It's not Tahm's fault Morde has a shitty 5 year old kit
yes it is
Fuck tahm #deletetahm tahm is dahmb. Or Riot buff up Morde by %50 across the board since he has no cc.
thanks rito
top of page, this is for you zky-
It's not Tahm's fault Morde has a shitty 5 year old kit
New WotA and Rylai will probably help Morde a teensy bit.
Or maybe not, because of Rylai.
top of page, this is for you zky-
It's always so apparent when an artist can't draw the opposite sex.
I want to dissect Tahm into the nasty frog he is
I'm the same way, I mostly play Braum when I support these days and my laning is kind of garbage, tbh. What masteries do you run? I used to go 0/9/21 but I've found it a bit easier to walk up and harass since changing to 0/16/14.
i have no idea if this post is real. given the level of angst you seem to regularly posses i will just assume you are not kidding.and tahm can slow, displace, and travel around the map
more utility and more useful than morde
thanks rito
i have no idea if this post is real. given the level of angst you seem to regularly posses i will just assume you are not kidding.
utility is not the only metric for what makes a champion valuable. when it comes down to it damage is a valuable thing to have, which morde brings plenty of while erring on the incredibly tanky side. you do not want a strong mordekaiser. he has his own benefits and strengths, and a lot of that comes down to having some of the best farm potential and wave clear in the game.
S2 Morde was fun times. Delete wave, delete wraiths, delete wave, delete wolves, repeat.
New WotA and Rylai will probably help Morde a teensy bit.
Or maybe not, because of Rylai.
Yeah. I play Morde when I want to brainlessly win lane/farm. You can down a tower in no time and have plenty of money, even with no kills.
Also, you do need a brain to play him given the no cc, no movement thing you have to be super weary of ganks but you're always rich/dealing tons of damage with Morde if you're not dumb.
I don't think Swain is sleeper OP.
He's definitely on the strong side of the champ pool but I think he has a a pretty big problem. He is almost impossible to comeback from in 1v1 situations.
If you fall behind, you do no damage and provide nothing for the team. It's a risky pick imo
Swain is alot like Mordekaiser. If you don't camp him, he becomes unkillable at a certain point.
Why are you using a comparison with Morde if you think Morde sucks compared to the almighty Tahm Kench?
Not to say I don't agree, I think Morde and Swain can be quite stupid strong. I don't think they are OP though.
Breezy dont you also complain that riot reworks champs?
Have the mystery champs been given out yet?
I only have 4 3150s left. I have a combination of 26 4800 and 6300s
If my mystery champ is a 3150, I'm uninstalling
I only have 4 3150s left. I have a combination of 26 4800 and 6300s
If my mystery champ is a 3150, I'm uninstalling
This is extremely creepy
I think Akali is coming back. I played against one last night that utterly crushed her lane and turned into the snowball monster we all hate and fear. One is doing the exact same on Voyboy's stream. I think that small ult change is enough to bring her back.
I've found Akali to be pretty deadly in my elo, dunno why you peeps keep saying she's not powerful.
Snowball champs does not mean they are useless when not fed.
You mistake the word with the expression "feast or famine" champs, like Fiora. Now SHE is useless when not fed. Akali? Nah. Going out of her lane, she will still be a threat to any non-tank character, no matter how many kils does she have. And with teamfights like that, she will get kills, and then "truly" snowball.
What's the build path on runeglaive ez?
that was...interesting. I did ok early then fell a bit behind and felt completely useless
think I'll stick with ap corki or kog
Runeglaive Ez is good.
Well If you are building tanky ,a bit of damage and some armor pen.I'll never understand players who build Black Cleaver on AD champs who don't have ways of getting stacks on a target real fast.
Black Cleaver doesn't give you armor pen right off the bat...