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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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man ekko seems so fun. i can't wait to not play him for a month, at which point he will be nerfed into the ground

Lol. You've pretty much nailed it. I'm not even going to bother buying him on release. I did with reksai and I got to play her like 5 times total over the first month


i wish shurelya had like a passive that was like 25% more out of combat ms or something. so like if you go coin you can skip boots 5 or something and use the money to build other things in exchange for ur combat stats being absolute shit

...this fucking term. This fucking term.

But yes, I fully expect Riot to crush Nautilus do the point even playing him in the jungle is going to suck balls again, because I have no faith in them.
haha sorry

i like naut, but i think he's kind of op as a support. really easy to play and crazy strong at like all areas

I am actually OK with that Seju nerf!
Makes me play a little less offensive and just focus on being tanky!

it's just removing excess power. sejuani doesn't need burst, she's gonna be permaban anyways i bet


Holyshit at Ancient Coin Line and Talisman buff, being supp just got a bit more intresting


it's just removing excess power. sejuani doesn't need burst, she's gonna be permaban anyways i bet

I am actually interested how people react to those changes. Perhaps less people will choose her, and hence less chance of being banned!


haha sorry

i like naut, but i think he's kind of op as a support. really easy to play and crazy strong at like all areas.

Yeah, but broken implies that there's a fundamental flaw(s) in the kit that makes balance hard as fuck. There's lots of stuff they can do on Naut. Give him the Thresh treatment on his Q, increase Q mana cost to punish misses, let Flash break Depth Charge and/or reduce the cast range, make the duration of the stun scale inversely with the distance the ult had to travel (opposite effect of Ashe and Jinx ults, basically).

But nah, Riot is going to hit the damage on E or the shield strength on W and fuck his jungle and top for those who actually do it.

top naut rip

Let's hope not, he's actually really fun there.

I am actually OK with that Seju nerf!

Seeing as how the nerf didn't actually make it into the patch I'd be happy too if I still played Sej.


Somehow landed Silver 2 with 6/4 provisional and never doing ranked previously, time to throw it all back to bronze 5.

Last game was actually decent though, even though I let nasus get mad stacks (iunno what to do, tried to deny em). Got fed enough and team teamfought well enough to close it out.


omg pbe was supposed to drop 2.5 hours ago the anticipation is killing me

Seeing as how the nerf didn't actually make it into the patch I'd be happy too if I still played Sej.

Guarantee her ban rate drops tho and at least one person will tell you she's garbage now


I am actually interested how people react to those changes. Perhaps less people will choose her, and hence less chance of being banned!
doubt it. she'll still be pretty op

Yeah, but broken implies that there's a fundamental flaw(s) in the kit that makes balance hard as fuck. There's lots of stuff they can do on Naut. Give him the Thresh treatment on his Q, increase Q mana cost to punish misses, let Flash break Depth Charge and/or reduce the cast range...

but nah, Riot is going to hit the damage on E or the shield strength on W and fuck his jungle and top.
k, not broken, my bad

hard to balance for jungle as support, as usually when a midlaner is too strong as a support (or viceversa) you can always touch up level-related stuff and ezpz

but jungle/supports are both usually underleveled so i'm not sure what the right way to balance him would be

maybe add more nuance like you say to his q or something, at least so he's a bit more involved to play

omg pbe was supposed to drop 2.5 hours ago the anticipation is killing me

yea so many pbe-less days are depressing me


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
naut, but i think he's kind of op as a support. really easy to play and crazy strong at like all areas
Weak late. Average/above average mid game. A necessary evil to fight the reemerging cancer that is Soraka/Janna/Sona.


Weak late. Average/above average mid game. A necessary evil to fight the reemerging cancer that is Soraka/Janna/Sona.
wouldn't call janna/sona cancer, as i like some of what they bring to the game (unlike soraka)

i don't like calling shit "cancer" anyways

why do u say he has weak late/mid game tho?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
wouldn't call janna/sona cancer (i don't like calling shit "cancer" anyways), as i like some of what they bring to the game (unlike soraka)
I don't know what Janna/Sona bring to the game other than potential stalemate lanes on heroes that are too easy to play...

Naut is weak late because the high base damage means less, and even though he has lots of cc a good deal of it is avoidable or can be minimized. Naut ult is targeted but you can create distance to negate it from having much impact.


