Oddones doing Civ V. Don't you play my heart.
I use mana regen yellows and armor reds /quints. edit: I do get 5% flat cdr from my blues though, so I'm skipping some mr.As in mana regen blues? I use my standard mr/lvl, but I'd be willing to change!
That's enough for many supports, but not for nami. She's the most mana hungry support in the game.tbh the new regen mastery covers lane mana regen imo. Unless you're up against all AD I would still take 6 flat mr and 3 scaling mr so mages don't destroy you.
Purification!I want to nuke Soraka into fucking outer space. Fuck that goddamn champion so hard
I want to nuke Soraka into fucking outer space. Fuck that goddamn champion so hard
I want to nuke Soraka into fucking outer space. Fuck that goddamn champion so hard
Pre nerf pre rework Soraka was a bigger lane bully IMHO. I've no idea why no one played her. Everyone maxed Q, but you can just max E then go AA-E-AA and expect no spell retaliation. E used to be free as well.
How do you know you still have dodge left?>Be on a 3 game winstreak
>New lobby lock in Jinx
>Enemy locks in bitchkong
>Still got a dodge left
You get two per day. Well worth it.How do you know you still have dodge left?
I really wish my friend who's constantly in low priority queue would get this.
Thank you for making an effort
to be a better teammate.
(Today, 12:54 AM)
Make it happen Opiate XD.
Would you like to know why my roger is so jolly?PREPARE TO BE BOARDED
Would you like to know why my roger is so jolly?
Staff of Flowing Water
Recipe: Chalice of Harmony+Amplifying Tome
Cost: 1635G
+40 AP
+25 MR
+50% Base Mana Regen
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Restores 2% of missing Mana every 5sec.
UNIQUE Passive: Gain 30% Movement Speed and 10 Mana Regen per 5sec while in the river.
Tricksters Glass
Recipe: Haunting Guise+Ruby Crystal
Cost: 2115G
+60 AP
+400 HP
UNIQUE Passive - Eyes of Pain: +15 Magic Penetration
UNIQUE Active - Disguise: Teleport to ally and take on their appearance for 30sec. Casting a spell or attacking breaks the deception. (90sec CD)
Martyrs Gambit
Recipe: Crystalline Brace+Kindlegem
Cost: 1850G
+400 HP
+100% Base HP Regen
+10% CDR
UNIQUE Active: Binds yourself to target champion for the next 3sec, redirecting 60% of all damage dealt to them to yourself. (30sec CD).
Recipe: Chalice of Harmony+Kindlegem
Cost: 2200G
+250 HP
+25 MR
+50% Base Mana Regen
+20% CDR
UNIQUE Passive - Mana Font: Restores 2% of missing Mana every 5sec.
UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks mark champions with a string for 6sec. Moving further than 1000 range away from marked champions will break the string.
UNIQUE Active: Pull all champions Marked by Puppeteer within 1000 range towards you. Units move a maximum of 250 distance (45sec CD).
This featured game mode seems to have a lot of effort put into it.
Nami item!
I'm sure others are gonna buy it though.
Boot Enchant: Teleport
Recipe: Enchant for any Tier 2 boot.
Cost: 600G
UNIQUE Active - Teleport: Teleport to target allied object.
I'd like that on Bard.
Cost: 365G
+5% CDR
+25% Base Mana Regen
UNIQUE Active - Swindlers Shield: Shield ally for 60 HP and generate gold equal to 25% of the damage absorbed (15sec CD). Self-cast shields will not generate gold from Monster damage.
Holy shit dat new Gangplank
EDIT: Did they keep his Q unchanged?
I hope this is a testing ground for some new potential SR items.
Gives some new currency to upgrade ult and also refunds mana now.
I meant as in, it still crits?
New featured game mode
Black Market Brawlers
That's some Heroes of the Storm level stuff. Pretty cool.