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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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cool ahri in theory tho i'm on 1600x1200 stretched to 1920x1200 so can't confirm

it's made by a rioter
Tried Annie for the first time. She's so braindead and boring. I think I'd only play her as a support cause otherwise she's too facerolly for me.


Rex just got into Diamond IV as well. Newt and Rex, both 0 LP now, both in the same game. NO PRESSURE
We play duo though. It's not some crazy coincidence that we hit Diamond IV at the same time, lol.
Huh what a popular division, D4 club here I come hopefully. I just started to get back into ranked recently, it took me 5 series to hit D5, it felt like elo hell.
Can confirm diamond 5 is elo hell. Went from d2 last season to struggling to get out of d5.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
vlad feels like freelo.
his damage is sorely underestimated.


i used to fool around with signatures myself back in the day


learned a ton about photoshop doing it and made a ton of silly zooey deschanel c4d overdone garbage:
(and tons more)

used to do siggies for other people too and for games i liked and do contests and a lot more which was great to get a lot of experience in photoshop and some general firsthand learning of what-not-to-do as far as design is concerned, tho i think some of those are sort of appealing.

really taught me the best way to learn is to just doing it

it looks like a lame waifu

i think she looks awesome but ok women = waifu right

I just got a party IP bonus for playing as a 2-person premade party. It was only 5 IP though.
i dunno what people expected

you get what, like 80 ip per game on average? consistently getting like 30 or 40 like people would be like a crazy stream of ip into the economy out of nowhere. 5 ip or something is like 7% or something which is what i've been getting most of the times. i've gotten a couple 15s and a 1 which was kind of funny, but that's what it was supposed to be, a little bonus, nothing else. once i got nothing, once i got 1, those were kinda super bad, but who cares, it's a little boost

rito did sell it really poorly and the sites covering it on pbe could've reported how little it was gonna be so ppl didn't bitch about it, but honestly they were gonna bitch about it anyways so who cares

but yeah rito should've mentioned it's gonna be 10ish most of the time, the way they spoke about it was super weird cos they kept talking about the multipliers but turns out it's probably just a small porcentage with a tiny chance of getting one of those 4x or 8x jackpots

i appreciate the free ip, so whatever, but it seems like unnecessarily fucking up something that would've been so easy to communicate correctly


Something tells me the game wants me to go Supp Sona...I figure I'll go YOLO after this and play a ranked game.


Faced a Sona mid yesterday. In the typical normal draft shenanigans, it was determined that I wanted Fizz or Nidalee jungle, so after the fourth dodge, they were both banned.. jerks. So I picked Sejuani into it.

That early game Sona HURT. She killed our Syndra early then traded kills with her three times and nearly killed me when I tried to clean up after the first kill. So so much damage with just a damn dorans and AP runes.

Late game though she dropped off hard. Plus I focused her since she was the only fed one. No escaping a tanky Sejuani.

It's still such a gimmick. Sona just doesn't belong mid lol.
I don't actually main a champ

if you look at my match history you'll see I rarely play the same champ multiple games

the closest I've come is playing Lucian a lot in ranked last season but that was only ranked. I guess I'm technically a Fiora main since she's my favourite and I know her inside out.
I started playing vlad and I really like him yet it seems like I am missing something about him. I have been building AP and magic pen.
Maxing q>e>w>r
Any tips on combos with me would be much appreciated.
That's pretty much it. Void Staff is optional on Vlad. Zhonya is pretty core. Abyssal is also very nice. Visage works if you need more MR beef.


I don't actually main a champ

if you look at my match history you'll see I rarely play the same champ multiple games

the closest I've come is playing Lucian a lot in ranked last season but that was only ranked. I guess I'm technically a Fiora main since she's my favourite and I know her inside out.

Same here. Last season I had around 50 ranked games with Lucian. I think my next closest was around 30 or so with Janna. I still wouldn't consider having enough games to call either one a main. I lean more towards having comfort picks that you can just pick against whatever.


I started playing vlad and I really like him yet it seems like I am missing something about him. I have been building AP and magic pen.
Maxing q>e>w>r
Any tips on combos with me would be much appreciated.

I've been playing him and have been successful too. Obviously rush Will of the Ancients and get your Sorc's boots. From there, I get my Zhonya's because it makes you a menace in team fights. Build mostly straight AP from there if you're ahead as it is essentially gives you tankiness and damage at the same time. I've tried builds with both Void Staff and Liandry's, and both felt really good. I don't think he's very complicated. Build lots of AP, manage your cooldowns well in a fight, and pick up tons of kills.

One thing to remember is that you shouldn't use his pool too often. I save it as I would a Zhonya's. You really want it up when you really need it, and it hurts you pretty bad to activate it, so if you use it and they have good pursuit, it makes things worse. I use it to stay alive early, but it's great for big team fights at the end when paired with his ult. You can ult, do your E/Q combo, pool, come up and E/Q again, and if anybody is left fighting, you can Zhonya's to stay alive (and then E/Q again if needed). It hardly ever gets to that point though. His damage is ridiculous on top of a good ult.

I think it was Ghost that told me to stand in the middle of the minions when you activate his E. That's great advice, because you'll hit the entire wave and often the enemy as well, who you can hit with a Q real quick. Vlad's harass is awesome in lane, but buy lots of wards because you're going to always push the lane.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
I started playing vlad and I really like him yet it seems like I am missing something about him. I have been building AP and magic pen.
Maxing q>e>w>r
Any tips on combos with me would be much appreciated.

mess around in some customs to get used to his auto. you shouldn't be using q to last hit until you get at least 3 ranks in it when the cooldown is much lower or you're trying to play safe and sustain. respect lane opponents who have the potential to kill you early game. the lane will eventually push and you'll outscale most.

don't build health items, his passive is sorely misleading. damage is the way to go.

If you don't have 4 stacks up on e when you go in for a trade, e first and then q so you get a little bit more health back.

Also, I like to run flash + ghost for more teamfight presence whether I am middle or top.


Another thing to remember on Vladimir is that his E will stack even if it doesn't hit anything. Keep the stacks up by using it even out of range if you're going to engage soon.


Played against a Jinx last night that 100% copied Keith's build. Double PD is strong, and they nearly willed their heavy team to victory, but I think they would have been better served going GA over BV.
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