Naut's ult is much too high range to be able to effectively kite it. If it could be QSSed, I wouldn't mind it as much.


til sivir gives u the ult effect if you get in range after she ults

never knew this, wow

I don't know what Janna/Sona bring to the game other than potential stalemate lanes on heroes that are too easy to play...
i enjoy crescendo and janna ult in teamfights, they're pretty unique teamfight turning spells. i can't argue with the rest of their kits being less interesting but i like the high points of good crescendos and janan ults

in lane i was always against the direction riot took sona that is easier and easier to play, reducing the payoff for being a lane bully to the point that it's not really worth the risk, and similarly i think janna is really boring to play as in lane so yeah, not debating you on that

i enjoy the variety they bring, i'm not asking for nautilus to be olaf'd, just toned down a bit

Naut is weak late because the high base damage means less, and even though he has lots of cc a good deal of it is avoidable or can be minimized. Naut ult is targeted but you can create distance to negate it from having much impact.
not necessarily agree, at least not 100% (i think naut ult is a super strong zoning tool and i think he's a really good peeler), but fair enough


Is there like mentors on here willing to help people learn on this thread, I know it's a timesink and not necessarily asking for anything in particular especially not asking people to risk der points on meh, but would be nice for people like me just jumping into ranked to get a straight feedbacks on what they can do better, what they're doing wrong.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Janna ult is just a reset button. Very rare for something interesting to occur off of it. Sona ult is just very basic hard CC without any set up. I don't understand how this is uniquely appealing to her. I don't see how Nautilus needs nerfs when other supports like Leona do the same thing but better, and there are generally a tier of strong supports I would consider at or above the level of Naut with fewer opportunities for counterplay.
Prehistoric Cho'Gath:


Prehistoric Anivia:



Prehistoric Renekton:



yea it was pretty obvious it wasn't gonna be a new champion

anivia's a little freakish but i like renek and cho's skins and anivia's egg is cool

Janna ult is just a reset button. Very rare for something interesting to occur off of it. Sona ult is just very basic hard CC without any set up. I don't understand how this is uniquely appealing to her.
very few supports get to turn around teamfights with a single ult like sona does, which is something i like

it leads to very high highs when you pull it off

and i just like the reset button idea

overall they're spells i find enjoyable. i wish sona wasn't demoted to heal bot but riot never quite figured out what they wanted to do with her and i think janna needs a nerf but i like it when they're in the game, that's about it.

hopefully they won't be in every game if they nerf nautilus

I don't see how Nautilus needs nerfs when other supports like Leona do the same thing but better, and there are generally a tier of strong supports I would consider at or above the level of Naut with fewer opportunities for counterplay.
i might be overrating him, but i think he's the strongest support atm. i mean you're saying he's singlehandedly stopping sustain supports from being even stronger?

also never said the other supports don't need a nerf, been calling for leona nerfs for ages myself


It's slow. Long range + slow means you can kite it out.
I mean, both Sona and Naut have strong laning for different reasons, but Sona has the inherent weakness of being blown up. Without flash, Naut ult isn't really as avoidable as you think it is. As long as Naut has enough MS, which he will, he can easily get to an ulted target in the 2s he has.

Not saying Sona requires that much skill, but Naut is worse for the game than she is. If you're looking for a balanced tank support, I would have to say it's Braum.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i might be overrating him, but i think he's the strongest support atm. i mean you're saying he's singlehandedly stopping sustain supports from being even stronger?
hard engage keeps sustain or passive supports honest. that's all. naut is part of a bigger picture with stuff like leona. nautilus is absolutely not the strongest support in the game.
very few supports get to turn around teamfights with a single ult like sona does, which is something i like
i don't see how sona ult is more satisfying or game changing than annie/leona/zyra/bard/kennen/morgana ult.

there are plenty of reasons to whine about this game. naut is very far down the list right now.


those are all 750 RP skins.

Pretty cool.
yea def good price and good quality skins, and some of them are getting minor spell vfx tweaks which is nice

not sure if i like the selection of champions (renek feels a bit redundant) but pretty good bundle of skins

still wish they had done a prehistoric fizz

hard engage keeps sustain or passive supports honest. that's all. naut is part of a bigger picture with stuff like leona. nautilus is absolutely not the strongest support in the game.
nobody's asking annie/leona/naut to go away

i don't see how sona ult is more satisfying or game changing than annie/leona/zyra/bard/kennen/morgana ult.
the only one out of those that can compare imo is annie

there are plenty of reasons to whine about this game. naut is very far down the list right now.

i don't know where you got whining out of "i like naut, but i think he's kind of op as a support. really easy to play and crazy strong at like all areas" but whatever. i may be mistaken about some things but i'm not whining


