank (triforce, starting some other zeal item), against Jinx, tank Nasus, and actual support Nami.

Can you guess what happened?

If you guessed "Crushed all lanes, Cho had the most damage in the game, got 3 dragons and baron, killed all structures and nexus, did not lose a single tower, and ended in under 30 minutes with over a 13k gold lead", then yes you are correct. But wow, if Nasus and Jinx had gotten to lategame and we continued to have no sightstone or trinket vision, we certainly did not deserve to win that. http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1746413511/38569565?tab=overview


I -love- when I pick Malzahar and someone decent goes jungle Warwick on my team.

I was laning against a Yasuo who never bought QSS, and we just chained ults on him all game. It's hilarious.


In the battle between Newt and Newd, there can only be one victor.

*edit* That was a Hecarim top lane, no wonder. I was thinking Hecarim jungle.


Blizzard said:
*edit* That was a Hecarim top lane, no wonder. I was thinking Hecarim jungle.

Are you implying that Hec top isn't good?

Speaking of Horsey, really good in the jungle right now. Lots of the S5 changes are breaking his way right now. Anyone who used to like him back in S3 can climb back in the saddle.

what do you use it for?

Champion strengths, balance trends, items I never considered, skill orders, summoners...everything really. It's just a gigantic information dump. You have to apply some thinking in order to make sense of what's there, and that's interesting to me. Like the Ori-Rylais thing. You look into it, personally evaluate it's dumb and move on. But the opposite happens too. I picked up Sona because of that site when people said she wasn't good many months ago. I starting using ignite on Lulu even though she was supposed to be a "bad" support now.
I found that Zeke's Herald is a solid situational item for a utility oriented jungle Trundle.

It's what you make of it. As someone who can only play five or so matches on a good week, I find this kind of resource very valuable to keep me up to speed.


i dunno i always find those stats to be pretty skewed because of # of players

like on the lulu example, using ignite has a much higher win % but the people using exhaust are roughly ten times as many.

it ends up not being conclusive if either everybody's wrong for taking exhaust or if that 1/10th of the people aren't a big enough sample to tell


personally i just look at lolking.net/champions for the winrate, banrates and popularity stats which lets me make conclusions about perception of power more than anything. so like while i believe xerath to be a really strong champion he's really middle of the pack in both picks and bans while having a solid 50% winrate, which to me reads as that people either don't like playing him or don't consider him strong

similarly the heimer thing of him having a super high winrate despite not being banned ever makes sense because he's played so little. that tells you he might be more balanced than it may seem as the only people playing him are good at him (we all should have 55~ or more win rate on our main champions). vi on the other hand is obviously kind of op being the second most played jungler since everyone can play her and do well

champion.gg is a bit better cos it seems to separate %s depending on lanes, tho. i just recently learned about it so i might have to make the switch


ichampion.gg is a bit better cos it seems to separate %s depending on lanes, tho. i just recently learned about it so i might have to make the switch

That's what made me switch at first too, around patch 4.20. I kept wondering why Maokai felt like dogshit in the new jungle but his win rate was around 50% at the time. Turns out Maokai top had a win rate around 51% and jungle at 47%, but there were way more top Mao players than jungle Mao players, so it skewed the total win rate just down a bit.

Lolking still has its uses though, like viewing win rates by division.

Yea but at least theyre smart enough to give you the # of data so you can make up your own mind

Yup. A small sample size isn't always a bad thing, either. That could be Masters-Challenger level players but what they do hasn't filtered down yet. Like the Lulu-ignite thing, I was curious, tried it, and fuck me if it doesn't work.
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