Just got Irelia as my free champion. How good is she?
Just got Irelia as my free champion. How good is she?
I like how Riot tries to give AP junglers a bone and end up creating a midlane monster. In other news teambuilder is dominated right now with Xin, Yi, and Rengar picks. It's super fun...>_>.
Yeah. I mean, it was smart of them to make Smite needed for certain items, but when Smites freely available to be picked by a laner...
They need to put some more restrictions onto it.
oNLY 1 member can have smite, that's one restriction they could go for :x
Granted it could eventually lead so that there would be no jungler making the match more ridiculous by having 2 at top or mid, or even 3 at bot @_@
Very easy to just nerf Ez back to adc lane, by lowering the AP ratios. Done and done.
Very easy to just nerf Ez back to adc lane, by lowering the AP ratios. Done and done.
That's the thing, Runeglaive sorta negates that because it converts his Q into magic damage whilst using AP to determine the damage.
So unless they take away all the AP ratios from Ezreal, then he'd become a one trick pony with Runeglaive+Q, but his poke would still become pretty strong and where teamfights matter his Q poke would be enough to create a stalemate.
It's more of an issue of Runeglaive being too good for what it is, no? Ezreal has already always been able to build Lich Bane in order to do the same thing, but Runeglaive provides a cheaper and more effective item route than Lich Bane ever did.
Just nerf Ez out of the game entirely, I don't ever want to see Ez in my botlane.
I do two ranked games a day usually. Though that's more of an average.What's a good average of ranked games to play to slowly climb, I think I do a casual like 8 or so ranks a week, though still have some ranked anxiety just lookin at draft mode shrug.
Pretty much take decent breaks inbetween them anyways. Like to come into the games clean with not a spec of tilt.
On a support note: as Naut / Leona, I've taken a liking to taking a couple Movement Speed Quints to get the drop on people and have better in'n'out, and covering the defensive hole by going 0/14/16. Feels like a guilty pleasure honestly.
Too bad they already deactivated my PBE account. :'(
Just got Irelia as my free champion. How good is she?
Irelia requires very little skill as a toplaner. Very few champions can beat her early game.
6 items, highest kill part, lowest deaths and all i get is a lousy b.
RIP freelo train6 items, highest kill part, lowest deaths and all i get is a lousy b.
fuck you riot.
if ur positioning is so shit u die 11 times on a backline mage like lux then ur shit. idc about ur support numbers especially since ur full ap build did the same damage as my full tank build.You seriously complain about someone being a "2/11" when she is 2/11/31
Wowzers. So THIS is where these type of players come from![]()
>azirif ur positioning is so shit u die 11 times on a backline mage like lux then ur shit. idc about ur support numbers especially since ur full ap build did the same damage as my full tank build.
Too bad they already deactivated my PBE account. :'(
So next patch we are gonna see Kayle buffs?
I hate her with passion and permabanned her when she was in meta, then no one picked her, and now this champion is coming back![]()