Anyone have any good guides for Akali/tips or experiences playing her?
Akali and Jax have just been in the bock of my noggin for a while now and I'm determined to play one of them. I'm pretty much top lane most of my games, but I want to branch out of my comfort zone, so Akali mid it is.
just my opinion, but I think she's in a pretty bad spot right now, especially mid. her ult at 6 used to be the go sign to go after your opponent, but it's a lot harder now that your ult puts you behind them, especially in the short mid lane, you can accidentally get yourself in turret range. Not to mention most the the top mid picks are ranged poke champs currently, it'll probably be rough farming with her. Also something most people don't think about, but with people starting to get the upgraded trinkets, a smart lane opponent with upgrade to pink at 9 and negate your shroud in a duel. I think the long top lane better suites her ulti change, but with current top meta being mao,gnar,hec I don't see her bursting any of them down.
Obviously not saying it can't be done, cause with solo q being solo q and all, and people not always picking the smart or meta picks you could definitely burst some people down. I just think if you're looking to get out of your comfort and go to mid lane, there would be better options that don't put you at a disadvantage to start.