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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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i mean

i don't agree about all you said but it's soda

you're not gonna end a discussion with soda as pals

i know. i learned that when he would rage over voice comms at new players directly to them. like full on rage. not ghost rage because ghost rage is actually funny because you know he's an okay guy behind it and usually it's 50% indecipherable anyway. somethingsomethingcrowstorm



noot senpai pls critique my build

mid blamed jg, jg blamed mid, shaco went randomly afk, my top got rekkt and im not entirely sure how to play sivir against a malz+lebonk lane lol

fun game, so i just built the most annoying-for-noot combination of items i could think of lol

Learn to counterplay, dude.

i actually think if they changed that ekko wouldn't be so stupid

having played a couple games against him mid i can def see there's ways to play around his ult and his spells which are all very telegraphed, and also i had my fun destroying him early game with lebonk

it's just the invisible w that it's like, half the times you only see it when your only option is to flash because he shoots it from offscreen, in which case the long cast delay actually plays to his advantage

his numbers are probably worth looking into too, the nerfs on pbe are kind of ok but the w thing is imo like the worst spell in the game right now. worse than like ww and malz ults and and like vlad's e and everything

and it sucks cos riot is definitely not gonna change that for whatever reason

i know. i learned that when he would rage over voice comms at new players directly to them. like full on rage. not ghost rage because ghost rage is actually funny because you know he's an okay guy behind it and usually it's 50% indecipherable anyway. somethingsomethingcrowstorm
lol i duno about that but def part of the charm of soda is ending each talk feeling a bit worse about yourself


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i feel like most people here would agree i'm one of the nicest people in the community...


I think I'm actively getting worse at this game. I'm hemorrhaging elo right now and I can tell a significant part of it is my fault. I carried hard up to this point but now I just feel like I have no impact on games. It's not that I feed, just that I do nothing. Feels bad man


i feel like most people here would agree i'm one of the nicest people in the community...
i mean i don't know u very well so i'm not gonna say you're nice or not-nice but i think what i said before is pretty true

at least in my experience

I think I'm actively getting worse at this game. I'm hemorrhaging elo right now and I can tell a significant part of it is my fault. I carried hard up to this point but now I just feel like I have no impact on games. It's not that I feed, just that I do nothing. Feels bad man
maybe stick to normals for a bit and try to work on "simpler" things again like csing and map awareness and champion pool and stuff

you don't have to carry every game, but u should look to being consistent


i feel like most people here would agree i'm one of the nicest people in the community...

You're avatar looks like a cool guy, but you seem nice also.

Not to many people have played with me but i might be the most yolo player? Cause when i get going idgaf.
Not only is Braum more fun to play than Leona in my opinion, but I think his kit is better suited for peel than Leo's is. Leo has always struck me as more of an engage champ. You can more easily catch people out with solar flare, and follow up on it, whereas fissure serves as more of a disruption. When I play braum I basically focus 100% on peel and leave engages to others. If I can catch a fleeing champ with a Q to get a slow to start a fight, fine, but my focus is on peel.

edit: god, you know who I haven't played in ages? Blitz.


i mean i don't know u very well so i'm not gonna say you're nice or not-nice but i think what i said before is pretty true

at least in my experience

maybe stick to normals for a bit and try to work on "simpler" things again like csing and map awareness and champion pool and stuff

you don't have to carry every game, but u should look to being consistent

Yeah i honestly think i might just need a break. I'm not as "in it" as I was earlier in the season. Maybe I'll just play a little more Hearthstone for a few weeks and sprinkle in some normals.

I know my problem. When I started climbing I was playing super aggressive in the jungle and looking for early ganks and trying to snowball but now there are lots of games where I don't even gank pre 6 and lanes just lose and spiral out of control. I've become way too passive so i know it is all in my head


Yeah i honestly think i might just need a break. I'm not as "in it" as I was earlier in the season. Maybe I'll just play a little more Hearthstone for a few weeks and sprinkle in some normals.

