Normally yeah, but this is down in silver land where the only direction vayne can tumble is forward into 5 champions
I did laugh out loud. Carry on, good sir.
Normally yeah, but this is down in silver land where the only direction vayne can tumble is forward into 5 champions
Finally back to D3. It has been a slower rise than last season, probably because we believed in Lucian for far too long after he became kinda bad.
like i said, they've done other similar sales in the pastZky-I know that they have weekly discounts. What the pool party event is offering is 50% off discounts on all the pool party skins for a week or so, a 'frozen' discounted bundle, and 30% off their physical merchandise. It's a pretty huge discount compared to the random offerings they have each week.
i mean, this promotion doesn't include china which is probably why i was wrong to assume it'd be done super quickAnd 67 million players? Probably on a world wide basis, but 67 million free mundos skin. That is some form of revenue lost Even if 1% of those are dedicated Mundo players, and out of that group you only have 50% who purchase the skin, that's still about 300k in lost skin sales which is about 1.5 million revenue. It's a lot.
i feel we've talked this a million timesThe new game modes are gone. They're just limited time events. The new UI is coming but no release date. And yeah, new champions and skinlines are their money makers. Reworks and system overhaul are taking a while for a company with 1000 employees. What am I listing as 'should've been right in the first place'? I never said anything like that.
uhh, you said there wasn't gonna be anything to look forward between now and the end of the season... i'm telling you what's gonna be there to look forward to between now and the end of the seasonAnd yeah, I know about the halloween and christmas stuff, but that's after summer.
dota being bigger than league is still ridiculously wrongAnd I when I mention DotAs management, I'm talking about the DotA team primarily, not Valve as a whole. They have their own problems with their projects outside of Steam. And I never said League was unpopular in China, I thought that DotA was bigger in China. Huge difference.
it's pretty easy to see the point you're not so subtly making: it's "riot sucks because it doesn't do things like valve"...There is a bottom line I'm making Zky, but you seem to misunderstand it and think I'm saying different things when I'm not.
pretty cool designNami with swords is a pretty neat hero.
Doing the tutorial stuff for Doto it's neat.
I've seen more people building banner of command lately. I've always thought it would be good against ap heavy comps but never really found a chance to grab it. Is it good?
like i said, they've done other similar sales in the past
iirc they've done 50% off on a different skin every day during last christmas, etc.
i mean, this promotion doesn't include china which is probably why i was wrong to assume it'd be done super quick
the money they would lose is probably balanced against what they would get from people buying gifts. also league gets new players every day and rito will be able to sell them the mundo skin to them
i feel we've talked this a million times
the fact that something makes money for them or isn't announced out of the blue doesn't mean that it isn't finished
riot having "a lot of abandoned ideas" is not the reality of the game
uhh, you said there wasn't gonna be anything to look forward between now and the end of the season... i'm telling you what's gonna be there to look forward to between now and the end of the season
how many summer events do you want league to have
dota being bigger than league is still ridiculously wrong
like you saying 10m players when it's actually almost 70m
it's fine if you're wrong sometimes, but you seem not to have any interest in researching a bit so you have grounds to talk on, let alone make big condemning remarks
it's pretty easy to see the point you're not so subtly making: it's "riot sucks because it doesn't do things like valve"
i don't agree, i love how riot does a ton of things, even tho i wish they did many more better (itemization, better client, region locked accounts, etc.)
It's not just NA gathering points, it's worldwide (except regions like China). The point website is just on the NA website, but all participating regions contribute points.
It's not an NA catered event. I think Riot probably intended for people to play 5 man premade more often rather than make it easily achievable with current numbers, unless there is a huge spike on the weekend.
Huh, well I'll be damned.
....why the hell is it sitting at ~8 million points then if the whole world is in on it. Now I'm just baffled at how slow the meter is gaining.
This is only speculation from my side, but I think it's probably planned by the player behavior team, that's why they specifically want 5-man premades. The reason could be to reduce negative behavior since you won't flame your premade teammates, etc. The previous OCE event had you gain points from playing aquatic champs, certain skins, etc. so it was a lot easier there.
But yeah, it goes slow. There's not that many people that go 5 man premades it seems. I wonder what is the "expected" goal.
alright so you're conceding that having big sales is not a new thing for league and so you were wrong beforeYeah, for Christmas. That event is fine.
yup, riot wants to make money as any company doesThat's probably what they're thinking, it's why gifting stuff to other players gives more points than 5 people actually playing.
if u say it's a reality of game development why do u single out riot as having "a ton of abandoned projects"so about that dragon champion they anounced 3 years ago....they probably abandon ideas all the time. It is a reality of game development.
no, it's actually november-december'm talking about the end League Season. Not year. The pre-season rolls out the 'huge' changes and usually starts between september and november. So yeah they have the harrowing left.
make your criticisms if you want, just base them on facts not guessesI can't criticize riot because they did something?
not sure where you're getting any of this infoAgain, I was talking about US numbers since the event seems to be catered to the NA region(OCE had their own thing) with the caveat that the world unlocks an IP boost. Even riot makes note 'Unlock a worldwide IP party weekend', even though the whole event is catered around how well NA does with earning points. They're definitely not giving out the Mundo skins to every player in the world. If you could get me numbers for how many players it has in the NA region, that'd be great.
if onlyI'm criticizing riot for how badly put together this event is(If my point forecast is static and doesn't have any deviance, then one can make the argument that Riot set the goalposts too high.) There's a fine line between liking something, loving some things, and liking somethings but being able to criticize it as well. I bring the different 2 competitors to show contrast in company philosophy.
alright so you're conceding that having big sales is not a new thing for league and so you were wrong before
Yup.yup, riot wants to make money as any company does
if u say it's a reality of game development why do u single out riot as having "a ton of abandoned projects"
btw between ao shin and now a ton of champions got released and a ton more got reworked too
where are these abandoned projects? grab a few patches and you'll see all the finished projects riot's done in the meantime
i doesn't excuse them for not having replays or for having a shitty client but it would be nice to be talking about real things
Preseason starts a bit before that, that's the end of the season I'm talking about. Then they have the next year updates in November, and start the season on January. But then the season ends around September/October, right before the world finals. So....you're wrong on that account.
make your criticisms if you want, just base them on facts not guesses
first, afaik this promo is enabled in every region except for china. there's even an oce page just like in everywhere else
i'm in south america and we have the exact same event as na
where do you get "there are not definitely giving out he mundo skin to every player in the world" from?
also there are more european and korean players than north americans iirc so all you have said about this event feels like complete nonsense dude
did you even read any of it
if only\
Preseason started November the 20th last year, at least check out the link zkylon sent as proof.
I know, doing a quick google gives the date as November 11th, which like I said before leaves the Harrowing as the last major event before the season ends.
Let's talk about something more light hearted and productive
Like how this meta sucks
Besides the bilgewater patch we're getting in a few weeks
what is a nintendroid
is that those amiibo things
the beta just came out get that it has more tutorial shitNami with swords is a pretty neat hero.
Doing the tutorial stuff for Doto it's neat.
reddits fucking awfuli imagine with all the whining on reddit rito might throw a devblog saying some stuffs
but good god so much whining
breezy post giantbomb x leeg fanart
i imagine with all the whining on reddit rito might throw a devblog saying some stuffs
but good god so much whining
enjoy neko
Can't even tell the waifu you named your summoned after apartthat doesnt even look like her
that could be anybody
try again