I just lost an easy game to split push.
I spam: "one go back to hold TF" at least 5 times in chat and even get ping restricted.
Noone goes back so they force me, the front line Maokai, to go back.
Guess what happened the moment I tped back?
My team get aced tanking inhib turret and we lose bot inhib because I can't kill tf alone.
Tell me team to upgrade trinkets to pink wards so we can see Eve backdoor. Everyone upgrades and i'm the only person who actually puts them out. I'm politely guiding people yet noone is listening. I'm just watching my Ashe go out of base 8 times alone to get soloed by Eve again and again, giving up dragons and barons.
Pulling my hair out.
I just do not know what to do for these people.