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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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idk. league's mac client looks like a frankenstein monster at this point because it keeps failing for some reason or another and theres a patch to temp fix it until it can get solved.


I didn't know that was possible. Seems like it must be an unintended deal on Riot's part.
you can do that with all skillshots (ahri charm for instance) but in this case since there's a cast time only the hitbox moves

the thing to fix is making the actual spell visuals be displayed in the direction of the hitbox rather than the same as the cast time effects

i'm guessing both effects are actually one long animation which is why it works like that

prolly something to fix

btw it reminds me my long time idea of making lux ult push you back a bit like caitlyn e. a lot less distance tho, more like graves dash. would probably be bad cos it adds complexity to a spell that already has a good amount of decisionmaking tied to it (do i try to hit the most ppl possible or try to snipe their carries or when should i use it to push, etc.) and also would kind of mess you up when dueling since it'd put you outside of autoattack range for you to proc your passive

but i dunno it would look cool :p


Nunu: "guys, I'm going to go full AP Nunu"

Me: "please don't, that's really gimmicky and you have to be really practiced to make it work."

Nunu: "No, I saw it on YouTube. Huge damage."

**Nunu goes 1-8**

Nunu: "Wish you guys didn't feed, and report Jarvan for quitting."



Is it just me or is Doublelift a much nicer guy than he used to be? I've been watching his stream lately. Seems like him and his teammates are having real fun now.


Quadra kill to finish the match. The penta barley missed, but we got the ace and the win. Two nights in a row I've missed a penta by a single auto attack.


Somehow won in toplane even with Xerath dced for the first 10 minutes of the game. I guess that's what happens when you just sit top all game and farm like an idiot on Singed.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sun waifu just can't carry these next level retards.

"Peel for our fed Jinx pls."
"Proceed to dive into enemy team and die horribly while I'm trying to peel Olaf and Xin off our AD carry."

Ranked can be so dumb sometimes.
Sun waifu just can't carry these next level retards.

"Peel for our fed Jinx pls."
"Proceed to dive into enemy team and die horribly while I'm trying to peel Olaf and Xin off our AD carry."

Ranked can be so dumb sometimes.
Just play blitz. Easiest carry support in the game unless you're not 100% on his mechanics.


Went 6-3 in ranked for the weekend. I'll take it. My MMR is still tanked. I got 10 LP for that win, but lost 21 for the loss right before it. I keep winning 2 and then losing one and getting slammed back down to 0 LP. At least my MMR will get fixed if I keep winning at that rate.


Sun waifu just can't carry these next level retards.

"Peel for our fed Jinx pls."
"Proceed to dive into enemy team and die horribly while I'm trying to peel Olaf and Xin off our AD carry."

Ranked can be so dumb sometimes.
none of this plsss

also i'll never understand why "peeler" is such an underrated role in league of legends

ed: i guess i do, how the game works it really celebrates "scoring" more than "saving". they should make a mechanic for a support that if you prevent someone from dying (say, you shield someone and they survive an otherwise deadly blow) you get an assist or something.


Didn't realise how well i have done on sivir 9 - 1 with her this season in ranked. Think I may play her more.

Me and my friend had a game at the weekend when from the start it was a 4 v 5 our Vi didn't connect. Still managed to get the win we stomped bot lane and our top and mid maybe had a little advantage coming out of lane. We almost lost it a few times due to them having and extra member but we had push them so far back after they got 2 - 3 kills they couldn't take much from the map. Was a good team game though.
Having a blast playing ARAM with this game. Only been playing for a few weeks so have no champions and only really know the skills of a couple of them. Finding it much easier to get to know the free weekly rotation through ARAM rater then a full normal game. If I get one which I completely suck with or do not like it really only lasts about 20 minutes before I can go again, instead of taking anywhere from 30mins-1hour.

