Wolf Akela
Kinda liking RoA on Malz right now.
Worzeeing intensifiesFiora's being actively worked on right now, both in terms of gameplay and art adjustments. She's not one of the next updates out (those'll be GP and MF), but will probably be one of the next updates after them.
On the gameplay side the guiding pillar's remained 'Grand Duelist', with abilities focused on dueling enemies, with speed and timing emphasized. Single target damage and mobility are likely to remain her strengths. She'll probably end up with a bit of situational CC and a bit more disengage than at present, though in exchange have a somewhat less guaranteed combat pattern (e.g. we've been testing a Q dash that's free targeted, rather than certain to hit once cast). In terms of existing weaknesses we expect she'll continue to lack AOE power and will still be a non tanky melee damage dealer. More details/discussion to follow closer to her release of course.
Let's talk about the Volley changes.
It sounds more like they're dusting off Guinsoo's kitLegion Commander ripoff incoming~
I'd be totally okay with that.
are there infinitely scaling heroes like her and pudge in leeg?Legion Commander ripoff incoming~
I'd be totally okay with that.
Nasus, Veigar and Sionare there infinitely scaling heroes like her and pudge in leeg?
There theory was easy stacking in a teamfight but the reality turned Ashe into a nightmare to lane against. One volley in a minion wave and she was fully stacked and hitting you with flurries for big damage with a slow. It was rough. I like Ashe and I like playing her but I'll admit that was way too strong. It completely defeats the purpose of a stacking mechanism to add additional power if you can stack it instantly with no effort.
I don't think it will hurt her too much. It'll separate the good ashe from the great ashe!
He seems to clear so damn fast.It is hilarious watching Nightblue play Tahm jungle on PBE. That kit is really loaded. And the damage is actually pretty insane. Top lane is a real possibility. Jungle too.
He seems to clear so damn fast.
I love everything I've seen about Tahm so far. Definitely, 100% buying him and putting him in the pool.
my problem with team builder is that it doesn't replace the main modes so it's a fucking ghost town on my regionTeam builder draft getting somewhat closer.
Now this is a new feature that I expect to be useful, getting 4 adc mains in ranked sucks, getting people who "mid or feed" and then troll sucks. Hopefully we will have better ranked experiences with this. I can expect that the quality of the games will increase when everyone gets a role they are comfortable on.
Touhou DoTs (2): http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Defence_of_The_Shrines_2
820MB no wonder it took forever to download.![]()
Then you can try to get a game where everyone loads and play with 300ping because of Chinese host!
I didn't watch much footage of him so far, but can you comment on the stuff that players have done using the character?
my problem with team builder is that it doesn't replace the main modes so it's a fucking ghost town on my region
just remove regular blind pick, why is that shitty mode still there -__-
i can get into this
Worzeeing intensifies
like, in my region there's no draft normals since there's not enough ppl to support the mode, but we still have separate blind and team builder normals, it just makes no sense :TI'd be a-okay with ditching Blind Pick and instead just having Team Builder where you pick a role (or fill) and queue up that way.
I have absolutely no idea why this isn't in place. No downside at all.
doesn't really solve my issues since i don't play rankedAt least the new team builder draft will replace the old normal draft/ranked draft.
all the 4chan leaks on tahm where wrong thoI was going to post that but the source was an anon on /vg/
but seeing as how half the good stuff is leaked on their, I should've
doesn't really solve my issues since i don't play ranked
You can solve your own problems then, play ranked! It's fun and fast and mostly toxic in Plat!
Stay in Gold elo heaven forever!
It's crazy how much impact you can have on a 5 man team in gold.
all the 4chan leaks on tahm where wrong tho
i hate leaks, i hate my fun and my hype being ruined because some internet idiot
Dam they basically gave away the whole champion
That's so vague and based on a hint that riot already gave us. There are only so many conclusions you can draw from "eat".
i mean, the only thing wasn't known by then (from the 5.11 patchnotes and other random pbe hints) is the eating part and that could just be luck.but it wasn't wrong
i mean, the only thing wasn't known by then (from the 5.11 patchnotes and other random pbe hints) is the eating part and that could just be luck.
meanwhile there were leaks on 4chan about him having a special passive while being in the river that were 100% wrong
so yea rumors will be rumors
What do you mean, we have the rioter rito costy post quite often.
I'm just saying that's not a leak. That literally told us nothing
so does cho'gath
so does cho'gath
some are wrong, some are right
it's almost as if there is no accountiability to posting anything 4chan and anyone can post
why are you against it zky, leaks are the best part
I actually thought Riot gave the "EAT" hint but if 4chan man did then you're right
I will leave my previous posts in tact 4 shame
The best leaks are the leaks that you don't see.
Like if Tahm was leaked before Ekko then people called that leaker a liar when Ekko was revealed but bam he/she was right all along.
That smug satisfaction the leaker must feel must be glorious.
i disagree i think it's super lame