Quinn is more of a development clusterfuckI wonder if they were trying to do a subtle (or inspired by) sillabear in dota with quinn. He's ranged until level 6 and then turns into a bear with his ult and gets some different abilities and added HP.
I kinda hope that the community pool party thing fails and they dont even reach 5 million. I dont think anyone plays premade anyways.
"I hope this event that gives people cool things fails."
I wonder if they were trying to do a subtle (or inspired by) sillabear in dota with quinn. He's ranged until level 6 and then turns into a bear with his ult and gets some different abilities and added HP.
i mean they must have had some internal number analysis to know that the goal was reachable.
They did something similar in OCE a couple of months ago, where the OCE people reached the highest tier for a Naut statue.
Uh, I do. 99% of the time I play it's because someone invites me to a game.I dont think anyone plays premade anyways.
Uh, I do.
I want a statue
Fuck the skins and sales, this should be event where once it reaches 55 million points I get a statue. I'd be behind that.
Contribute a tidal wave of points and well create a champion-themed artificial reef that will become a home for sea creatures. If you contribute at least three points before this goal is reached your Summoner Name will be recorded on the statue that gets sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Unlocking this goal will trigger a vote to decide if the statue should be Fizz, Nami or Nautilus!
Uh, I do. 99% of the time I play it's because someone invites me to a game.
You never accept my invites T_T/
I don't think you really invite me? Sometimes I leave the client open but I'm not around, but I don't really remember seeing recent invites from you.You never accept my invites T_T/
Enchantment: Magus
Replaced by Enchantment: Runeglaive
Enchantment: Runeglaive
Replacing Enchantment Magus
40 AP
200 Mana
+10% Cooldown Reduction
UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, the next basic attack is converted into magic damage and deals 75% Base Attack Damage (+30% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage on hit in an AoE around the target (1.5 second cooldown). When attacking a monster, this also restores 6% of your missing Mana."
oh my
Chroma on a skin? Interesting.
This also seems interesting.Sweeping Lens (Trinket)
New Effect: "Every X seconds, tracks the number of active wards on the map by each team"
Cooldown now listed as (120 to 75) cooldown
They did it on the first wave with Pool Party Leona and Gladiator Jax.
Warding Totem (Trinket)
[Tooltip now lists that ward duration is based on champion level]
[Tooltip now lists 120-0 second cooldown]
the only chroma i've ever seen in a game ever was a blue pool party leona. that's literally the only one ive ever seen, and it was once
Just out of curiosity, who do you guys think the most poorly designed champs are?
It's not like he cares thoughPoor fiddlesticks can't catch a break though
Any of you nerds on the LAN server? My friend and I made an account because we're sick of 150-200ms ping all the time.
What champs do you think this'll be good on for Jungling? Fizz?
wot.Thank god for google translate