My bad, it was 4 a.m. and I misinterpreted."Free win laning"
Shen is just so braindead to play. It's practically a free win laning if you manage energy so you can taunt out of ganks.
Then you have this global ult with practically no cooldown. Add that with a tp and you never lose tower or exp.
Build a triforce and you're this ridiculous machine that people need to focus or they end up losing because taunt-autos do half your carry's life.
How is he not picked every game?
But seriously fuck devourer lol.
I had a level 12 xin solo me when I was a level 15 shen. Healing every 2 autos is stupid as shit.
I feel like with solo q Shen players (including myself when i play him in S3) never ult at the right time. Always a little too late and by the time you get there it's 4v5. His split pushing isn't exactly jax/tryn/zed level either.
He's also easily bullied earlier by the likes of renetkon, Darius and other lane bullies. Having an ult that does nothing in 1v1 all in doesn't help either.
I honestly find support shen so much more annoying in this meta because he can just ult to mid/top/jungle and completely ruin a lane without getting punished. As to oppose if top lane shen ult away he can lose tower, while support shen would still have the ADC. ADC would just need to back off and not get dove till shen comes back.
I honestly find support shen so much more annoying in this meta because he can just ult to mid/top/jungle and completely ruin a lane without getting punished.
Tahm has 30 per cent win rate in top, 37 per cent as supp. That's low. I wonder how his jungle won rate is.
Tahm has 30 per cent win rate in top, 37 per cent as supp. That's low. I wonder how his jungle won rate is.
Alright. The last time I played a devourer jungler was when feral flare Yi was bullshit last season.
In other news, Kalista now has the lowest winrate of any ADC (44%) just below Twitch's winrate at 47%
Holy shit, this onslaught of bugs is pretty bad. Probably the worst in a while.
New items are cool, but the meta is so entrenched they would have to make alternates to a lot of champions at the same time since not everything is available to everyone. It's super hard and I don't envy their position.
The item seems pretty dumb though
Get mid and bot ahead but then my Vayne decides to stay bot all game and feed by solo pushing.
I go 6/2 on reksai and can't tank for my non existent team. Literally did nothing for 20minutes while vayne tries to 1v4 all game.
Im so sad.
I got blamed and reported for intentional feeding by someone for this too:
Orianna has a bug apparently
Holy shit, this onslaught of bugs is pretty bad. Probably the worst in a while. I mean, back in my day the worst glitch was when Trundle had to be disabled when he came out.
Also I had a weird dream where I was in this fighting tournament, and I was like, dressed up as Gangplank. I went up against a person dressed up as Tristana who wobbled against me(I guess it was a fists fighting tournament.) and I just shot her in the head and won immediately. People were salty.
Dang you got the name gg easy.This has been my experience in the last 10 games I played as a Devourer jungler, though I finally just caught my break.
Tahm Kenches should stop devouring their team mates for no fucking reason in team fights. As it turns out, using your strongest spell to CC a team mate is not that useful.
This has been my experience in the last 10 games I played as a Devourer jungler, though I finally just caught my break.
Sometimes your teammates have really large sprites and you think you're actually targeting and enemy.Tahm Kenches should stop devouring their team mates for no fucking reason in team fights. As it turns out, using your strongest spell to CC a team mate is not that useful.
I queued up for ranked silver and my first two picks are vayne top and udyr
feelin the ole dodgerino might be in order here
That feel when you queue up for ranked, get support, pretty much set up a 4/0 botlane, and adc just starts swarming other lanes to do absolutely nothing but chase over and over again and end the game with lucky ace -> baserace win with adc being half the other's cs.
Could be worse. Last time I supported as Thresh managed to kill their lane a few times, then my ADC decides to try and tower dive. At like, level 4. While their soraka has an exhaust up.
I mean, the number of idiots that play the game has definitely magnified throughout the years.
Yeah, I get it, it's just that I don't really care for ranked, but I do want to get higher ranked solely for the purpose of joining a random game, and being able to be semi-confident that players on all sides have base level mechanics and knowledge and not just go from 12-0 team and change that to 14-12 in less than 10 minutes thereafter, while not farming, and losing all objectives when they're just roaming like headless chickens, shrug.
so how's league been going the last few weeks you guys