oh god that game is awful
Dota 2 thread is over here.
Or if you got lost, the Giant Bomb Thread is right hurr
This is the league thread
oh god that game is awful
Still bad even on lane Morg. Her pool is too tiny.
FQC is just plain superior for setting up bindings. I wish more people would actually upgrade spell thief. The active is good enough to frighten people into flashing if you've been landing good bindings before you even get it. It's a solid roam/pick/snowball/rush item for support Morg.
Yeah. That screenshot does not make that game look good at all. I might still be dumb enough to try it though.....oh god that game is awful
Yeah. That screenshot does not make that game look good at all. I might still be dumb enough to try it though.....
It looks better in movement. That screen also portrays a map where you help your Immortal beat the other one.Then he pushes down a lane with you.
How long have you been playing HotS? I've tried it for a while but I have experience some weird slowdowns.
Since technical alpha. Ive been hopping between League and HotS these past couple months.
Any advice on how to deal with Annie? Was doing a coop vs AI match last night with Vayne. Annie would stun me and then proceeded to nuke me into the ground. Even more annoying, her basic attack has homing. I don't think it's possible to dodge it![]()
I don't find her feast or famine, she can 1 shot any squishy target with her stun r>q> w. Once you get 1 item you can kill any non tank.She's one of those feast or famine champion.
Is attack movement really as important as people say it is. Also what the hell does it even do?
You can't dodge anyone's basic attack. Unless you're talking about Annie's Q then don't get in range of it. If you're like an ADC/Squishy you probably shouldn't ever be in Annie's range to start with. If you're the tank then tank that stun for your team.
Annie's (mid) is that one champion when ahead will nuke you with one rotation of spells, and if behind is completely useless. Annie support is the one that will nuke you in lane (bot lane), and snowball their bot lane ahead or if you survive that initial all in, she is completely useless.
She's one of those feast or famine champion.
Yeah it's essential. You move and deal damage at the same time, also known as kiting.
Ok well that is the next thing I should learn to do before I start ranked.Yeah it's essential. You move and deal damage at the same time, also known as kiting.
Ok well that is the next thing I should learn to do before I start ranked.
Yeah man if you're raging at strangers over LoL you probably should take a break. Now if there is money on the line (like in a pro tournament) then yeah. But a random? meh
I highly suggest watching pro play and pro player's stream before you jump into rank. I spent a good 3 months watching pro plays before I jumped into rank 2 year ago. I instantly got placed into silver 1.
I hope this is real.laning and you: why you're a fucking shitter and should uninstall
Well if you ever need to see a teammate stutter while moving, just ask.
Once you stop caring about winning or losing the game becomes a lot more fun.
Oh yeah I watch a ton of stream and try to see what they do different. I think my normal solo mmr is up in the high gold, low silver. I don't want to rush ranked and get put in bronze then have to claw my way out.I highly suggest watching pro play and pro player's stream before you jump into rank. I spent a good 3 months watching pro plays before I jumped into rank 2 year ago. I instantly got placed into silver 1.
Few months back I was smurfing on my friends account (and he played a good 1-2 year and was still bronze) the mistakes I see people make are stuff I considered really basic. I even look at stats of a lot of players I ran into and they have hundreds of not thousands of game and was still in bronze or low silver.
I played maybe 50 games max against humans before I jumped into rank and instantly was S1. Simple stuff like how to trade correctly, or wave manipulation like when to shove or freeze etc. Bad baron/dragon calls. Trading objectives, kiting, peeling if you're a tank, target prioritization.... etc.
Even if you have average mechanics, but understand simple concepts you should be able to get gold.
Also is there a way to see your real normal mmr, I looked at lol nexus and check the rank of my team mates and enemy's.
I have no pentas.stay free, noobs
had my first ever irelia penta stolen by a sivir![]()
I have no pentas.![]()
My first penta was on Katarina. The amount of mechanical skill and mental toughness needed to execute the attack caused everyone to send me friend requests after the game.
My first ranked penta was on Mordekaiser back in season 1. I managed to ult and kill the extremely fed enemy Tristana and then she killed her own team for me.