Wolf Akela
I am cursed with freaking awful toplaners.
Is Rek'Sai good because of Queen's Wrath and increased fury regeneration?Alright. Until devourer gets nerfed, I'm only playing reksai/diana jungle
I guess I was playing the wrong champion with it. I was just trying master yi doublestrike + BOTRK.Yeah, Sated Devourer is broken as hell lol
How does 600+ AoE magic damage every other attack sound?
That's an interesting comparison. In the game I played it seemed there wasn't much way to save a teammate besides eating them and hoping they don't rage (or ulting if you get lucky). The biggest weird thing compared to Braum is that Braum gets stacks from teammates too, but Tahm has to apply them himself which means enemies have to let you sit in melee range.He seems fine to me too. He's kind of like Braum with less cc but more utility.
Power levels are difficult to judge so far though, too many mirror matchups.
I think Tahm is actually not too bad as a support.
Yeah, Sated Devourer is broken as hell lol. Just played Jungle Diana and stacked it to 30 by 18 minutes.
How does 600+ AoE magic damage every 0.8 seconds sound?
Does no one ever participate in the Dominion pvp? I never get anyone in the queue- only the Coop AI
mind sharing your build?
Opiate plays dominion. I'm not sure how regularly.
The passive stacks require you to be sitting almost melee range though, and he's 95% slowed while he eats you so he can't move anywhere without flashing.Tahm is a pretty good support. The Q poke is really annoying facing him and being able to suck up the ADC and absorb a metric ton of damage thanks to his E makes it very difficult to secure kills on that lane. And if he gets 3 passive stacks on you, you're pretty much dead meat. He'll just slurp you up and move you right back in the middle of the lane for the jungler gank or easy kill.
Don't forget the mobility too. Both support and ADC into a fight elsewhere on the map as needed is huge.
How has Top Tahm been so far? Tried him in my first game but didn't do too well cuz our stinking Jungle Hecarim hardly ganked >=/
It's dead. I used to have 20 min queues because I had a very high hidden dominion elo. But eventually queues got to be ~2 hours for me just because so few people were playing, and I quit.
I've moved on significantly to Heroes of the Storm, because it suits my needs better now. I don't like laning phase, I find last hitting boring as all get out, and I strongly prefer team oriented fights that focus on coordination and positioning. Summoner's rift has that, but it's really the last 5-10 minutes of the game, after 10 minutes of laning and 10 more minutes of small skirmishes. Not enough, at least for me.
With that said, I still log in to league and still play some. I have >170k IP if I ever want to buy any champion.
It actually seems to be his weakest position (that and mid, basically any solo lane). I tried it twice and was pretty disappointed.
I don't know how he would even work top or mid. It would be like Braum, with barely 2 damaging spells and you depending on a sheen item for damage or something.How has Top Tahm been so far? Tried him in my first game but didn't do too well cuz our stinking Jungle Hecarim hardly ganked >=/
The passive stacks require you to be sitting almost melee range though, and he's 95% slowed while he eats you so he can't move anywhere without flashing.
Q poke does nothing if a single minion blocks it, so just keep moving sideways and it will probably miss (or hit a minion and make the ADC rage).
He can't Q-w champions from range, only minions and monsters.The stacks last long enough that you can get all three with just Q to my knowledge. And with all 3 stacks, he can Q->W you and pull you in from range. The support I played against didn't manage to do that but a few all-ins he was able to get all 3. He soaks damage like crazy. Him eating the opposing adc is kind of like a bard ult. It freezes the fight for a bit and lets his team get into a better position to close it. Plus it does good damage.
Q is long range and it's a pretty fast projectile. Hard to dodge. I was an Ashe against him and it ruined my kill potential. I'd usually get some free kills by charging up Q and then slowing the enemy and just pelt them with Q as they run away but the Tahm Q slowed me more than I slowed them. Sucked.
It's dead. I used to have 20 min queues because I had a very high hidden dominion elo. But eventually queues got to be ~2 hours for me just because so few people were playing, and I quit.
I've moved on significantly to Heroes of the Storm, because it suits my needs better now. I don't like laning phase, I find last hitting boring as all get out, and I strongly prefer team oriented fights that focus on coordination and positioning. Summoner's rift has that, but it's really the last 5-10 minutes of the game, after 10 minutes of laning and 10 more minutes of small skirmishes. Not enough, at least for me.
With that said, I still log in to league and still play some. I have >170k IP if I ever want to buy any champion.
