If that's the case then there are probably about 5-10 champs that are probably more trouble than they are worth atm. Outside of that, if you have a good feel for a champ you can make them work, even if they aren't a traditional pick. Just play what you want and have fun with it.
I'll go down to like 5 champs even that are just a constant struggle right now. Elise (post 15 minute irrelevance), Syndra (bugs for days), and Urgot (just imo but he's still garbage idc what anyone says). As someone who is still learning the game you could throw lee and shaco in there just because you have to work a lot harder with them to be as impactful from the the jungle as a tank would be but I think that's a lot of the fun of those champs so they're still pretty cool imo.
Elise and Syndra were two of the changed champions I was referring to earlier. I really took a liking to them when I started playing but the experience was never the same after the changes. I still vividly remember ganking bot lane from behind their turret and repelling to a minion to avoid the aggro. I haven't really touched the jungle since Riot changed her, but plan to learn to jungle since no one in my lobbies ever wants to. I honestly think it's the most difficult role in league and planned to put it off for last loool. I never cared much for Lee to be honest, as I prefer methodical play over early aggression (which tilted me from Gold I when I was playing supportive champions and people were always fighting for no objective instead of farming for power spikes.)
I'm going to have to develop a calculated yet aggressive playstyle if I want to continue to climb, but plan to take a few weeks off while occasionally watching Korean Solo Queue/streams and practicing in customs just to get off tilt and take an outside perspective. (Voyboy made carrying despite being 7 kills down look like the easiest thing in the world.)
Rumble/Jungler?/Orianna/Sivir/Leona is the core I plan to build around, then moving on to mechanically demanding champions once I feel like I have the basics of the game down.
Feel free to add me (as well as any one else in the thread) if you'd like to play or chat sometimes @ subtles on NA.