I'll never understand players who build Black Cleaver on AD champs who don't have ways of getting stacks on a target real fast.
Black Cleaver doesn't give you armor pen right off the bat...
Trinity Force doesn't change ur Q into magic damage to proc Luden's Echo. Anyway go Dorans, Tear into Runeglaive and Luden's Echo.Yeah, Runeglaive ain't that great on Ez. Trinity Force is leagues better.
Trinity Force doesn't change ur Q into magic damage to proc Luden's Echo. Anyway go Dorans, Tear into Runeglaive and Luden's Echo.
the only reason why people didn't play ap ez exclusively was because he had trash waveclear
now he doesn't.
I'm pretty sure runeglaive ezreal is pretty strong (even saw it spammed in the NACS last night), but I dunno how to play it properly. I was never an ez player.
a lot of pros are spamming it in soloq right now
alex ich plays it whenever it's not banned
look, it's not a broken build but it is really strong. sure it's a gimmick, but how does that instantly make it bad (unlike the wii u)
If anyone's up for doing duo queue matches at some point, I'll reward them with a skin after I get out of this rut.
sitting on 1lp in Bronze 1 and I really don't want to idle here, I main support but can play every role pretty confidently.
I'm Silver V we can play whenever.
IGN: baconbm
sure, I'll add you but right now I'm playing some normals with friends.
If anyone's up for doing duo queue matches at some point, I'll reward them with a skin after I get out of this rut.
sitting on 1lp in Bronze 1 and I really don't want to idle here, I main support but can play every role pretty confidently.
whats your name and EU West?
NA: No Fun Nunu, my EU West account is like level 8 lol
Maybe you should get to your EUW account just to improve on beginners?
Come on, you know you want to.
Three disappointing games in a row. I'm going to be demoted to gold V at this rate lol. That'll learn me to open my big mouth. Why do I keep getting vaynes on my team dammit.
Very nice farm on the Lucian.
wow. now somebody can pose as a pro gold player. truly dastardly.Less cool is that riot is considering letting everyone who didn't reach gold purchase the base skin
So we're apparently getting chromas on victorious skin this year based on our achieved rank. Pretty cool.
Less cool is that riot is considering letting everyone who didn't reach gold purchase the base skin
I was finally able to carry 3 losing lanes yesterday night as jungle. It's mentally exhausting knowing that you will lose every fight if you don't cc a fed rumble long enough for your team to get out of his ult to start doing damage.
Cmon man it's a cool motivation and it keeps good getting an exclusive skin based on playing better than the majority of players. Sure it probably doesn't matter to most high ranked players, but i know i was pretty stoked to get the skin last year
I just like that is a totally non monetized thing that riot does for the community
Idk breezy there was a survey out about it but i did see that reddit thread
Probably, since 6-7 of my kills may have been on Shyvana, and I was second damage to the ADC. I had low kill participation. My team was doing very well so I just kept Shyvana out of the game and tried to farm well so that if I were needed in a teamfight, I would have good items and levels.You probably did no damage to the enemy team outside of those 1v1s
In the same suggestion it mentions that silver and bronze players will get their own chromas if they buy the skin.wow. now somebody can pose as a pro gold player. truly dastardly.
all victorious skins suck anyways.