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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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kotaku's a pretty decent site, actually. they have a good amount of writers and an option to filter out all the filler content stuff like "this cat looks like big boss" or something. it's not always good but i think it improved a lot after brian crescente left
Kotaku still largely consists out of sensationalist or inaccurate kneejerk writing, so even with all the people they hired it remains the bottom of the barrel. At least they're past the days of posting upskirt screenshots from Smash Brothers Melee and other such 'articles' plus at least they're not Polygon either, but they're still lousy at what they do barring sporadic investigative stories.

Goddam that Trundle buff. I don't think it's enough to entice me to play him again, but wow.
It's a dumb Trundle buff. I hope they revert the increased % healing.

trundle was my bro top//jungle in s3 for a while. he's always been one of those champs that just playing him will give you an advantage because people aren't sure what to to expect out of you.
People don't know what to expect from jungle Trundle, while he also doesn't have anything to fear about popular melee junglers like Vi or Jarvan IV. They can even attempt to all-in him at a higher level and unless they have a severe item advantage, he'll still come out victorious (comfortably so) more often than not.

yea trundle buff is pretty big early game boost. i wonder if he'll pop up again, sounds like he'll still have too much trouble with 2v1s and getting kited by double ap comps, tho i guess that's where his balance lies. probably needs more buffing elsewhere
He won't, that's the thing. If the buff was aimed for his top laning prowess, it's pointless since he's fundamentally flawed there (which is fine) unless he's guaranteed to face a melee champion with lacking mobility. On top of that, he's currently already really safe in today's jungle, so why the increased healing when the camps are going to be inflicting less damage while still armed with double Smite?

It feels like a random buff thrown out there for little in the way of actual reasoning, and it wouldn't surprise me if - should it go through for the next patch - they'll just nerf something else about him after some time, which'd be uncalled for. If Riot had to buff something, I'd rather have them focus on cleaning up his animations since he never stopped feeling too sluggish compared to old Trundle.


PSA: if you activate a skill while on fountain, you regen like 200% faster

dont know if its a bug or intended but use it and abuse it
So the idea with spellthief supports these days is to completely ignore the upgrades, right?
It feels like a random buff thrown out there for little in the way of actual reasoning, and it wouldn't surprise me if - should it go through for the next patch - they'll just nerf something else about him after some time, which'd be uncalled for. If Riot had to buff something, I'd rather have them focus on cleaning up his animations since he never stopped feeling too sluggish compared to old Trundle.
It's not the only buff, there's a couple fixes too
Fixing a bug with his ult where the final damage tick wouldn't occur (well, that one's not tentative of course)
Increasing the range on his passive.


So the idea with spellthief supports these days is to completely ignore the upgrades, right?

It's not the only buff, there's a couple fixes too
I mostly go to lvl2 then sell it late game. If for whatever reason we are mega ahead but enemy team refuses to surr i make rabadon as final item :v


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
So the idea with spellthief supports these days is to completely ignore the upgrades, right?

Usually yes it's not worth the gold investment compared to what you could get, but it depends on the support and the situation.

If you're really far ahead and want some pick potential with say Nami or Zyra it could be useful. But it's not standard anymore imo.
So why is Soraka not (never was?) a meta pick? Got her in ARAM today and we basically won a 4v5 due to her ridiculous sustain. Went yolo full AP and was doing some serious poke damage too.
I remember playing ranked threes as Kha'Zix and we would run AP-tank Raka bot before the rework.

Push waves, endlessly heal and never die. This was when Kha still had the massive damage reduction on ult too.

You could run some absolutely disgusting double AP comps with Lulu and Soraka. Put Lulu top against the melee with Soraka bot and Kha jungle. You do a billion damage as Kha and never die. Shit was so disgusting but so fun.

Then they all got nerfed/changed :(

Jungling on Treeline was so much fun back then.


Soraka was last a meta pick for mid/top before her rework last season. She was an unkillable MR shredding tank mage.

