Anyone here seen Akame ga Kill?
Just the manga and only to the part where this cow/bull character gets introduced. Haven't read since the updates took too long.
Anyone here seen Akame ga Kill?
Just the manga and only to the part where this cow/bull character gets introduced. Haven't read since the updates took too long.
Yeah. Very mediocre.Anyone here seen Akame ga Kill?
There's an anime OT too.I believe there's an OT on the Off topic part of neogaf.
I dunno.
I just need someone to discuss it with :|
I don't think that's a real argument if you have over 1000 employees and are making over $1,000,000,000 a year.Yeah, I think what people forget about Riot is that they were a small company that happened to have their game become the biggest one in the world. So in a sense they're still trying to catch up.
I agree Nami is goddamn shit.The big thing is that Riot has no major reason to totally overhaul the game. Their audience is hooked, they're still the most accessible MOBA on the market (with HOTS' late adopter status being an insurmountable obstacle), what reason do they have to revamp LoL?
Dota2r (which is what I'm nicknaming this) is a showcase for Source 2 and all the new experimental features Valve plans to make widely available to all Valve published games or games on the new Source 2 engine. Just like Dota 2 ver 1.0 was advertisement for Steam and Source, Dota 2 ver 2.0 is advertisement for Source 2. Hell, they're starting to threaten Twitch with all their stream features. One click 1080p livestreaming your game and giving your audience the ability to go to different timestamps while the stream is progressing? Shit is cray. Two of the top Twitch games for streaming are running on Steam and owned by Valve.
There's also the hidden cost. For almost all of last year, Valve has fallen into near total silence. Every month you'd see people going "what the fuck is Valve doing"? Well, this is what they were doing.
But it's a thing we're used to already given the biannual patch cycles. The League community would RIOT if Riot dropped off the grid for an entire year. And if they did their customary "let's keep the community up to date", they'll just get second guessed every step of the way. They backed themselves into a corner by being so hands-on that being hands-off would come as a kind of betrayal.
I'm drunk and ranting so excuse the mess.
(I fucking love Naga man you don't even know. Nami a SHIT)
Making new shit for League must be a goddamn nightmare considering the game has to run on toasters
I'd love all the bells and whistles like Dota gets but all I wish was a champion/skin store that didn't work like a shitty mobile IAP page
this is true, to a degreeMy guess is 2 things:
1. LoL is currently made out of spaghetti code that makes everything difficult to code and program in game. When one thing gets fixed, another might become broken and so one. The only way to get rid of that would to do a full on code overhaul, but there's no telling how long that would take.
i'm not sure about this, saying "focusing on one thing at a time" is just not knowing how game development works.2. Lack of direction as a company. IMO Riot feels very unfocused in what kinds of big jobs they want to do before the next year. Focusing on one thing at a time and using resources on that would get many major issues fixed.
i mean, the pool party thing is an event? there's always events for like shurima thing and holidays and stuffThey don't really do events anymore, LCS is probably managed by something that isn't the dev team, patches are....well they're not that great. Case in point-Cait and Jayce getting broke this patch cycle, Syndra being broken, and having to constantly patch up and down.
i'm confused why this is a problem?New map and new UI....
....It's their philosophy. They drip feed things, little by little. What was it, new map, then they slowly did the texture character updates little by little, now we're getting a new UI after 4 years(And after the godawful moving of the buffs to the left side.)
this is just a misconception i think you have because you (willingly or unwillingly) ignore the contextThey just drip feed. DotA in comparison, has no PBE, they don't constantly patch, and they're barely remaking the map and overhauling the graphics/Client. And that games been out less than League(Officially atleast).
this is untrue and really shows you have little knowledge of the changes riot does to the game, which is why i find it really weird you're so quick to jump the gun and throw riot under the bus for things you don't know aboutThis is what I can say, the different between the two-
League constantly drips 'content'. This creates the psychological effect of 'Wow this is practically new!' every patch cycle. It makes you feel like you're getting something updated content when it's just a few numbers moved around. The only major overhauls they seem to do that they really sit on, for the last few years, are the jungle changes. We've had how many machetes and how many lanterns and how many different buffs through the jungle?