I know my problem. When I started climbing I was playing super aggressive in the jungle and looking for early ganks and trying to snowball but now there are lots of games where I don't even gank pre 6 and lanes just lose and spiral out of control. I've become way too passive so i know it is all in my head

Try digging into a new role. Find some champs you find fun and play the crap out of them in team builder or normal drafts and mix it up a bit. Might spice the game up again. Plus you'll always be a better jungler the more you understand the other roles.
How can I ever play this again if everytime I play ranked I get a shitty team.
In 7 games in a row my at least 2 members of my team feeded and thus lost the game went from bronze 2 to 4, can't ever play this again,
i know. i learned that when he would rage over voice comms at new players directly to them. like full on rage. not ghost rage because ghost rage is actually funny because you know he's an okay guy behind it and usually it's 50% indecipherable anyway. somethingsomethingcrowstorm
sure lets go with that.
i feel like most people here would agree i'm one of the nicest people in the community...
ur a butt


Hey all,

Right now, some players in Diamond 5 receive unusually low LP gains and losses. We're releasing a change that should smooth out gains for most of the affected players. That said, a small number of D5 players close to being demoted will continue to see low gains until they climb back to a high enough MMR to move through Diamond.

There won't be any down time as we release this to each region.

the gates are open noot


Braum's ult is better on counter engages, Nami ult is better on disengages. And no, those aren't the same thing.

Any rate, I think there's a Bilgewater event on the way. Just a hunch. We know MF is getting a VU, Gangplank's rework is close to completion, and now we have those mysterious laughing sounds on PBE summoner's rift. Some people think it's GP but it has an otherworldly, ghostly kind of sound to the laugh, and you can hear deep diving sound effects. My guess is that it's new champion linked to whatever transformed Nautilus.

I base this on absolutely nothing.

What if it's Gangplank's father? The lore states he killed him :p


i feel like most people here would agree i'm one of the nicest people in the community...
You may be nice in real life, but your posts here and your voicechat as zkylon mentioned come across very differently. If that's not your intent, then perhaps it's a miscommunication thing.

On a League note, I was 12-2 or 13-2 Malzahar over the last 7 days in ranked, until I played 2 games tonight.

Both games had a Hecarim top. Two different players -- 11 deaths one game, 15 deaths the next game. The second one didn't build a single defensive item until 30+ minutes I think, not until they finished trinity force, speed shoes, black cleaver. No matter how many times they died, they still kept trying for kills until the top laner enemy tanks would get fed. Because the enemy top laner was a tank (and fed), ganks ranged from dangerous to pointless.

Support Thresh never switched to red trinket in a 41 minute game.

The last game, the jungler and I had 10 deaths COMBINED. Bot lane had 22 deaths, top lane had the 15.

I'm no doubt to blame for a lot of it, and I have my own problems, but those 2 games felt like a ton of bad luck appeared suddenly to make up for all the previous good luck. I had a 80% or 85% ranked win streak over 20 games, for example.
Lol damn tune into twitch and see Trutle, Bjerg, Zion, Irealiacarries U, Cali all on same team vs Sneaky, lemon, Dyrus, and Veritas.

Lemon with the Ashe support though.


Everything is moe to me
I wonder how the community here views me? Am I nice helpful person, or a toxic asshole?

you're like that grumpy old neighbour whose always yelling at people, but then we find out you spend all your free time at a soup kitchen and donate your money to puppy orphanages.


that's cool. if you dont want to actually discuss things when you're wrong you can go. or you can be a grown up and admit you were wrong in some statements like i did and we can be pals

You guys do not even argue. You just say what one or the other prefer. Those statemens wont make anyone's preference wrong or right. They are preferences.


not sure what to answer to this

what, ew.

Looks like you'll be able to just walk away after the Q hits and avoid the notorious Q,W poke altogether. The thing I hate most about it though is that it's gonna make her less enjoyable to play. Terrible way to nerf her.
don't think so, there aren't many other ways to nerf her outside of cutting on her dmg which would be pretty painful as well

You may be nice in real life, but your posts here and your voicechat as zkylon mentioned come across very differently. If that's not your intent, then perhaps it's a miscommunication thing.
hey hey

didn't say anything about voicechat

the like two games i played with soda he was fine

you're like that grumpy old neighbour whose always yelling at people, but then we find out you spend all your free time at a soup kitchen and donate your money to puppy orphanages.
lol this is so true


Not only is Braum more fun to play than Leona in my opinion, but I think his kit is better suited for peel than Leo's is. Leo has always struck me as more of an engage champ. You can more easily catch people out with solar flare, and follow up on it, whereas fissure serves as more of a disruption. When I play braum I basically focus 100% on peel and leave engages to others. If I can catch a fleeing champ with a Q to get a slow to start a fight, fine, but my focus is on peel.

edit: god, you know who I haven't played in ages? Blitz.

