No point in getting him at 7800 since it's very likely you won't get to play him outside of Team BuilderI should probably just wait to get Tahm Kench when he is 6300 right? right guys? right?
I have no self control
I should probably just wait to get Tahm Kench when he is 6300 right? right guys? right?
I have no self control
He looked mediocre tbh. The small delay on his ult whack make his damage look janky.Jax jungle looked pretty good with sated. In the hands of a really good Jax player it would probably be really scary.
Righteous Glory was anything but ok. The active was too strong for a 60 second CD.
Also what supports besides Morg even buy Zhonya's?
Question: Would Runegleive be viable on Sijuani?
Need to try swain god today
This patch is awful.
So wait ppl are now taking smite on adc. I think it has finally gone to every role now.
Do you guys think that riot would ever make it so that you can only have 1 smite on a team. Or do they not mind having smite on everyone. They could also take smite all out like dota, but I don't think they would do that.
No, people are just trying out stupid shit. When the hell are you going to stack up devourer as adc?
Taking smite makes the laning phase weaker, so I don't see much of a problem with laners taking smite as a concept. Devourer might be broken, but that can be nerfed.
Drag gives 5 stacks. Was watching QT play Vayne and both he and Yi had a nearly sated devourer by 20 minutes while being like 3/4No, people are just trying out stupid shit. When the hell are you going to fully stack up devourer as adc?
Taking smite makes the laning phase weaker, so I don't see much of a problem with laners taking smite as a concept. Devourer might be broken, but that can be nerfed.
Drag gives 5 stacks. Was watching QT play Vayne and both he and Yi had a nearly sated devourer by 20 minutes while being like 3/4
Tahm is out already, that was fast
Don't disappoint me @_@
Oh. That could become stupid with multiple devourers on the team then, unless laners are getting punished enough for not having a useful summoner spell in lane.
I will have to see for myself in more games before I judge it.
teambuilder has changed.
No you just need to have attacked it close to death for the assist.You would need to be in xp range to get the stack right? It'd be funny if you could just run over, tag a mob once, and get a stack while running off into the night.
No you just need to have attacked it close to death for the assist.
They're not having that smite until quite a bit into the game and they have to put 800 gold into it.Good thing there isn't a smite upgrade that reduces incoming damage by 20% and applies an on-hit true damage DoT, has two stacks worth of use, and is up every 45 seconds maximum.
What's the reasonable counter here, double ignite bot lane? If the opposing ADC isn't presumably running heal or barrier then do you want to max out kill potential in the first ~10 mins?
Who wants to be a tower killing bitch?teambuilder has changed.
Do you mean the changed devourer, or is there a different new item?Shyvana basically needs to be banned this patch. She's so easy to use, has ridiculous clear times and is a beast with the new item.
teambuilder has changed.
Do you mean the changed devourer, or is there a different new item?
Adc takes forever to find. I spammed top shen in team builder for a few days and I would always be waiting for an ad out of all roles
You gotta think riot is going to target the adc position for an overhaul next season. It's just such a stale role imo.
Kalista was such a nice shot in the arm because she just does so much different stuff from the typical adc