DotA on the other hand, let's things sit for a while. Their patch cycles are about...5-6 times longer than League. These patches are also more beefy and more positive for the game overall. The last patch they had, they fundamentally changed alot of the things in the game, added new items, shifted everything around. Granted Riot DOES do a big patch before every new season, BUT, for the last few years it seems to be mostly 'jungle' patches. I mean, the jungles constantly been changing more than the actual meta.
might be true. i enjoy the constant patching by riot, but i wouldn't mind two more weeks between patches for more stable releasesIt's the difference in Philosophy, I suppose. Riot is very 'hands on', constantly changing things that don't meet their expectations, instead of letting something sit and simmer. This is why Hecarim might be completely OP for a few patches, or now Ryze is completely OP until his upcoming nerf. Valve on the other hand, let's things sit.
...Basically Riot keeps taking out that chicken from the oven before it's time, and Valve lets it actually cook.
this is untrue, there was a texture update for the map i think in 2012? i forget exactly when, but it made the map look better. nowhere near as pretty as now, but it didn't take them 4 years to update the mapThis is probably why the overhaul for league took a long ass times(I remember in what, 2011 there were whisperings of a texture update coming out? And it took a full 3-4 years for it to come out?
skins have nothing to do with a new client as i've explained tomshoe alreadyBecause they constantly keep releasing skins and changing things around. Valve meanwhile has a mostly hands-off philosophy on their cosmetics, since players can 'vote in' through their workshop model, and they tend to release sparse updates of cosmetics.
....In other words, Riot has a fast cycle of things, that gives them little time to do big things in between those cycles. Valve takes a much longer cycle, leaving them alot of time to do big things when they do eventually come out.
Boy this came out to be a rant.
dude, you don't really know how games programming worksThe spaghetti code...that's one way to put it. They definitely suffer from it, and the way I see it the UI changes, the upgraded textures, the new map...they're building it all on top of the code they have. Sooner or later it'll collapse on itself. They have mentioned that they're slowly going back and making the old code up to date, but that ceiling will soon be reached where they can't change it anymore without building a new engine.
And fuck the air client.
the big problem is that one guy didn't develope their own version of the client, they probably just hacked around riot's existing one, which isn't really a long-term solutionWhat's stopping them from making a better client though?
For months (and years) people have been bitchin on reddit about how shit the client is (and rightfully so).
You'd think that the number 1 most popular game in the world could at least develop a new and improved client.
Didn't astralfoxy, one guy, get hired by Riot AND develop their own version of the client?
I mean, come on. There are so many glaring issues. Lack of a logout button, runes are buggy as fuck, and settings are saved locally and not per account? What?
valve had foresight, riot did notBut how do the guys over at Valve do it so easily? The magic of the Source engine?
yeah, it's actually kind of funny to hear praises for source loli've used source a lot and it's honestly garbage. xD
valve was good about future proofing stuff and riot didn't have the luxury to when the game was originally developed.
are you seriously saying thisThe one thing they need to do is stop the whole 'let the whole company decide what to do' next. Get some proper management, get some goals. Not just vote on the next thing to do.
i agree until the riot partThe big thing is that Riot has no major reason to totally overhaul the game. Their audience is hooked, they're still the most accessible MOBA on the market (with HOTS' late adopter status being an insurmountable obstacle), what reason do they have to revamp LoL?
