Decided to play the support style of jungler today. Went Vi, built Warrior/Locket/Sightstone, all the usual stuff.
Turns out relying on your teammates in silver is a shitty idea. Somehow we won though, I'll take it.
Thats an apt comparison
League is that heroin addicted lover who you stay with despite all its issues. Even when you have a supermodel and cute nerdy chick trying to woo you, you end up ignoring them.
League is a 10/10 model who is a shitty person.
Dota is a solid 2 but has a great personality.
Where are you getting a 2 from?
You guys realize advanced match history is in the client now right?
But lol...plays better and has better design than DOTA2 does...
...well the splashes for skins look better. In game however, HotS and DotA 2 have league beat. Dotas artstyle is heavily fantasy, League is a weird mishmash, and Heroes has the signature Blizzard style. Heroes and dota have the upside that when you go into a store to buy a skin, they sale it by showing you the actual model of it close up, not just the splash art.
As for if league plays better than dota 2....thats questionable. Its simpler definitely, but if thats the case than Heroes wins out both because its easier to pick up and play.
I heavily disagree. Just because something is fantasy does not make it better. That is one thing. I find HOTS the worst Blizzard design so far, by a mile. And I am the biggest Blizzard fanboy on NeoGaf, that is for sure. (Unless we count Yoshichan whenever he is in the blizz-fan polarity). LoL is not simple. Dota is more complex, but that is like saying chess is simple because it is not *as* complex as Go is.
Are you talking about how it looks or how it plays? You seem to be arguing two points here. We can discuss about the gameplay mechanica of all 3 later on if you'd like, Im making sparse posts cause at work. Also your analogy at the end really isnt needed.
Pretty much everything in the "Match Breakdown" box online isn't in the client, so it's hard to get a read on the game. I honestly hate the in-client implementation because everything is too squished and it doesn't really give a good read on information. You also can't use your mouse wheel to scroll on the right half of the screen because the mini-map has a zoom in feature...It's not up in EUW yet. Do you see the same info you see on Riot's matchhistory website?
Pretty much everything in the "Match Breakdown" box online isn't in the client, so it's hard to get a read on the game. I honestly hate the in-client implementation because everything is too squished and it doesn't really give a good read on information. You also can't use your mouse wheel to scroll on the right half of the screen because the mini-map has a zoom in feature...
I just touched your point (we all are subjective on that matter, of course), regarding how HOTS looks. Gameplay-wise, I cant comment, I am not heavily into HOTS. But LoL is definitely demanding of tons of knowledge that already puts it into the upper echelons as far as "complex" games go. DOTA2 might be more demanding or require even more knowledge, but it is at that point, arguing whether they belong to the top 1 percent or the top 0.9 percent - again, imho![]()
Absolutely not. No player build paths or stats breakdown either.I see, so it's not really good enough as a full replacement for the website.
this is awesome[/QUOTE]
Hey your a squid
Hey your a kid now
It's a bit more advanced.It's not up in EUW yet. Do you see the same info you see on Riot's matchhistory website?
God my wifi is so inconsistent
First its struggling to hit 1 Mbps, then it shoots up to 60, now it's down to 5. Tonight might not be good to play league unless its aram
EDIT: aaand it's back down to 1. no league tonight then.
can't tell you.wtf is neogaf gold
I camp the shit out of a riven and somehow my top maokai goes 1/7 against her. Riven just single handedly carried an entire team because she was shielding for 60% of her life.
Look at his build and he rushed righteous glory against her.
I camp the shit out of a riven and somehow my top maokai goes 1/7 against her. Riven just single handedly carried an entire team because she was shielding for 60% of her life.
Look at his build and he rushed righteous glory against her.
I camp the shit out of a riven and somehow my top maokai goes 1/7 against her. Riven just single handedly carried an entire team because she was shielding for 60% of her life.
Look at his build and he rushed righteous glory against her.
Speaking of toplane how do the shen buffs affect him? Is he back to relevancy? I've got a pitiful 25% winrate with him in ranked, considering most of the time the best you can hope to do in lane is go even unless you get some ganks.
I picked up tryn and I'm gonna try to learn him, it seems like most of tryn's strategy revolves around building up fury at level 1 and then spinning in and hoping for a crit which wins the trade and essentially the lane for the next few levels.
Speaking of toplane how do the shen buffs affect him? Is he back to relevancy? I've got a pitiful 25% winrate with him in ranked, considering most of the time the best you can hope to do in lane is go even unless you get some ganks.
I picked up tryn and I'm gonna try to learn him, it seems like most of tryn's strategy revolves around building up fury at level 1 and then spinning in and hoping for a crit which wins the trade and essentially the lane for the next few levels.
So, I'm new to League. Hi.
So, I'm new to League. Hi.
Two games in a row where i create a massive lead for my team and the same top laner just never leaves top and we lose 4v5
I just lost a 8/0 reksai and 11/1 ashe game because of that top laner.
TPs are never used at all to gank. Just to farm.
Dunno what to do. Top laners be suckin balls for me
Rex what did you build for mana on karma jungle. I was gonna go morello but magus gives too much cdr with the cdr blues so there's a lot wasted. I went roa just bc tear sounded bad but roa was super meh too. Felt good overall but it was teambuilder so who knows game was super easy
So, I'm new to League. Hi.