Am really struggling with the IP grind however. I am adding all the Champions I like(now have a category for higher priority since it's getting quite big) to a notepad document with the intention of purchasing later but since playing I have only been able to buy 2 cheaper champions with IP. Apparently I am attracted towards all the 6300ip champions which take forever. Kind of annoying when come from Dota and only skins are purchasable but I don't want to start that argument lol.


when do you rush bloodthrister and when infinity edge on draven ?
never bought bloodthirster first i always get infinity edge + zeal then bloodthirster, last whisper and 4. item phantom dancer

i assume you get bloodthirster first against someone like caitlyn ?


i don't play draven but i'm guessing it's really good since all that draven does is auto from fairly short range, so the shield and the lifesteal must be really useful and his q really benefits from ad so it's better to build bt than bjork or something

the extra damage on q doesn't "crit" so it's probably better to stack ad and not leave shit to chance since by level 9 your q autos deal almost twice as much damage anyways lol

it's also almost cheap enough to buy an extra long sword to go for that brutalizer or something, which is 10 more ad (again multiply everything by almost 2 lol)

draven's q is hilarious lol
Solo Q right now makes you feel like such a pro.

Junglers picking ADC because Vi and J4 are banned, so I have to jungle but then I don't know what the fuck do I even pick so I play weird shit and get lucky. So this is how Amazing feels.
Dem smothering physics



Leona can't peel

Ya she can

none of this plsss

also i'll never understand why "peeler" is such an underrated role in league of legends

ed: i guess i do, how the game works it really celebrates "scoring" more than "saving". they should make a mechanic for a support that if you prevent someone from dying (say, you shield someone and they survive an otherwise deadly blow) you get an assist or something.

Ya a lot of shooters have this. You get a protector medal or w/e it's called for saving someone with low health. Dunno how it would work in league tho.


Just won a placement game as Annie mid vs. Brand. Their Brand DC's like 20 mins. in, but w/e, we got the win. It's amazing how strong Annie's burst is, I could blow up Sivir in one faceroll. Fuckin Darius tho, I was last pick and called top, the first picker instaloks Darius and says "I'm going top." Instantly gets counterpicked by a Panth and goes 0-6 in lane and proceed to rage at us. He only finished 10/13 because we carried him, but omfg.

Currently 3 - 2, Perfect 2 - 0 when I get to play Gnar.


Just won a placement game as Annie mid vs. Brand. Their Brand DC's like 20 mins. in, but w/e, we got the win. It's amazing how strong Annie's burst is, I could blow up Sivir in one faceroll. Fuckin Darius tho, I was last pick and called top, the first picker instaloks Darius and says "I'm going top." Instantly gets counterpicked by a Panth and goes 0-6 in lane and proceed to rage at us. He only finished 10/13 because we carried him, but omfg.

Currently 3 - 2, Perfect 2 - 0 when I get to play Gnar.

Yeah Annie is really strong right now. Good counter to Katarina too.

Been seeing a lot of top morgana in high elo streams and lcs. That may become a thing.


Yeah Annie is really strong right now. Good counter to Katarina too.

Been seeing a lot of top morgana in high elo streams and lcs. That may become a thing.

I wouldn't mind playing top morgana. I enjoy morg and am a pretty terrible top. She's pretty safe.


I wouldn't mind playing top morgana. I enjoy morg and am a pretty terrible top. She's pretty safe.

I main Gnar right now, he's an extremely safe top laner. He has a mobility spell, a mobility passive, and a spammable slow. Anytime anyone tries to engage, I just hop away, throw my Q, and start kiting while the minions whittle them down. Even if I am behind (people that just get on your nuts instantly like Irelia & Trynd are tough), just farm/harass with Q and wait to engage with Mega Gnar or for a gank.

Being able to stun someone for a second when they already got to their target isn't peel.

I always wondered. If I have an AOE stun, should I go after the person targeting my carry, or as many people as possible? Because I don't want my carry to be running for his life the whole fight, but I do want my stun to have max effectiveness.


They really need to think of a system to get rid of trolls in champ select. It's not exactly fair when you're forced to dodge and lose lp just so you don't get a guy who cries and says he's trolling because he didn't get mid, so he picks urgot with clairvoyance and ghost.


They really need to think of a system to get rid of trolls in champ select. It's not exactly fair when you're forced to dodge and lose lp just so you don't get a guy who cries and says he's trolling because he didn't get mid, so he picks urgot with clairvoyance and ghost.
Those guys always dodge at the last minute anyways.


also i'll never understand why "peeler" is such an underrated role in league of legends

On these boards if a champ can't easily dive the opposing carries as opposed to protecting their own the champ is utterly worthless.

TomShoe said:
Fuckin Darius tho, I was last pick and called top, the first picker instaloks Darius and says "I'm going top."