Dota2r (which is what I'm nicknaming this) is a showcase for Source 2 and all the new experimental features Valve plans to make widely available to all Valve published games or games on the new Source 2 engine. Just like Dota 2 ver 1.0 was advertisement for Steam and Source, Dota 2 ver 2.0 is advertisement for Source 2. Hell, they're starting to threaten Twitch with all their stream features. One click 1080p livestreaming your game and giving your audience the ability to go to different timestamps while the stream is progressing? Shit is cray. Two of the top Twitch games for streaming are running on Steam and owned by Valve.
There's also the hidden cost. For almost all of last year, Valve has fallen into near total silence. Every month you'd see people going "what the fuck is Valve doing"? Well, this is what they were doing.
But it's a thing we're used to already given the biannual patch cycles. The League community would RIOT if Riot dropped off the grid for an entire year. And if they did their customary "let's keep the community up to date", they'll just get second guessed every step of the way. They backed themselves into a corner by being so hands-on that being hands-off would come as a kind of betrayal.
I'm drunk and ranting so excuse the mess.
(I fucking love Naga man you don't even know. Nami a SHIT)
yeah, it's amazing how well it runs on my computer when i literally have no videocardMaking new shit for League must be a goddamn nightmare considering the game has to run on toasters
yeah that's what i want as wellI'd love all the bells and whistles like Dota gets but all I wish was a champion/skin store that didn't work like a shitty mobile IAP page
totally for the last partyou should also wish for better, more robust spectating options. but yea, a better store experience would be nice too. having "Riot points" instead of a cash price for items is so 2012.
Well nami can't becomeonly truth is that nami is the best
ok now come at me doters :>
Riot sucks but Leeg is good so w/e
i mean, the pool party thing is an event? there's always events for like shurima thing and holidays and stuff
"having to constantly patch" is just your warped way of seeing it, riot has a different patching philosophy than valve, they like patching often, while valve does not. i think both companies should learn from the other, with riot jumping the gun on things that are unneeded (like the lizzy nerfs). i can't talk much about valve since i dont play doto but i've heard being abandoned in radio silence for times (and i can relate considering i used to be a half life fan) sounds pretty bad...
this is untrue and really shows you have little knowledge of the changes riot does to the game, which is why i find it really weird you're so quick to jump the gun and throw riot under the bus for things you don't know about
two seasons ago riot grabbed supports and vision in the game and changed it completely and 100% fixed support and made vision more fun and engaging for everyone. i think it was last season that they had some big adc changes that, while some ppl hated, i thought they were super on-point on many things, even tho it wasn't as great as the support changes. this season they didn't really fix the jungle but they added a ton of interesting things that really changed up and improved the game, like how dragon and baron work now and scuttle crab's gameplay too. not all the reworks were as good as sion's, but lots of other good ones, like ashe, viktor, lucian...
sadly junglers aren't really fixed, but the other changes did work and weren't just "practically new"
this is untrue, there was a texture update for the map i think in 2012? i forget exactly when, but it made the map look better. nowhere near as pretty as now, but it didn't take them 4 years to update the map
are you seriously saying this
and then praising VALVE of all companies
dude, you don't really know how games programming works
the way riot is most likely doing this, is they have the game segmented in different modules: ui, gameplay, rendering, sound, client, io, data transfer, the riot api, etc. etc.
so like, you can just grab one noodly module, throw it away, then rework it and reattach it to the rest of the spaghetti world. one by one they replace them.
i'm pretty sure they've done this the first time they redid the ui, and same when they changed the sound system, etc.
i promise you league of legends won't collapse on itself lol
give riot some credit
Dota has full screen splash arts, rather than just being limited to the champ card as the match loads.50% of the riot skin appeal comes from the splash art at least personally for me. IIRC dota doesn't have splash arts.
I want riot to make the custom item builds to be available client side and not locally. Sucks when I play outside.
Dota has full screen splash arts, rather than just being limited to the champ card as the match loads.
Most new sets have full screen splash art that come with them which you can equip in the loadout screen. This has been the standard for...maybe a year or so. I have about 100 of them.You have the full splash arts if you go to the "champions" tab under your profile too.
