Good lord! What is wrong with all these Shaco players? Last three games I have had someone has demanded jungle. That someone has for those three games been a Shaco player and they always try to pull some sort of cheese.
Game 1 - Shaco grabs ignite and smite. Then buys a dorans ring and sits in the enemy bush for 4.30 mins. We all know this strat, but the problem was that it needs to work within the first two mins, not four. Their jungler eventually walks through the bush and dies and shaco returns back to base. During that time she got a kill on Top lane and assisted bot lane in getting two kills. Shaco instead of farming, goes back to the same bush and gets killed. Their jungler warded it, not once does this happen, not twice, but yes, three times Shaco dies, runs back to the same bush, gets killed by the mid laner and jungler, then runs straight back to that bush for more. After that he AFK's and we lose the game.
Game 2/3 - Shaco farms up, gets kills, splits push for days and get annihilated by the enemy team. In both games the Shaco got fed, but the problem with a fed shaco is that he is so squishy. Any champ in the game at lvl18 could kill a shaco that didn't buy a single defensive item/refused to listed to pings that the enemy were coming straight for him, that tf was happening right next to him while he is farming wolves, that the enemy are setting up for baron.
Shaco players! LISTEN UP! IF YOU HAVE 10/15/0 THEN YOU NEED TO STOP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Stop. Please. My head hurts.