So? I don't see the problem with this at all. The fact he played like shit is irrelevant. Pick Order >>>>>> Call Order.

QUOTE said:
Ya she can

Yes, she "can", it's just not best case use of her abilities. Best case use is using her CC to hard engage and lock down the highest priority squishy. By all rights if Leona's done that she's no longer in a position to peel for her own carries.


man getting behind as draven is not nice at all but when its the other way around you wonder were all that gold came from

just had a min 4 bf sword
I play a normal match yesterday and felt like I wanted to share my experience.

First guy call top then picks gangplank
Then this master yi call top, then we tell him gangplank called top first.
Yi start to freak out about how he doesn't want to jg. I tell him it is ok I will jg then he want a dou top and continues to freak out. I pick adc guessing that we would just have no jg. I have a barum support then at the last second leaves for rengar jg. So then I have no support. Then the match start yi tries to come bot tell him to go top cause I dont want a yi support. I lane fine then I ask rengar for a gank bot. He said no cause I didn't let yi come bot. I guess that then queued together.
On the other team it was a heimerdinger top that destoried both of the people at top and rengar.
We ended up ff at 20.


I play a normal match yesterday and felt like I wanted to share my experience.

First guy call top then picks gangplank
Then this master yi call top, then we tell him gangplank called top first.
Yi start to freak out about how he doesn't want to jg. I tell him it is ok I will jg then he want a dou top and continues to freak out. I pick adc guessing that we would just have no jg. I have a barum support then at the last second leaves for rengar jg. So then I have no support. Then the match start yi tries to come bot tell him to go top cause I dont want a yi support. I lane fine then I ask rengar for a gank bot. He said no cause I didn't let yi come bot. I guess that then queued together.
On the other team it was a heimerdinger top that destoried both of the people at top and rengar.
We ended up ff at 20.

Some normals are just mind boggling. You have a dangerous mix of people who don't give a flying fuck and people who are trying to play it seriously.

Only thing you can do is dodge if you see it coming or suffer the 20 min.

Gnar on sale tomorrow.
Some normals are just mind boggling. You have a dangerous mix of people who don't give a flying fuck and people who are trying to play it seriously.

Only thing you can do is dodge if you see it coming or suffer the 20 min.
Yeah I will keep that in mind. Yeah I rarely solo queue, usually I will play with friends.

What is your guys opinion on starting playing the game with level 30.
i have been playing with level 30s since started which gave me a huge difficulty bump up. Yet it forced me to get better quicker.
Btw: I started playing in last November.


Yeah I will keep that in mind. Yeah I rarely solo queue, usually I will play with friends.

What is your guys opinion on starting playing the game with level 30.
i have been playing with level 30s since started which gave me a huge difficulty bump up. Yet it forced me to get better quicker.
Btw: I started playing in last November.

Ah. You're still leveling up.

It will be much more difficult if you queue with level 30s. In general by the time you get to level 30, the meta has been established and people are relatively competent.

While leveling up, you'll see all sorts of weird stuff. Best to just roll with it and have fun.


Yeah I will keep that in mind. Yeah I rarely solo queue, usually I will play with friends.

What is your guys opinion on starting playing the game with level 30.
i have been playing with level 30s since started which gave me a huge difficulty bump up. Yet it forced me to get better quicker.
Btw: I started playing in last November.

youll get used to it very quick if you keep playing

i started in november aswell


Yes, she "can", it's just not best case use of her abilities. Best case use is using her CC to hard engage and lock down the highest priority squishy. By all rights if Leona's done that she's no longer in a position to peel for her own carries.

Yea I know. I'd always rather go ham on the other team with her, but its still possible to peel for the adc with her abilities and items if that's what our team needs.


Yeah I will keep that in mind. Yeah I rarely solo queue, usually I will play with friends.

What is your guys opinion on starting playing the game with level 30.
i have been playing with level 30s since started which gave me a huge difficulty bump up. Yet it forced me to get better quicker.
Btw: I started playing in last November.
Keep playing with your level 30 friends until you reach level 30. As soon as you hit level 30 straight to ranked solo q.

You'll thank me later.


I and a silver-ranked group of friends have been playing with this dude since he first began playing league. He gets dumpstered most of the time (there's still a lot to learn) but he's getting the hang of things a lot quicker than we did.
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