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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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You can add me too Bat assuming you're on NA. I'm prob not the best teacher here but i can def try to answer any questions you might have. Ign is jerdpen


ghost is on 666 posts

Don't post anymore. It's perfect.
What is Ghost satan?

Also, this match lol.


Now that is a crappy solo queue team if I ever saw one.

There's been so much Vayne lately. I wonder if people actually think she's good or if they are just going full on "I have to carry these noobs" mentality.
Now that is a crappy solo queue team if I ever saw one.

There's been so much Vayne lately. I wonder if people actually think she's good or if they are just going full on "I have to carry these noobs" mentality.
Both. Although I'd much rather baby Vayne than get paired with a wet noodle like Ez.

Nami + Vayne lane is always pretty stronk too.


Both. Although I'd much rather baby Vayne than get paired with a wet noodle like Ez.

Nami + Vayne lane is always pretty stronk too.

Fair enough. I don't mind playing with Vayne as Nami since Nami can make up for Vayne's laning phase. Ezreal is much worse indeed.

I often face stuff like Vayne + Thresh or Vayne + Janna where they usually just auto-lose lane though.


Players pick Vayne when they don't know what they're doing. Of course, she's an okay pick in the right situation, but she's such a weak solo q champion. In competitive she just lane swaps.

Like sure, Vayne can wreck someone like Sivir. The problem is, something like Draven will just stomp her in the ground, and she'll never be able to get out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
vayne is pretty good vs. sivir/kalista/alistar/other tanks so i understand why people pick her right now.


vayne is pretty good vs. sivir/kalista/alistar/other tanks so i understand why people pick her right now.
Yes, but you have to pick her in response to those champions. If you mess up, she's just get ruining by Ashe/Cait/Drav which aren't such bad picks right now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yes, but you have to pick her in response to those champions. If you mess up, she's just get ruining by Ashe/Cait/Drav which aren't such bad picks right now.
if someone picked caitlyn right now i would be very much taken by surprise.


Did that headshot change not help cait much? That seemed pretty interesting. I haven't seen any of her but i only have a few games on this patch
Did GA work well for you? I would've bought something else instead.

it was never proc'd. So for the last 20 minutes of the game, they couldn't kill me.

i think it helped me stand in the Wu Kong ult and give no fucks. probably tanked a bit from Karma who was quite fed. but idk. it may have provided a psychological advantage, knowing they'd have to kill me twice to get me off the map. but idk.



if anyone has a moment, could you let me know what you're supposed to build after you're 6-slotted in a game like this? should I have sold something for a second IE? I was just buying those attack damage potions and sitting on 6k gold.

Typically getting a second PD is better than getting a second IE. If your GA ever goes on cooldown you should trade it for another defensive item or go full offensive, though it might be a tough call.

edit: it never popped? You could probably not improve your build in that case.

Did that headshot change not help cait much? That seemed pretty interesting. I haven't seen any of her but i only have a few games on this patch

She's been disabled for pretty much the whole patch so far so it's hard to say.


relies on auto-aim
Don't think anyone is saying to swap over because of client shit, lol

Also ill be at rito hq inkapparated what shit should I look for in monitors after I mention replays and client

doter needs more waifus, someone make a waifu custom game where its just waifus
Not counting duos, it seems like the least popular roles from Lv1 to Gold 1 are always jungle and support. It's only in Plat when I started to fight for support.


fuuuuck i wanna play cait for the first time in forever and she's disabled
fucking rito pls

and just played with a toxic ass vayne, surprise surprise


Don't think anyone is saying to swap over because of client shit, lol

Also ill be at rito hq inkapparated what shit should I look for in monitors after I mention replays and client

anime skins obviously

only thing that matters in this shitty games
What are people's thoughts on the new Coin and Ardent, then?

Coin feels a little too overtuned but has brought diversity back to bot lane picks from the few games I've played.