This was the best. Probably the most cheesy I've ever felt playing a champion. Playing her top against a melee champion was just unfair.
Me: "Yi, why didn't you run away when you saw all enemies walk into your pinked bush?"

Yi: "I was gonna pick them off, but you guys weren't there and you didn't ult."

We were all at our blue pit, except for Yi. I got hit by the Shaco Law.

Me: "Yi, why didn't you run away when you saw all enemies walk into your pinked bush?"

Yi: "I was gonna pick them off, but you guys weren't there and you didn't ult."

We were all at our blue pit, except for Yi. I got hit by the Shaco Law.

your issues started when you let someone pick Ryze

there's a reason I gave him to the enemies in Nemesis draft
MF could be so much better with a couple simple fixes.

But as with other low tier ADCs, she'll just remain having drawbacks in her kit that don't correspond to any strengths. "Her ult is so scawwy, let's have it scale in a retarded way that she won't be able to take advantage of when her role is most needed"
Good, that click-to-burst BS is obnoxious.
Are we talking about MF or Graves here
They just need to fix the MF scaling, otherwise she's just another dash-less ADC.

I never got the hang of new Soraka. Landing Q isn't hard but you have to hit it to recover the HP you lose from W, which makes her a unique champ in terms of harass and sustain. It's an interesting kit but probably too complicated for the average player.

I miss old Soraka. Getting her in ARAM and just running around mashing Q while the enemy melts before you is too good.


They need to give Miss Fortune an E ability that isn't 100% garbage outside of ARAMs. Yeah, it helps her peel for herself a tiny bit, but it's a trash ability for the most part. Maybe they could give her a grappling hook or something that she can grab terrain or an ally and pull herself to it. She needs mobility. If not that, buff her passive to allow her to pass through minions. I don't know what the answer is, but any gap closing champion has a big engage edge on her, and she can't pursue anyone with a decent dash.


So enemy Lee is fed, going AD and wrecking our ish, we ace them a 2nd time at mid and then they surrender. I half thought they'd continue playing relying on lee to carry them but nope. One hell of an odd win.
Make Impure Shots do physical damage and Make it Rain have no animation lock on cast

Problem solved

Have Make it Rain surround her for a few seconds (and move if she moves). Makes no logical sense though.

Honest Question Gaf:

Is it smart to use your abilities as Irelia to help CS against a Swain?

I think any ability that rewards you for last-hitting with it should be used to CS (Irelia's Q, Annie's Q, etc.)
That would probably work, yeah. Might make her ult a bit crazy. They would probably need to narrow it some.
But that's the point, her ult is supposed to be this giant cone of lategame death, but right now it hits like a wet noodle. Decrease the base a bit, but otherwise interrupt her or die


But that's the point, her ult is supposed to be this giant cone of lategame death, but right now it hits like a wet noodle. Decrease the base a bit, but otherwise interrupt her or die

Her ult is already pretty amazing in the jungle. I've picked up penta kills on it alone. But yes, it's kind of weak as it is. I just think it's one of those abilities that could become ridiculous if they're not careful.

But I see your point too. It's not hard to force her to interrupt the ult, either.

My favorite thing is when you catch them funneled in the jungle, you have great position, and you pop the ult and immediately everybody either burns a flash or they melt.


Well, here's some data showing the people here who are misled into thinking that low pickrate somehow improves winrate are wrong.


Also, here's diamond winrates for last week. I suspect it's going to change a lot this week, especially for Kat.