Yeah Braum seems far better in the teamfights and such but I have less fun with him most of the time due to no one really reacting to his kit. Makes for such a hard laning phase a lot of the time when the ADC is applying zero pressure even when you have 2/3 stacks of the passive on someone and taking all the agro in the world.

Where as Leona even if the laning phase is a little slow you can go on the crazy roams after 6 and apply crazy pressure just being on the map due to fear of total lockdown. But once you have used your cooldowns that is it you may as well not be in the fight compared to Braum :p
don't think so, there aren't many other ways to nerf her outside of cutting on her dmg which would be pretty painful as well

They could remove the slow on her E. It's a bit silly that even flash won't save you from the tether most of the time due to that added slow. They could also give her ult a mana cost or nerf the cooldown. Leblanc gets blue and uses her ultimate for poke and waveclear with no consequence.

W speed nerf is terrible because it'll make her feel clunky.


They could remove the slow on her E. It's a bit silly that even flash won't save you from the tether most of the time due to that added slow. They could also give her ult a mana cost or nerf the cooldown. Leblanc gets blue and uses her ultimate for poke and waveclear with no consequence.

W speed nerf is terrible because it'll make her feel clunky.

the slow is necessary for her to be able to pick off ppl. it's counterbalanced by it being a pretty hard to land spell and by forcing lebonk to be in close range of whoever she's picking off (sometimes ppl with lots of dmg if u get close like adc), which put her in risk.

ult nerfs are boring cos they limit her playmaking ability so no ty

i personally don't think leblanc needed any nerfs but i can't really complain about counterplay being added to a champion
I think what they are trying to attack is the way Leblanc is typically used in pro play (see Samsung/Jin Air Game 1 today for a textbook example), where she hides in fog of war and sneaks guaranteed poke on any enemy who comes within ~1000 range of her without taking any risk at all. Usually she forces at least a summoner spell. Then she does it again and again until the enemy team are forced to back off and concede objectives. It makes it extremely tough for a team to regain any ground against a Leblanc team once you lose vision control.
I think what they are trying to attack is the way Leblanc is typically used in pro play (see Samsung/Jin Air Game 1 today for a textbook example), where she hides in fog of war and sneaks guaranteed poke on any enemy who comes within ~1000 range of her without taking any risk at all. Usually she forces at least a summoner spell. Then she does it again and again until the enemy team are forced to back off and concede objectives. It makes it extremely tough for a team to regain any ground against a Leblanc team once you lose vision control.

Yeah. For an assassin, her poke is very strong. I think that's the main reason she's the last of her kind still seeing pro play.


This thread is full of jerks who know how to stay just on the right side of bannination lines.

I'll just say this: if you make enough "jerk-ish but not so jerk-ish that you deserve to be banned" posts, they can, when accumulated, make for a ban.


I think what they are trying to attack is the way Leblanc is typically used in pro play (see Samsung/Jin Air Game 1 today for a textbook example), where she hides in fog of war and sneaks guaranteed poke on any enemy who comes within ~1000 range of her without taking any risk at all. Usually she forces at least a summoner spell. Then she does it again and again until the enemy team are forced to back off and concede objectives. It makes it extremely tough for a team to regain any ground against a Leblanc team once you lose vision control.
for that exact reason i really think it's an ok nerf even if i don't really think it was needed (if cho's a necessary evil against assassins, then lebonk is a necessary evil against poke mages), but i don't know about the state this'll leave her in

Ashe nerfs. RIP :(


I'm perfectly fine with the no flurry on tower nerf, but the volley nerf? That's a little harsh.
she'll be ok i think

ashy is pretty op right now

This thread is full of jerks who know how to stay just on the right side of bannination lines.

I'll just say this: if you make enough "jerk-ish but not so jerk-ish that you deserve to be banned" posts, they can, when accumulated, make for a ban.
i would ask you about tagging me with zkyjerk but i guess after being zkylewd for so long zkyjerk would take a different meaning entirely

pls dont give make me zkyjerk
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