Still kinda figuring it out but I rush Devourer and then Zhonya's/Abyssal, also experimenting with Nashor's 2nd to get through the jungle even faster. Without Runglaive you will often run out of mana try to get blue whenever possible.
That being said I did just lose a game vs a Wukong jungle going traditional trailblazer (purple smite). Going Devourer first really cripples your ganking and burst and is very reliant on you plowing through the jungle. If you get caught up in early skirmishes and unsuccessful ganks you'll have a hard time.
However, if you make it to late game or get fed early, it's ridiculous. Just attack move and mulch through health bars before they've built MR.
Is the new UI up in live?
No and it won't be for a whileIs the new UI up in live?
He can barely hold on to Challenger for most of the season lolSwitching between Nightblu and Santorin's stream and it's amazing just how bad NB is in comparison. Did this guy actually think he could jungle for LCS?
He can't Q-w champions from range, only minions and monsters.
I have seen terror. And it's Rylais Lyandries Evelyn.
Tahm Q has a 6-second cooldown and runs out in 7 seconds, so you only have a 1-second window to repeat it. If the enemy champion can dodge even one of the 3 Q attempts or hide behind a minion, the stacks will reset.The stacks last long enough that you can get all three with just Q to my knowledge.
I'll have to test this, but the wiki only mentions pulling in minions and monsters from range with QW. Even if it's possible, it would require the enemy not only being hit 3 times instead of avoiding them for the 1-2 second window to reset stacks, but also staying in Q range after they have 3 stacks instead of letting them expire.garath said:And with all 3 stacks, he can Q->W you and pull you in from range. The support I played against didn't manage to do that but a few all-ins he was able to get all 3.
Not sure if the functionality was ever there but I was under the impression Tahm could Q-W allied champions as well. Makes sense you can't though.
At any rate, played my first Vi game last night in easily over a year, probably going back about 15 months really. I remembered her being a one-trick pony but man, once our early game advantage starting rolling back because the enemy composition's AoE simply overwhelmed us it really brought it home - felt pretty useless. I was never particularly great at playing assassin/carry type junglers before, but I was still surprised by how much my jungle playstyle had gravitated towards utility and/or optional play pattern junglers over the past year or so.
Which I suppose makes sense. As I continue to trim my champion pool the hardest part to slim down is support, which if anything has been increasing in count. If I'm being honest it's probably my favorite position these days, though I still like jungling.
So the jungle pool is now Skarner, Xin, Nautilus, and Hecarim. Could fit Sion in there as well although I prefer him top. Still feel like adding another piece, either Trundle who I had been doing well enough with recently or Volibear.
Rylai-Liandrys is just a crazy combination right now, period. Been feeling like giving Zyra some playtime at either mid or support just to try it out.
No Yasuo today boys. It feels good to play again.
P.S. are you proud of that protege Breezy?
Inb4 nerfs.That swain did fabulous. Im actually kinda scared people are going to finally realize how good Swain can be
I have seen terror. And it's Rylais Lyandries Evelyn.
Not sure if the functionality was ever there but I was under the impression Tahm could Q-W allied champions as well. Makes sense you can't though.
At any rate, played my first Vi game last night in easily over a year, probably going back about 15 months really. I remembered her being a one-trick pony but man, once our early game advantage starting rolling back because the enemy composition's AoE simply overwhelmed us it really brought it home - felt pretty useless. I was never particularly great at playing assassin/carry type junglers before, but I was still surprised by how much my jungle playstyle had gravitated towards utility and/or optional play pattern junglers over the past year or so.
Which I suppose makes sense. As I continue to trim my champion pool the hardest part to slim down is support, which if anything has been increasing in count. If I'm being honest it's probably my favorite position these days, though I still like jungling.
So the jungle pool is now Skarner, Xin, Nautilus, and Hecarim. Could fit Sion in there as well although I prefer him top. Still feel like adding another piece, either Trundle who I had been doing well enough with recently or Volibear.
Man Lee Sin and Rek'sai are so good this patch. Sometimes it feels like jgs running Devourer are afk
Man Lee Sin and Rek'sai are so good this patch. Sometimes it feels like jgs running Devourer are afk
Banning shyvana every gaem
How has Top Tahm been so far? Tried him in my first game but didn't do too well cuz our stinking Jungle Hecarim hardly ganked >=/
Wait till you go against a decent Vayne jungler :^)