Everything is moe to me
i don't see how sona ult is more satisfying or game changing than annie/leona/zyra/bard/kennen/morgana ult.now.
you really don't see how the near instant cast of sona ult is a game changing advantage compared to the bolded champs?

morgana and kennen can get fed into relevance sure, but a sona ult is a guaurnteed thing that you dont need to scrap up an hourglass for.

annie can compare and zyra atleast gets a lot in exchange for the delay [aoe/its a knockup/good damage/plant buff]


Made it to Gold III. You guys weren't kidding when you said the Gold 5 range would be a terrible experience. -.-

Imo Gold 2 was the hardest out of any of the divisions I've ever been in. Plat has been a breeze compared to Gold 2, that was god damn hell for me, I did my promos for Gold 1 a total of 9 or 10 times.


you really don't see how the near instant cast of sona ult is a game changing advantage compared to the bolded champs?

morgana and kennen can get fed into relevance sure, but a sona ult is a guaurnteed thing that you dont need to scrap up an hourglass for.

annie can compare and zyra atleast gets a lot in exchange for the delay [aoe/its a knockup/good damage/plant buff]
thanks panda

oh for fuck's sake


i don't even play anivia
i'm not a huge fan of the skin but she looks much better in game


also this is just adorable


stop giving them ideas, i'm not made of rp
i mean i guess if it means playing less against fizzes then i can't be too sad

If you don't think Nautilus is an S tier support right now, you're wrong Dimb.
noot not taking the opportunity to call me a dumbo makes me feel like maybe i'm right about something


Imo Gold 2 was the hardest out of any of the divisions I've ever been in. Plat has been a breeze compared to Gold 2, that was god damn hell for me, I did my promos for Gold 1 a total of 9 or 10 times.

Let's hope I get carried. lool

Is there like mentors on here willing to help people learn on this thread, I know it's a timesink and not necessarily asking for anything in particular especially not asking people to risk der points on meh, but would be nice for people like me just jumping into ranked to get a straight feedbacks on what they can do better, what they're doing wrong.

I started in Silver last season and spent the entirety of it there as I got familiar with the game. I met someone in Teambuilder around preseason who introduced me to this Lecture series and I've been steadily climbing this season.

My advice:

Narrow your champion pool (a maximum of three per role is my suggestion) and watch better players play those champions (Here you'll find a player named apdo streaming a lot of Twisted Fate for example) and ask yourself why they do what they do at any given moment. You can also watch some informative streamers who will be more than happy to share their thought process. Even more important then getting a mentor is learning to be reflective re; your own play, fixing your mistakes and always striving to be improve. Even when you do things right, try to do them better. Push your champions to the limit. Never worry about the LP or rank. I just had a flaming Gragas who was in Gold for three seasons and is currently about to be demoted to Silver. Strange bit of it all is that he was so consumed with our adc that he never stopped to ask himself why his development stagnated. I also had another game last night where a Rammus intentionally fed all game (27 deaths) but we won it quite easily with no one panicking in the opening minutes and just doing their best. It's more about you growing as a player, the rank will come with time.

Dodge if you feel like a game is a waste of time and master the art of last hitting. That lecture series is invaluable if you can spare the time.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
you really don't see how the near instant cast of sona ult is a game changing advantage compared to the bolded champs?

morgana and kennen can get fed into relevance sure, but a sona ult is a guaurnteed thing that you dont need to scrap up an hourglass for.

annie can compare and zyra atleast gets a lot in exchange for the delay [aoe/its a knockup/good damage/plant buff]
kennen and morgana don't need hourglass, it's just useful. as a core piece of their build it's not really that great of a barrier to hard initiation. there are lots of high impact ults and there are supports with aoe initiation. the unique piece of sona is her harass/sustain gameplay in lane and that's it.
If you don't think Nautilus is an S tier support right now, you're wrong Dimb.
support nautilus is good. nothing identifies him as an outlier that needs nerfs.


It's more about you growing as a player, the rank will come with time.

Dodge if you feel like a game is a waste of time and master the art of last hitting. That lecture series is invaluable if you can spare the time.

Haven't watched the link yet but yeah I get you, I get things like overall map pressure, knowing to do things like take tower or go for a kill when you see a jungler/shit going down away from you, and getting the grasp of when to push lane when to trade ect. The real problem is that I get why streamers and such say things like why they're doing something, but since I'm new, still getting the handle on game sense so sometimes I get why, but have no idea when; questions I should be asking aren't even in my head yet, which is why it would help, but yeah, i'll check it out.
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