man, copenhanger woofs are imploding
? What's happening now @_@
edit-top of page, this is the bird page

man, copenhanger woofs are imploding
lets just say
if you have anyone from copenhagen woofs on your fantasy roster, you better drop them RIGHT NOW before it's too late
The best leaks are the leaks that you don't see.
Like if Tahm was leaked before Ekko then people called that leaker a liar when Ekko was revealed but bam he/she was right all along.
That smug satisfaction the leaker must feel must be glorious.
that happened with lucian actually. his artwork leaked on 4chan months and months and months before his release.
Well sometimes i'm convinced I like the skins more than the game so
rip zkylewd
Why he trying to hog all the waifus when he got SjokzZKYLEWD WAS XPEKE ALL ALONG.
Why he trying to hog all the waifus when he got Sjokz
We need more of these random bird pics.
We need more of these random bird pics.
Man, Ziggs seems pretty strong now. Been going grail into deathcap or zhonyas, tons of damage.
Doesnt he get off on july 15th?2 weeks
Nothing but agrees from now on. Better adapt.bird pics?
Zky nonow who's going to disagree with me.
Doesnt he get off on july 15th?
I have a feeling Zkylewd gets off every day.
May as well tone down my participation in this thread. Things just got boring for a while...
Only on red.So smiting Blue/Red buff
is the heal on a cooldown you get from smite? Or does only Red Buff heal?
Only on red.
Oh. Does Blue give you anything? I don't even know and I jungle here and there ha. Haha.
Blue gives mana on smite.
Ooh la laAs Meddler mentioned yesterday, there is an update coming for Fiora - which includes some art adjustments. In a similar vein with the Taric rework, you likely won't see a skin for Fiora until the update is complete.
I will probably test it but I do not think it will be very good.try it on skarn0r
(Can't believe I smited blue on Rengar that one game. I should never jungle unless it's amumu :3)
can these nerds stop 4 manning bot
also rune glaive is ass on eve.