there's also a lot of sexism since most female characters are physically weak and rely more on magic/guns compared to men
i don't personally mind much cos cute and bubbly magic casters is like my thing but game could really use more diversity (of a kind that's easily achievable)
also applies to race
like the whole thing of ppl wondering if ekko is related to lucian is kind of hilarious and sad at the same time
Yea I agree with most of this, especially the Ekko/Lucian thing. "Oh two black people in League, they MUST be father/son" on a s@20 post made me laugh pretty hard but also srushed my soul a little. I really don't think a lot of people understand how they look when they say stuff like that either, which is sad.
League's got a lot better though. Support used to be pretty sparse for males outside Taric, but then Thresh and eventually Bard came along as dedicated supports, and other chracters like Nunu, Gragas, Naut, Lee Sin and Kennen have been seeing less traditional but still support-y play. Female toons didn't see much jungle action for a while until Elise and Diana and jungle Shyvana hit the scene and then they were followed by Vi and much later Rek-Sai (and Vi and Rek added some rare fembruiser/femmonster designs).
Now pretty much every role can see a decent mix of male/female characters regardless of who the meta favors which is nice, even if it will still be a while before some of their actual designs are fleshed out more. We still have an abundance of broody/dudebro types and an abundance of magicalgirl/evilsexy/grrl fem types, but we haven't seen either for a while so Riot seems to have been trying, and with the way the meta works a lot of those older characters don't actually see a ton of ranked play unless they got kit updates, making League a lot more varied-looking than the aggregate would imply.