Accept your silver fate and just start the climb again.
Riot really botched the placement MMR system imo.
Nooo. I refuse.
Silver I was terrible.
Placements are so bad. It took me over 5 min to get a game yesterday. The MMR swings are huge. After losing a few I was playing with Silvers, win a few then I'm playing with Plats.
I was plat 5 and went 5-5 in placements and got dumped back into silver 1, it's gonna happen bro. I got back to gold 5 for the skin and then decided ranked isn't worth the time and hassle if Riot is just gonna erase half your progress next season.
If you face people in that mmr it should hopefully be a good placement.9 placement matches done.. record: 4-5. Lol.
Is there hope for my MMR though? My last match consisted of all high gold/low plat. To be fair though, the low plat were all Plat V so who knows what trash their MMR was. That match was a win too. I just don't want to be placed in Silver. I finished Gold III last season. Hopefully that carries me to a nice Gold placement despite the shit record.
I've actually been playing pretty well lately, minus my Kalista games. I just don't play a good Kalista I guess. Too focused on her mechanics and making silly mistakes that I wouldn't with a champ I'm super comfortable with. I think I'd have the same issues with Draven.
Plus I really hate hurricane as an item.
Why? Silver 1 is a pretty considerable hurdleThey should really make the champion skin requirement for ranked Platinum and give Gold a ward skin.
I played Plat 3 people for my promos and went 6-4If you face people in that mmr it should hopefully be a good placement.
Why? Silver 1 is a pretty considerable hurdle
I played Plat 3 people for my promos and went 6-4
Got sent to Silver 1
That sounds terrible, really. Isn't it possible to skip Silver-> Gold promos if you have good enough mmr?Why? Silver 1 is a pretty considerable hurdle
I played Plat 3 people for my promos and went 6-4
Got sent to Silver 1
Any idea when the skins are up?the swimsuit compendium is up
get premading, neogaf
i want those funny looking minions
It's possible, but Riot's math mumbo jumbo isn't always fairThat sounds terrible, really. Isn't it possible to skip Silver-> Gold promos if you have good enough mmr?
That sounds terrible, really. Isn't it possible to skip Silver-> Gold promos if you have good enough mmr?
i think next week at the end of the pool party week thingie
So what caused J4 to disappear?
I mean if you're facing Plat players in silver that should be smurfing-tier.
im gonna end up buying this skin am i
Miss Fortune is up for some gameplay work alongside her visual updates, would be nice to see her nudged up!
Pankaks you deserve silver the way you were playing in those placements lol.
they already talked about mf, they'er making her e better and i'm not sure if anything else
would love to see her back tho, i love mf
i'm on a kaly mood lately tho
I think it would be boring if they just threw higher damage numbers to her kit and called it a day. After all the neat gameplay updates they have been doing to differentiate the adc's from eachother that would be lame
i feel like she only needs her ult to feel as game changing as it should
her ult dmg is really high but never really feels like it for some reason
She just needs number tuning to be honest
MF's problem is not being allowed to have the strenghts she has the weakness for. No mobility, no meaningful CC, no burst, no range and she doesn't get the damage she deserves for it.
dat zac face lololol
Edit: Just bought Quinn. Should I use her top lane or ADC at the current meta?
MF is completely fine other than her E. Make it a huge slow.
Does her W automatically apply to her ult?
That should be a thing as well.
im gonna end up buying this skin am i
dat zac face lololol
Edit: Just bought Quinn. Should I use her top lane or ADC at the current meta?
MF is completely fine other than her E. Make it a huge slow.
You would think so, but every plat player I knew got knocked back down into gold and silver as well so it's not as simple. They may have plat borders but the system rates them as goldish MMR.
its a 25% slow for the first 15 levels.You mean more than it already is?
mf's ult gives her w stacks and applies the damage (but not grievous wounds)grevious wounds applies. not the slow.
My god that Zac face. Ican't.
Riven must be in the pool if he's making that face
in fact I wouldn't trust that pool if Zacs the same color
When the enemy joins in it's even better.Loving the salt in the wound newt