That's a good point, there hasn't been a hotfix for that yet, has there?Dat placebo effect at work.
Her nerfs didn't go through. Tooltip change only
That's a good point, there hasn't been a hotfix for that yet, has there?Dat placebo effect at work.
Her nerfs didn't go through. Tooltip change only
i mean, you dont have to do much to do ok with janna, most of her spells are pretty straightforwardhow is janna low skill?
Maybe I'm just a bad janna player
oh that's awesome, i really like it, specially having all the ally info right next to the minimapHey, my team worked on the new HUD. Hit me up if you have more detailed feedback, especially once you've used it.
i mean, i'm pretty sure it's always been like this, a couple more, a couple less, but easy champions are just better at solo q because of how little they demand of the player and the teamLow skill champions have always been dominant, but the tank meta introduced a few more.
leblanc has a very high skillfloor because of how she plays out in the mid-late game if you don't know what you're doing. unless you're pretty massively fed she's pretty similar to zed, you can't just hope for trading aoe ultimates in teamfights like you do with most champions in soloq, so you have to create picks on your own and move a lot around teamfights, specially now that there's so many tanks with easy to land ccI think this is only true bc the stronger a champ is the easier it is to play them effectively. Yasuo and riven for example have always been a high skill cap champs, but used to be so strong you could just faceroll with them with minimal experience. I think leblanc has high skill characteristics but is so safe it is really hard to call her a high skill champ. I don't think low skill=strong is necessarily related to mechanical requirements of certain champs. Similar to how playing something that is generally considered weak takes a lot more knowledge to get the same result compared to op shit
the problem is that riot had absolutely no idea what they wanted to do with syndra and randomly nerfed her laning+broke her e completelyI totally agree. She can dominate lane in some matchups, but being useful in team fights is way more effort than it's worth. And the bugs are silly some times. The other day E launched my sphere backwards. That's not helpful.
It's a reasonable enough list. I'd replace Nunu with LB though, add Ashe and remove all of the support bans. Nunu is really annoying, but thankfully almost nobody plays him.In this order
1. Hecarm - Low skill, faceroll
2. Cho'Gath - Low skill, faceroll
3. Kat - Low skill, faceroll
4. Ekko - Too much of an unknown
5. Gragas - Low skill, faceroll
6. Nunu - Low skill, faceroll
7. Annie - Too strong from behind
8. Alistar - Too much presence
9. Janna - Situational ban, counterpick based
Well that Lucian game was a flop. Our Morgana was so damn salty and mad though, I couldn't help but delight myself in her anger.
And I guess:What the hell do I build on an ADC anyways?
It's a reasonable enough list. I'd replace Nunu with LB though, add Ashe and remove all of the support bans. Nunu is really annoying, but thankfully almost nobody plays him.
I only play a few adc champs but usually IE, Phantom Dancer/Shiv(usually depends how the team is doing), Blood thirstier, Last Whisper then something defensive if needed or another phantom dancer if you are crazy ahead![]()
My ordering differs a bit. I'd put gragas in the top, Ashe second and chogath third. Hecarim and the rest is lower priority for me.Ashe seems incredibly stronk right now. Where would you rank her on the list?
Ashe will still be top tier I think. Kalista is up there too.Who will rise as a good ADC once Ashe can't damage towers anymore? (without using normal attacks)
Ashe seems incredibly stronk right now. Where would you rank her on the list?
I had a statikk shiv and an incomplete IE and a Vamp Scepter in my inventory.Our morgana was baffled at the Shiv.
Oh well. I should really learn ADC, but it's just soo boooring
I had a statikk shiv and an incomplete IE and a Vamp Scepter in my inventory.Our morgana was baffled at the Shiv.
Oh well. I should really learn ADC, but it's just soo boooring
not much difference, sivir will still be strong, jinx will still be strongWho will rise as a good ADC once Ashe can't damage towers anymore? (without using normal attacks)
My ordering differs a bit. I'd put gragas in the top, Ashe second and chogath third. Hecarim and the rest is lower priority for me.
I believe heca is a larger threat than Cho but in my experience barely any mid laners or top laners (players, not champs) can handle Cho, so I have to ban him.
