Well so much for that.Miss Fortune
Impure Shots (W) active attack speed gain reverted to 20/30/40/50/60 from 50/55/60/65/70
I wish. Riot talked a lot about reworking him 2 years ago.Looking at the list of junglers, dawned on me that I really hope Riot gets around to reworking Warwick by year's end. Maybe for the Harrowing? That'd be nice.
bet you his winrate with smite is going to be like 45% once we start getting stats.idk why you guys want to play him bot
stick him in the jungle lol.
tahm just fucks over thresh in lane.
all your hooks on the adc are negated.
Thank god they reverted the warriors enchantment change on PBE, that dot sounded way worse
That was one of the funniest things when I was playing him. I had issues doing some things, but eating a Thresh-hooked ADC was entertaining.tahm just fucks over thresh in lane.
all your hooks on the adc are negated.
Is general mage itemization the same after this patch? None of the changes really had an effect on most builds right?
I haven't played Malzahar since the patch, but I suspect ROA first will still be right for him, with liandry's and rylais after that being stronger options than before because of the boosted AP etc.Is general mage itemization the same after this patch? None of the changes really had an effect on most builds right?
I haven't played Malzahar since the patch, but I suspect ROA first will still be right for him, with liandry's and rylais after that being stronger options than before because of the boosted AP etc.
I think I used to try that, but then I realized that a bunch of pro builds use it (5/8 right now from glancing at probuilds) and I think I started doing way better once I tried it. I know in theory Malzahar is supposed to be able to farm back mana, but the HP and mana sustain from leveling up with catalyst helps a ton, especially against champions who immediately kill your voidling to prevent your farm chain from working early.I feel RoA is skippable. RoA is only good on mages that need health/mana, that need to be in the heat of the battle. Skipping to Liandry's/rylais would be far better IMO.
I think I used to try that, but then I realized that a bunch of pro builds use it (5/8 right now from glancing at probuilds) and I think I started doing way better once I tried it. I know in theory Malzahar is supposed to be able to farm back mana, but the HP and mana sustain from leveling up with catalyst helps a ton, especially against champions who immediatey kill your voidling to prevent your farm chain from working early.
Ah, I was talking about as a first big item when laning.Maybe. Laning it's completely fine, I just mean late game where you'll die immediately.
The mid Varus? Did they start intentionally feeding midgame? The numbers don't suggest they were intentionally feeding all game (higher CS than everyone but the ADC, several assists, 9 wards, non-troll items).Welp ran into the first intentional feeder of the week. Fun times.
Welp ran into the first intentional feeder of the week. Fun times.
Rylai is pretty silly. Need more experimentation to know who should be getting itIs general mage itemization the same after this patch? None of the changes really had an effect on most builds right?
I assume vlad is fucking stupid right now considering he was pretty strong before the changes
Yep. Fucking pre mitigation healing man
Holy fuck just played against a Azir, MF, Sivir, Varus, Morgana team in ARAM. I hate life.
We were Urgot, Sion, Jarvan, Shaco (lol) and Kayle. I'm surprised we lasted long, considering the Kayle didn't know how to build her and rushed Rabadon's.
I allllmost went intentional feeder mode after getting cheesed in the jungle twice at level 2
Instead I decided to just carry going 14-1-17 after that lol
Buy thornmail.an enemy trundle with devourer is not fun
Holy fuck just played against a Azir, MF, Sivir, Varus, Morgana team in ARAM. I hate life.
We were Urgot, Sion, Jarvan, Shaco (lol) and Kayle. I'm surprised we lasted long, considering the Kayle didn't know how to build her and rushed Rabadon's.
1) They're masochistsWhy people keep typing "adc" at beginning of match in lobby?