Ardent is probably still in the same place I think, possibly slightly better? On the surface the magic dmg seems more useful than the 10% lost AS. Speaking from a Nami point of view, Ardent + E gives your ADC a fair bit of extra oomph on paper but by time you'd even look at Ardent most people have tanked up a bit.


i tried buying ardent censer after chalice on lulu since we were winning pretty hard and i felt only thing it did is open up room for the other team to catch up lol

maybe on sona on certain very specific situations it would be ok, like with azir or something. tho tbh with azir you'd rather have the old ardent censer lol

one item i wish riot reworked a bit is zekes herald. make it give 10% cdr instead of 20, remove the vamp scepter and couple it with maybe like crystalline bracer or something so it makes you a bit beefier and gives you some regen. i like it as a super situational item when you're playing with double ad.

also i would love to see a support item that builds out of sheen. not sure which effect but i like the idea. not sure if it would create some weird situations (do i use my spell to help my carries now or wait a sec to get the next supportsheen proc?)


What are people's thoughts on the new Coin and Ardent, then?

Coin feels a little too overtuned but has brought diversity back to bot lane picks from the few games I've played.

Ardent is probably still in the same place I think, possibly slightly better? On the surface the magic dmg seems more useful than the 10% lost AS. Speaking from a Nami point of view, Ardent + E gives your ADC a fair bit of extra oomph on paper but by time you'd even look at Ardent most people have tanked up a bit.
Both are great items on Soraka who has a heal on a cooldown less than 2s.


What are people's thoughts on the new Coin and Ardent, then?

Coin feels a little too overtuned but has brought diversity back to bot lane picks from the few games I've played.

Ardent is probably still in the same place I think, possibly slightly better? On the surface the magic dmg seems more useful than the 10% lost AS. Speaking from a Nami point of view, Ardent + E gives your ADC a fair bit of extra oomph on paper but by time you'd even look at Ardent most people have tanked up a bit.
I think coin buffs probably weren't needed. It only serves to strengthen Janna and soraka after all.

Ardent is situationally ok on Sona I think. The magic damage is worth more than the Ad I'd say, so I think It was a straight buff to the item. Alistar and lulu can probably use it too. I don't like it on Nami since her heal has a long cd and needs other items more.


Anyone think the new AP Jungle Item would be good on Sejuani?
Her main damage dealer is landing her W, and I've managed to get kills on low health enemies by landing the auto of the W on them :p


Anyone think the new AP Jungle Item would be good on Sejuani?
Her main damage dealer is landing her W, and I've managed to get kills on low health enemies by landing the auto of the W on them :p

lol no. if you're not building tanky on her, and building ap, chances are you won't get too many autos off before you're blown up.


So since i finally had a day off yesterday I lived the dream and spammed Karma support. grand total of 5w/2l in teambuilder.

Her strong laning phase wasn't touched and in all but one of those games my adc and I were able to control the lane (the one oddball was their Lee Sin camping bot while our Shyv did whatever Shyv does elsewhere). I saw a few Ashe n Vayne but there was also Corki, Varus Sivir and Twitch, so it was nice tp see some variety.

The W change gets a resounding "meh" out of me, but since the heal is still there it's really just an added bonus that doesn't hurt, even if the extra applications of that extra root time lategame versus an empowered Q or E feel quite limited.

E though...new E feels GREAT. The ability to bomb multiple 400+ shields on one person + change on the others in a single teamfight feels amazing and provides options when you know you can't hit the back-line with an R+Q. The slightly lower base power doesn't matter near as much when I can use it so more more, with max CDR it is a few seconds and near perma +60% movement speed for *someone* on your team.

She definitely feels stronger as a support. While overall still weak lategame, it's not near as bad as before with those shield bombs. I can't think of anyone else who can prevent that much damage (though i guess Soraka can heal through more blowing her ult).

What are people's thoughts on the new Coin and Ardent, then?

Coin feels a little too overtuned but has brought diversity back to bot lane picks from the few games I've played.

Ardent is probably still in the same place I think, possibly slightly better? On the surface the magic dmg seems more useful than the 10% lost AS. Speaking from a Nami point of view, Ardent + E gives your ADC a fair bit of extra oomph on paper but by time you'd even look at Ardent most people have tanked up a bit.

It's an interesting late game support Karma item for me since with her normal support style of max cdr her shields are on a very lower timer and the R + E makes the Ardent seem to work on everyone (except me).

Despite that I don't think it's worth rushing without her normal CDR set (I like to go SS + Frostfang > Level 2 boots + Trink > Morello > Frozen Heart or Aegis + FQC > Ardent, though I can definitely see myself waiting on Frozen Heart/Aegis to build it first depending on team comp.


