You know what it's not worth the discussion
You have such a hate boner for riot that you'll find any excuse to hate
I wonder if nerfing Azir more will make him less competitively viable. Even though he's been nerfed a whole lot since release, he's still been absolutely dominant in the LCS for a long time now. I keep seeing a lot of Ori, Azir, TF, and Ez nowadays.
Thanks for this, I missed them!Holy shit for real though this bilgewater patch is gonna be amazing. I just now watched the login screens that they posted yesterday and they're amazing
Miss fortune
Graves vs. TF
In case anyone else missed them
fiotas ult and passive are interesting, but i don't forsee a lot of 'stand still and let me walk around you' situations occuring.
the procs would have to do a lot of damage to justify the loss in DPS due to all that repositioning. who will ever willingly sit in a duelists ult while she walks around proccing percent max HP and true damage on you? she should have a taunt instead.
God help us all
Q - Tumble
COOLDOWN Begins upon hitting a target ⇒ Begins upon launching the attack
GOT THE RESET Tumble's attack will be consumed even if the target becomes invulnerable mid-flight
Only read one line so far.. HUD update! Whoa.
INSTANT FEEDBACK Dragon and Baron timers are updated instantly for both teams, regardless if you have vision of the objective at the time of its death
NEWGRRAAAAAAHHHWARRRBLE Dragon and Baron now have new global death sounds
It's mostly a QoL buff but it's a buff yeahActually mild buff right? Should take a fraction of a second off of the cooldown
...Syndra can no longer pick up Baron with W - Force of Will
Yeah this is pretty big for Baroneveryone gets dragon/baron timers even without vision now
Yeah this is pretty big for Baron
For Drag it's whatever, you already had the timer thanks to the stupid whoosh effect and the scoreboard
...Fiora and her allies in the area are healed for 210 (+X) each second for 5 seconds.
OP.GG always has such neat logos.
Even tho concussive sux.OP.GG always has such neat logos.
She looks uglier now. Reminds me if the old lady in 101 DalmatiansHmmm.
To buy fiora or not to buy.
I don't know if the splash update is good or bad. I think I like her old one more. I hope it grows on me.
To buy fiora or not to buy.
I don't know if the splash update is good or bad. I think I like her old one more. I hope it grows on me.
They kinda ruined her face. It looks so...bad now.
No, they just gave her a face. She does not look like a supermodel now. I do not have any problem with that.
Screw your cheekbones and fatlips.i like the art, pronounced cheekbones and fat lips and all that
she looks cool
plus she has like pink hair thing
she-s cool
u guys are dumb
Yeah, using her ult on the enemy frontline tank might be a great course of action for Fiora in teamfights. %Max Health true damage + the heal afterwards has potential. It might be one good thing for Fiora to do in teamfights rather than only being a splitpusher, at least.
Even tho concussive sux.
I just don't see her as a split pusher anymore. She doesn't have any of the necessary traits.
She's lost her more orthodox attack speed steroid and her free bonus AD, so I'd expect her damage vs. towers is down. She's also lost lots of her damage potential which often required two champions to deal with (that was her principal split pushing trait). She hasn't gained either of the other traits that make for a good split pusher, slipperiness (e.g. Udyr, Tryndamere) or map presence (Shen, Twisted Fate, etc.)
She's much more of a teamfighter now, which is fine by me.
Screw your cheekbones and fatlips.
She had no personality before outside of a bad accent, and her visual design never offered anything distinctive.They turned Fiora into a renaissance Disney villainness.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most anti-fun champ of them all?"
The ultimate, rose motif aside, is a travesty.
She gained an escape in Q, and her dueling potential still seems high with her passive and W. One important trait of a split pusher is that you are a good duelist so the enemies are forced to send two+ people to deal with you.
It's hard to speak of how viable she will be, but I can see split pushing happening. A more teamfight oriented bruiser/tanky build might be viable too.
She had no personality before outside of a bad accent, and her visual design never offered anything distinctive.
we've been civil for a while but we real close to fighting now
The great thing about the current Fiora is that she takes hardly any skill to play, and any sort of idiot can pick her up and do well with her. I wonder if that will change post-rework.