So the idea with spellthief supports these days is to completely ignore the upgrades, right?
i generally ignore the upgrades on every support item :p

fotm stats and active are cool but spending 500g on that relic shield upgrade feels like a massive waste of money to me. i'd rather just buy a ruby crystal. the gp10 passive thing is just too hard to keep up after laning phase so it's not even making much money anyways

similarly with spellthief, i'd rather start on my sightstone or chalice or whatever, and the active on fqc is lame imo

i haven't built shurelyas in ages

Well, here's some data showing the people here who are misled into thinking that low pickrate somehow improves winrate are wrong.
who even thinks that?

low pickrate usually means "widely considered weak and/or lame". doesn't have anything to do with real winrate


I want to see ranked wins!!!
i generally ignore the upgrades on every support item :p

fotm stats and active are cool but spending 500g on that relic shield upgrade feels like a massive waste of money to me. i'd rather just buy a ruby crystal. the gp10 passive thing is just too hard to keep up after laning phase so it's not even making much money anyways

similarly with spellthief, i'd rather start on my sightstone or chalice or whatever, and the active on fqc is lame imo

i haven't built shurelyas in ages
Dats wack, Targons is so good.


I want to see ranked wins!!!

Dats wack, Targons is so good.

Maybe I will tomorrow, but I fear I'll be matched with uncarry-able idiots.
TBH though I'm waiting for Ranked Team Builder, but I don't think we'll see that for a few more weeks @_@


i generally ignore the upgrades on every support item :p

fotm stats and active are cool but spending 500g on that relic shield upgrade feels like a massive waste of money to me. i'd rather just buy a ruby crystal. the gp10 passive thing is just too hard to keep up after laning phase so it's not even making much money anyways

similarly with spellthief, i'd rather start on my sightstone or chalice or whatever, and the active on fqc is lame imo

i haven't built shurelyas in ages

On Zyra, I'll finish my FQC, but only after I finish my Rylai's and upgrade my Haunting Guise to a Liandry's. Yes, it's a bit greedy, but it's been working super well for me. Final build is typically Sorc's, FQC, Liandry's, Rylai's, Zhonya's/Void Staff (depends on comp), Sightstone, and upgraded sweeper.


if you're gonna invest so much into ap you should buy a mejais

ed: (unless you're annie cos you normally die a bunch with annie)
I usually upgrade my support item. Talisman is useful for initiating or disengaging and in the rare instances where I go defensive Morg/Annie it sets up their ults. FQC's active is more of an afterthought since I'm usually popping my skills first. FOTM is pretty useful on your initiator.

I do find that between roaming, fighting, and warding, I'm running around with full FOTM charges (a teammate will usually clear the wave too fast to proc it).


Here are the team's standings in their own leagues as of today..

Cloud 9 (NA LCS)
GE Tigers (LCK)
SK Gaming (EU LCS)
yoe Flash Wolves (LMS)
Gambit Gaming (EU LCS)
CJ Entus (LCK)
Team SoloMid (NA LCS)
Team WE (LPL)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
i generally ignore the upgrades on every support item :p

fotm stats and active are cool but spending 500g on that relic shield upgrade feels like a massive waste of money to me. i'd rather just buy a ruby crystal. the gp10 passive thing is just too hard to keep up after laning phase so it's not even making much money anyways

similarly with spellthief, i'd rather start on my sightstone or chalice or whatever, and the active on fqc is lame imo
Do you guys just say stuff like this to trigger me? Relic Shield upgrade is strong because it provides HP and more importantly regen, while not setting you far back on gold. The extra charges provide additional sustain to your ADC as well. In lane Sightstone has limited practical use against players that are actually aggressive.
Last night I was playing Irelia top. Killed Pantheon solo, then wandered into river bush to ward where I found the enemy team's Diana jungler. She was low on health (as was I) but I managed to kill her.

Her reaction "WTF you didn't take any damage."

To which I responded "Better nerf Irelia."

I'm so toxic :(


my videocard just died so really good thing i didn't buy dj sona


Do you guys just say stuff like this to trigger me? Relic Shield upgrade is strong because it provides HP and more importantly regen, while not setting you far back on gold. The extra charges provide additional sustain to your ADC as well. In lane Sightstone has limited practical use against players that are actually aggressive.

to me it feels like you just look for reasons to get upset but u know opinions
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