Vayne and Sated Devourer
Her passive procs every 2 hits
Top of page fiora hype
Her passive procs every 2 hits
Top of page fiora hype
Actually incredibleHahahahaha WHAT
Actually incredible
Tryndamere used to be able to spin through Lux ult and gain gold.
oh god her laser was a minion too
So was Jarvan's ult land.
Voyboy playing top Swain zzz.
Don't worry, Swain's design ensures he'll never be popular unless be becomes pick or ban status
I haven't played League in a while. Jumped on, coughed up $10, and purchased Tahm for no reason other than his voice and dialogue is awesome. Time to cook me up somethin' delightful.
In my defense! This is only the second time I've given them money. Last time was when I needed that new Vel'Koz skin. Had to bling bling my boy up.Riot must love people like you.
Riot must love people like you.
is there anything in the game that isn't a minion
Riot must love people like you.
Tahm is pretty damn fun, but I have no idea what I'm doing with him. I give it 2 games---3 at max---before I completely piss a teammate off by either him ally or enemy at stupid moments.
how'd they figure that one out? does he vaporize in yasuo's wind wall?Zed's shadow is considered a projectile.
how'd they figure that one out? does he vaporize in yasuo's wind wall?
Tahm is pretty damn fun, but I have no idea what I'm doing with him. I give it 2 games---3 at max---before I completely piss a teammate off by either him ally or enemy at stupid moments.
man. How the fuck does that happen. Holy shit.
Wtf? Not enough damage?
I haven't tried it but i assumed he'd be fine at least to get through.
I tried to jungle Tahm...
Died at red. Ummmmm
I tried to jungle Tahm...
Died at red. Ummmmm
Assuming you start at frog, it might be best to go to rivier crab or the wolf camp after it.
Quoting this just in case anyone has Master Yi advice. If not, I might try Kayle instead.I tried devourer master yi in ranked, but got crushed -- other lanes lost even without many ganks from the opposing jungler, so that by the time I got 30 stacks everything was pushed and there were no wards on the map. I would need to become a much better player to handle that properly. Even when typing dragon timings and assist pings, no one would help ward near dragon or come near dragon besides me, so I couldn't even contest it unless I suicided to try to steal.
Even with 30 stacks, devourer doesn't seem to do much damage on yi. A single frozen heart seems enough to stop the damage easily. It still takes 2 hits with a 30-farmed devourer to kill back line minions at 30 minutes, too.
I feel like yi would do more damage going crit instead like Tryndamere.
Sometimes it may be your fault as well, even if it feels like you are the best player -- due to the elo system, if you have played hundreds of games, you will probably be put with players of similar skill level on average.So my last team, despite my efforts to make plays and get us ahead, decides to play laning phase all game until we lose every inhib and turret
Stupidity. Just pure stupidity.
He seems fine to me too. He's kind of like Braum with less cc but more utility.I think Tahm is actually not too bad as a support.