Stone Ocean
So she's on the same boat as Taric, cool. Means there's a decent chance she might get released before the end of the year.Also poppy's gameplay update is done just waiting on art and VU
So she's on the same boat as Taric, cool. Means there's a decent chance she might get released before the end of the year.Also poppy's gameplay update is done just waiting on art and VU
When I do play an AP support I get spellthief just for lane and then sell it for T2 coin upgrade once laning is over. The engage, passive gold generation, and other stats are too good to pass up.
Scruffy on darius said:We've actually come back around to the work that started 2 years ago and will have something to show very soon. Statikk picked up the darius project after he finished working on Gangplank, and it turns out we can make a lot of improvements for him without too many dramatic changes.
When it's all done, he should have a more healthy + satisfying + some new unique stuff in his kit.
Poppy indeedparrot said:WRONG!
Whoops.. sorry, that's a bit harsh. Poppy is currently in our production pipeline with kit locked. Barring an unforeseen hiccup of sizable magnitude we're pretty confident in delivering her before the end of the year.
God help me if I'm wrong..
What's with the nose and the eye make upSwain needs this vu
League needs more disney villains
you know just thinking about it i'm surprised a champion like swain ever got made at all
Riot pumped out one champ every two weeks or so in season 1. That's why we got stuff like Xin Zhao, Swain, Irelia, Yorick, etc. Champs were a lot more similar back then too, particularly the bruisers.
Yeah, but those make sense. Speary warrior, lady blades, undead gravedigger... ... old man with cane that hobbles and turns into a bird. wat.
i've played zyra in every meta for a year and a half now, this is faaaaaaaaaaar from being the riskiest meta i've played her in, honestly i think you guys are all overstating this passive meta thing.
sure its true that the solo lanes are strong now and tp is ubiquitous, but those are reasons not to play supports like annie or karma or maybe morg, but zyra and nami both have pretty strong anti-diving mechanics and notably the solo lanes that are popular are not the assassins that traditionally nullified a zyra/nami's kit.
I'm really feeling it.
Weekend warrior.How have you played that many games already this season. Good lord Newt!
man no one ever wants to mid (L13- summoners at least)
Trouble with zilean is that his double bomb stun is hard as shit to actually land. I remember a few months ago, Aphro tried to learn zilean support.
He got pretty decent but he just realised that it was too much effort even though the aoe stun is op as hell.
I played some zilean support today and I felt kinda useless in midgame teamfights outside of my ult and the speed up
Trouble with zilean is that his double bomb stun is hard as shit to actually land.
How odd. I felt he was ok in lane. Best game I played with him I wasn't really trying to force doube bomb stuns too much, rather using Q as a poke tool. Q-W-Q is much easier to land when the opponents engage, I found. They're too focused on the engage to notice the bombs. There's a temptation to play supports with significant stuns as kill lanes, but I think that Zilean is an early game poke support who transitions into a protection/peel support.
It was in teamfights that that I thought Zilean excelled. The chaos makes it harder for enemies to pick up on bomb placements and he can double bomb his allies. I agree with Ferga on that point, double bomb stuns in mid to late game teamfights are fucking top notch.
Nope! Well, not entirely. Seriously, try it again. Patch 5.12 fixed a bug that caused a delay in the Q-W-Q combo. It was hard because it was harder than it should have been in the first place. I fired up a custom just to try it out and it's smooth as butter now. If it weren't for his rewind mana cost bug I'd be trying him out some more but instead...
I made some adjustments to the way I play Braum and it payed off. Much more poke centric with Q as opposed to forcing all-ins. Picked up ignite instead of exhaust and that seemed much better. The opposing lane forced a trade at level 2 but between Braum E and the ignite the trade was easily won with two enemy flashes having to be burned. Spent the 3rd skill point on rank 2 Q and laning phase was easy peezy from there on out.
In the two games I've tried it I found much more use out of ignite than exhaust on Braum. So, sweet, Braum's back in my support pool.