Skins/cosmetic item sets in Dota do not have separate splash art though, correct? That's what I took Killatopak's comment to mean.
Most new sets have full screen splash art that come with them which you can equip in the loadout.
well in that case you have worlds every year, msi, and then the few non-riot hosted tournaments like iem, lpl and lck and the other non-lcs regionsI thought you meant like, tournament events other than LCS~
it's untrue or disingenous if you want to say the only change the jungleIt's not untrue~ Riot always has the big patch before the new season, and they usually end up changing jungle along with whatever else they see fit. And they made vision more 'fun' for the support, because before supports were just ward mules.
good for themthe dota group is really focused on what they're doing.
no idea what this is, happened 5 years ago and it's not clear to me if it's true or just some random leak which you can't really hold riot accountable forI was talking about the 'leaked' champion texture update from...5 years ago. back when magma chamber was a thing-
yes, a couple bugs on the biggest game in the worldmeanwhile caitlyns still broke
jayce was broken but they fixed him
last patch I'm sure someone else was broken too, I dun remember
Then a couple weeks back the client was broke
a couple week backs from that you had the constantly DCing from the client
oh and syndra is still broken
didn't know that, that's awesome (also incorrect about league but you already got corrected on thatDota has full screen splash arts, rather than just being limited to the champ card as the match loads.
pretty muchSo much crazy engine talk in this thread.
Folks, whether the engine is on Source or is a custom-built does not matter.
What matters is how the game logic is stored, handled, and how it is capable of being upgraded.
If you make a game, even if it is the caliber of LoL (player-number wise), using a versatile engine does hold NO advantage when it comes to using LoL's specific needs. You can build a custom engine to LoL's gameplay, and, naturally, unable to build a different game on that engine, but that has nothing to do with how many bugs or how good of a performance it will have.
Based on the strange bugs that appear lately and the hoops they have to go through whenever touching hitboxes and adding new stuff to the game, it looks like that their game logic system really was not built with extensibility in mind. And THAT is the problem, not the graphics part of the engine, source or no source.
They are most likely alerady working on a whole revamp of the internal engine (that handles damages, movements, hitboxes, everything related to that), but, as someone here wrote correctly, every time the new champions bring some new stuff to the table, they will have to adjust too. Which should not be a big issue if the focus truly is to build a new engine that is able to rapidly gain and test new abilities and modify existing ones.
Pretty neato is demo mode not being a lobby thing you reload in and out of:
I wanna muck around with Bard / Ekko
I don't think that's a real argument if you have over 1000 employees and are making over $1,000,000,000 a year.
Most new sets have full screen splash art that come with them which you can equip in the loadout screen. This has been the standard for...maybe a year or so. I have about 100 of them.
really? i much prefer the sexy splash artHaven't played Dota 2 for a year or so lol. And my play time is super brief too because I was so used to OG Dota that I had a hard time transitioning to the new map.
What's really cool though is that you can see the in-game model while in champ select in Dota 2. I wish it was possible in LoL.
really? i much prefer the sexy splash art
in fact not having cool splash arts was like a big turn off in doto when trying to find a doto champion i liked
they do look super cool in the new client tho, like the big turntable thing
lolreplays hasn't worked properly for yearsReplays are one of the easiest things to make. All the game needs to do is to save the game file and have it available from the client. A third party replay system is more than three years old already, so there is that... And for the bandwidth and storage, LoLReplays website says that its just a few Mbs per game, so saving 4Mbs per match is not too heavy. I would assume that replays would be deleted with the match history unless saved by user.
i'm specifically speaking on source as a dev tool. there is a reason basically nobody but valve used it.yeah, it's actually kind of funny to hear praises for source lol
who doesn't love massive loading screens!
Cya nerds I'm gonna become a HoTS pro.
I am the same way, my friends got me into league so now I don't want to leave.Also most of my friends play LoL so it's better socially.