Ashe is a simple go-to adc now since she's both top tier and one of the absolutely easiest ones. I wonder how much time will have to pass until people tire of seeing Ashe.
we did it boys.
never laned vs a naut before and i fucked up early.
one more win boys. approaching 60%wr with irelia. i was originally on the team with that trynd, vayne, and twisted fate and couldn't dodge due to promos. someone else did and thank god i wasnt on their team again.
Yeah, Leblanc is actually a common mistake for people to ban. She actually has one of the lowest winrates for a midlaner.It's a reasonable enough list. I'd replace Nunu with LB though, add Ashe and remove all of the support bans. Nunu is really annoying, but thankfully almost nobody plays him.
She's had a low win rate for a long time for sure. She's not the highest priority ban but she's often oppressive in my experience, and mid laners often want her banned when I ask for wishes. It might be confirmation bias or it might be that there's more people who can play lb properly than people that can deal with lb properly in my elo. It's hard to say.Yeah, Leblanc is actually a common mistake for people to ban. She actually has one of the lowest winrates for a midlaner.
Yeah, it's definitely just confirmation bias. I've seen LeBlanc go 5/0 in lane and lose the game, and this kinda thing happens often. You should try not banning her and see this for yourself.She's had a low win rate for a long time for sure. She's not the highest priority ban but she's often oppressive in my experience, and mid laners often want her banned when I ask for wishes. It might be confirmation bias or it might be that there's more people who can play lb properly than people that can deal with lb properly in my elo. It's hard to say.
Yeah, it's definitely just confirmation bias. I've seen LeBlanc go 5/0 in lane and lose the game, and this kinda thing happens often. You should try not banning her and see this for yourself.
Anyways, I would never ban her with just 3 bans. If you're looking for champs people can't play against ban Shaco.
I'm surprised more people don't prioritize banning Nautilus.
I'm still surprised we haven't seen a ton of Cho in professional leagues. He has some of the best burst in the game, and it's mostly AoE with strong cc. All while being naturally quite tanky.
I guess it's his lack of mobility but that damage seems too good to pass up.
im so rusty at playing sona
don't even enjoy playing her anymore
im so rusty at playing sona
don't even enjoy playing her anymore
im so rusty at playing sona
don't even enjoy playing her anymore
I don't think the meta right now is especially kind to her either. Picking her into a hard engage supp is gonna be a tough matchup.
Man, I rarely see her now. She's pretty fun to play against, because she can frustrate you with such strong poke, but if you can catch her slightly out of position, you can blow her up big time. It's such a tense cat and mouse game with her.
It's not that bad honestly. Her laning phase is very forgiving to me compared to stuff like Nami. AD carries with long range easy return harass like Ashe are a bigger problem, but Sona is still in a good spot.I don't think the meta right now is especially kind to her either. Picking her into a hard engage supp is gonna be a tough matchup.
im so rusty at playing sona
don't even enjoy playing her anymore
It's not that bad honestly. Her laning phase is very forgiving to me compared to stuff like Nami. AD carries with long range easy return harass like Ashe are a bigger problem, but Sona is still in a good spot.
It's not that bad honestly. Her laning phase is very forgiving to me compared to stuff like Nami. AD carries with long range easy return harass like Ashe are a bigger problem, but Sona is still in a good spot.
I don't think the meta right now is especially kind to her either. Picking her into a hard engage supp is gonna be a tough matchup.
I just don't find Nautilus to be as forgiving as you guys do.I would say that she's in a good spot for people who are very experienced with her. Anybody just trying her out is going to get annihilated and feed hard. There are lots of more forgiving supports that still perform well, such as Nautilus.
Man, I rarely see her now. She's pretty fun to play against, because she can frustrate you with such strong poke, but if you can catch her slightly out of position, you can blow her up big time. It's such a tense cat and mouse game with her.
She was pretty popular back when DJ Sona skin released but I agree that there's less of her now.
I seldom see Lulu too so I wonder if she's still viable in the tank meta if everybody's tanky already.
Most often, I see Janna and Thresh as support.