Anyone think the new AP Jungle Item would be good on Sejuani?
Her main damage dealer is landing her W, and I've managed to get kills on low health enemies by landing the auto of the W on them :p

Don't go AP on Sijuani, especially after the nerf (which isn't too bad if thats what you are wondering). She is designed to be a pure tank and having those extra AP dmg is not enough for you to get any kill against a full/semi full HP assassin or ADC. In fact, her W increases its dmg and range with level so what you want is be as tanky as possible and just go for late game OPness!


another big thing i really want out of a new client and that's pretty standard (im sure doto has it already) is being able to make a party and just carry over your group from one game/mode to the next

also i want one account for all the regions

make it happen riot


lol no. if you're not building tanky on her, and building ap, chances are you won't get too many autos off before you're blown up.

Don't go AP on Sijuani, especially after the nerf (which isn't too bad if thats what you are wondering). She is designed to be a pure tank and having those extra AP dmg is not enough for you to get any kill against a full/semi full HP assassin or ADC. In fact, her W increases its dmg and range with level so what you want is be as tanky as possible and just go for late game OPness!

I'm not saying to go AP on her. Just AP jungle item+Guise then just tank the eff up. (no need to rush Guise btw)
I know people say her W got nerfed, but it didn't seem that bad to me when last I played her after said Nerf.

I still like her tankiness (I myself was glad with a build I made where I went HP Jungle item+Locket+Ninja Tabi+Sightstone+Guise), but with some people liking to go ICeborn+Black Cleaver on Skarner, I figured why not just mess a little with Seju :p


Just lost a ranked match because our only tank insisted on diving their backline, leaving our carries to 2v5. jesus h christ

I know silver is shit but good lord how can you get out of bronze without knowing the absolute teamfighting basics? Yeah, I'm just gonna fight their entire team while our Maokai Ws and autos their ADC. I played so bad and I'm so frustrated. Every time I feel like I've learned something and am ready for ranked again, my games go horribly. Feels like a complete tossup on whether I win or not. I'm the common denominator here, so it has to be me.


Just lost a ranked match because our only tank insisted on diving their backline, leaving our carries to 2v5. jesus h christ

I know silver is shit but good lord how can you get out of bronze without knowing the absolute teamfighting basics? Yeah, I'm just gonna fight their entire team while our Maokai Ws and autos their ADC. I played so bad and I'm so frustrated. Every time I feel like I've learned something and am ready for ranked again, my games go horribly. Feels like a complete tossup on whether I win or not. I'm the common denominator here, so it has to be me.

In my case-
We are behind
Our Jungler and Top still insist on going solo and distancing very far away from base
Without warding


Just lost a ranked match because our only tank insisted on diving their backline, leaving our carries to 2v5. jesus h christ

I know silver is shit but good lord how can you get out of bronze without knowing the absolute teamfighting basics? Yeah, I'm just gonna fight their entire team while our Maokai Ws and autos their ADC. I played so bad and I'm so frustrated. Every time I feel like I've learned something and am ready for ranked again, my games go horribly. Feels like a complete tossup on whether I win or not. I'm the common denominator here, so it has to be me.
The thing about silver is you don't have to worry about team fighting. Don't have to worry about teamfighting until mid-plat.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
another big thing i really want out of a new client and that's pretty standard (im sure doto has it already) is being able to make a party and just carry over your group from one game/mode to the next

also i want one account for all the regions

make it happen riot
But there's only one game mode. And I don't want high ping players in America.


The thing about silver is you don't have to worry about team fighting. Don't have to worry about teamfighting until mid-plat.

I feel obligated to join my teammates when they decide to play TDM 20 minutes in.

Maybe I should learn Trynd and splitpush all game.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
May as well cut off the entire east coast then.
There's a difference between someone having 100+ ping and someone having 250+ ping. It's fun to say you want to play with others very far away, but it has a negative impact on matches for other players.


But there's only one game mode. And I don't want high ping players in America.

nothing really preventing that now, you can buy an account on ebay or just level up a smurf if you want to or change regions for like 12k ip or whatever...

also i have no idea what you mean about game modes


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
nothing really preventing that now, you can buy an account on ebay or just level up a smurf if you want to or change regions for like 12k ip or whatever...

also i have no idea what you mean about game modes
these kind of barriers to entry are there to deter unwanted activity. i do not think this is a very hard concept to understand.
also i have no idea what you mean about game modes
the only game mode is summoner's rift. when you want to play again you press play again.
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