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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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I get really sad every time I right click to walk to a lane, accidentally target a minion instead of the ground, and then realize my champion has stopped moving because the minion died.
I get really sad every time I right click to walk to a lane, accidentally target a minion instead of the ground, and then realize my champion has stopped moving because the minion died.

I forget when, exactly, this bug was introduced, but it's been in for a looooong time. It's super annoying.


Man, I have no idea how this game was won. I was spamming surrender votes, lol. Was still playing though. Near the end Eve got pissed an afked.
cinderhulk nocturne too strong
I think it's good for late game (with red Smite), though I prefer more early power with Warrior. I try to get as many ults as I can while people are still laning. I wish they buff Devourer a little bit so that it becomes another great option for Noct.


My noc winrate has plummeted ever since i switched to building warrior. I should prob go back to building ch on him. Still did plenty of damage


I've not been playing much recently but I had one game last night and it was super intense!


That gold lead!!! We should of been steam rolling the other team but no one could get to Viktor who was super fed in the early/mid game. We had good objective control and map control but the fights were tricky with Shyvana and Vicktor being so big which made it tricky to take down the high priority targets.

I also have no idea how to play Sivir it felt like I was doing no damage compared to the usual ADCs I play but I was being zoned out by the two tanks and their thornmail most of the time.

The end game was really intense with some big team fights and objective wars. Luckily in the last fight the tanks managed to get on top of Vicktor and I managed to poke down most of the team so once he was dead we could turn on Kalista without too much threat from the tanks.

I don't play ranked so I'm not sure what elo I am but usually matched with gold-plat bordder peeps in Normals so I'm guessing silver/gold.


What's your usual build path on Noct?

Usually red smite > cinderhulk > cutlass (will just finish bork if snowballing)> situational tanky. If I'm carrying I'll get a cleaver too bc it synergizes so well with noct. I've also had games where i get cleaver over bork if i just want to ult everything



I guess my MMR went down too much with a losing streak. Sadly I only got 17 LP for this 4v5 which took years off my life in stress.

It seemed like we were ahead, doing well, and had taken most of the other team's outer towers. People kept running around alone and dying, or getting caught (including me), but I figure maybe we'll eventually get the ADC mid at the same time as everyone else, and we'll push the mid inhib easily.

Nope, J4 went AFK in spawn for 5-10 minutes at level 10, and eventually disconnected completely. What followed was maybe 20 minutes of everyone, shockingly, defending mid together. Eventually I guess the other team figured out J4 was AFK, and started slowly showing themselves and pushing our lanes. Eventually they got our mid inner turret, though we kept winning teamfights thanks to pantheon + leona engages. I think we even survived a baron push because 1-2 of them died, and the rest backed off until it ran out.

Then, we won a fight hard enough that we could grab the mid inhibitor, but not the towers past that. Finally, the other team tried for Ye Olde Baron Throw when we ran away, and we apparently got baron in the confusion, even without smite, taking the nexus as a followup.


I'm still surprised we haven't seen a ton of Cho in professional leagues. He has some of the best burst in the game, and it's mostly AoE with strong cc. All while being naturally quite tanky.

I guess it's his lack of mobility but that damage seems too good to pass up.

Berg used him toward the end of last split and MSI. Pretty much suffered from the same thing as Sej at MSI and more recent lck games where Sej is second rate. Passively farming wasn't an option as Asian teams are actively looking to take over the map.


Gold Member
I don't play ranked so I'm not sure what elo I am but usually matched with gold-plat bordder peeps in Normals so I'm guessing silver/gold.

Do normal games have elo? I get paired with challenger plats and diamonds mostly but I'm only at Silver 1 on ranked. I do have 400 games on normal and like 20 on ranks though. Started playing on December last year so I'll probably get paired with lower ranks once some time has passed.

Just bought Kata. When I play against her, I almost always anticipate her moves and know how to counter her but playing as her is completely different. I always thought of her as a champion that doesn't require that much mechanical skill but I'm starting to think differently. Any tips from someone experienced in playing as her?


Gold Member
So I saw my friend use Kata start with a sunfire cape and it was pretty successful. It made it harder for the enemy team to outright kill her when she engages in teamfights. Her damage is a bit low but the sunfire aoe damage did allow her to offset a bit of the loss. The only problem I see is that she can't burst someone down especially in the early stages of the game but it allowed her to tower dive people while ganking.

Is that viable or is my friend just good at Kata? He said it is almost always his first big item especially against ad champs in mid or top lane.

What do you guys think?

sick skin concept


Riven is my main and I have all her skins except the Championship one. I've been using custom skins for a while now and the ones that look like from Tron is the most appealing to me.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
sick skin concept


[URL="https://youtu.be/skK6rQ4EduA"]with login screen and everything[/URL][/QUOTE]
Seems like pulsefire riven to me.


Gold Member
I think it looks really bad, I'd much rather see cohesive skins.

Skin splash arts would be meaningless/gone then as well. :(

you're right! kinda forgot about that. The chroma skins is a step in the right direction though.

Awaiting the day chroma SG Lux gets released.


You're right.

We need more Sona and Nami skins.

i cant believe there was a time when nami had one skin and it was garbo

now she has like 4 and they're (mostly) garbo

i know she doesnt have 4, but there was a bug forever where her base skin showed up twice so i'm counting it
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