Is there a new build for Sona? Her burst is still insane at early level but I dont know what to do in late game
So apparently Nashors is bad on Diana
Riot in charge of lore.
They should just....hire another company to deal with the lore. I mean, lores already down the drain, but possibly we can sink in a line and hook it back up..?
Also apparnetly Tahms pretty glitched.
I do this, and even I have no idea why.Why people keep typing "adc" at beginning of match in lobby?
I'm late to the party, but the new Captain Fortune splash art is pretty great in my opinion.
I'm late to the party, but the new Captain Fortune splash art is pretty great in my opinion.
She's pretty decent but her early game got a pretty hard nerf fairly recently and the tank meta doesn't favour her very much. She does have a bunch of bugs that were apparently fixed this patch though, so she might be a bit better now.Hope someone can help me out-
I'm sort of interested in purchasing Syndra since she's on the firesale this week and all. But according to the Solo Queue Tier list she's Tier 3. does this mean she sucks?
I don't need a FOTM champion but also don't need to suck more than usual. But I guess even a bad champion is okay since I'm just starting out (still only Summoner L9 I cant even Smite yet)
Thanks a lot!
Hope someone can help me out-
I'm sort of interested in purchasing Syndra since she's on the firesale this week and all. But according to the Solo Queue Tier list she's Tier 3. does this mean she sucks?
I don't need a FOTM champion but also don't need to suck more than usual. But I guess even a bad champion is okay since I'm just starting out (still only Summoner L9 I cant even Smite yet)
Hope someone can help me out-
I'm sort of interested in purchasing Syndra since she's on the firesale this week and all. But according to the Solo Queue Tier list she's Tier 3. does this mean she sucks?
I don't need a FOTM champion but also don't need to suck more than usual. But I guess even a bad champion is okay since I'm just starting out (still only Summoner L9 I cant even Smite yet)
Hope someone can help me out-
I'm sort of interested in purchasing Syndra since she's on the firesale this week and all. But according to the Solo Queue Tier list she's Tier 3. does this mean she sucks?
I don't need a FOTM champion but also don't need to suck more than usual. But I guess even a bad champion is okay since I'm just starting out (still only Summoner L9 I cant even Smite yet)
What would you build on him as a support?Don't bother following tier lists at lower levels it doesn't matter. Hell, that list puts support Shen as tier 4 when he's crazy strong as support atm.
I have no idea what my skill order should be on Tahm. All of his abilities are so strong. E at max rank with Spirit Visage recovers like 50% of the grey health.
not gonna blame tryn for low damage (backdoored an inhib + 2 towers) or grag but fucking bot lane.
That mumu damage is incredible
Tahm is one of the most original characters I've seen in a MOBA though.
Tahm is one of the most original characters I've seen in a MOBA though.
New items are cool, but the meta is so entrenched they would have to make alternates to a lot of champions at the same time since not everything is available to everyone. It's super hard and I don't envy their position.Hey guys, we need to fix that one awful jungle item. What should we do?
What? You want to tweak the numbers, make it relevant for more junglers, give it a place in the meta?
No, fuck that. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna disregard the last few times we made a ridiculous mistake and give the item a completely gimmicky passive so outrageously exploitable and dumb that it comes with a free pet.
No, I'm serious. Let's give it a passive that is completely broken on a handful of champs and completely useless on the rest, forcing us to either scrap it entirely AGAIN or just tune it down to the point that no one will ever buy it anymore. Let's make it so the second we announce it, the players reading the information will put up a dozen instances immediately recognizable as exploits that will destroy ranked games for weeks, maybe even months, and just put it out anyways on the live servers despite players literally pleading for us not to make them go through this shit again.
What do you mean? We're Riot Games. Plural. Get with the program.
We don't "balance", we "promote diversity". Get it? Got it? Good.
Am I understanding you correctly that you are saying Shen's almost a free win when you have a 1-2 ranked record with him this season, and he has a 50-53% win rate in diamond recently? Or is the key that no one manages his energy correctly?Shen is just so braindead to play. It's practically a free win laning if you manage energy so you can taunt out of ganks.
Then you have this global ult with practically no cooldown. Add that with a tp and you never lose tower or exp.
Build a triforce and you're this ridiculous machine that people need to focus or they end up losing because taunt-autos do half your carry's life.
How is he not picked every game?
But seriously fuck devourer lol.
I had a level 12 xin solo me when I was a level 15 shen. Healing every 2 autos is stupid as shit.
Perhaps devourer exists to counter you! It does seem pretty strong (though slow to get going), though I haven't had much success with it yet. That may be bad luck with lanes or just not knowing how to use it.Having a 50% win rate is pretty massive and my 1-2 record means nothing when stuff like this happens when I kill gnar 3 times before 15minutes then proceed to spoon feed graves 4 kills using my ult but he manages to do nothing all game but die from mis-positioning.
Was practically 1v5ing the enemy team if I recall correctly since Zac went ap and couldn't hit his Es in any of the major team fights.
And I'm complaining about devourer. Not about shen.